Any fellow Aussies on MFP?

Hi all!
Just wanted to check in and see if there are any fellow Aussies on here.
Feel free to add me :)


  • I think there are a lot of us here - and the best feature of MFP is that there are so many Aussie products listed which makes it easy to track stuff - and thus, scare the bejesus out of yourself with how many calories there are in your favourite foods!
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Hi there :-)
    I am an Aussie, in Mandurah, WA. I am 60 years of age, and wanting to be a lot less of me - currently 98 kgs -shas snuck on over the years. I have about 20kgs to loose to be anywhere near where I should be, but even not gaining any more weight has got to be good! I have to have a converter open because I don't know the pounds - OMG sounds so much worse in pounds - 215!!

    My daughter's wedding is on 31 August 2012 so I have that as a motivator. I just went thru my wardrobe and pulled out all the stuff that doesn't fit, and bundled it up, and marked it "When I reach my goal weight".

    I don't want to buy my mother-of-the-bride outfit until I achieve at least my first goal, which is to lose 10 kgs.

    MFP has been good for me, makes me focus, think about what I'm putting in my mouth. Oh boy was I mad when I listed my breakfast - Sultana Bran - I have been taking a box to work and having that as my mid-morning break snack as I just don't feel like eating first thing in the morning. BUT I didn't realise how much SUGAR it has!! Arrgh. So now going to make porridge in the mornings before I go to work, that has heaps less calories & sugar.

    I am happy to be added as a friend alhto I haven't worked that out yet .... 8-P
  • Hi Christine

    Well done to you for giving yourself a goal and making an effort. I have been trying to lose some excess weight for ages, about 10Kg which like yours has snuck on over the years. I don't know if this will help you, but I have found that just reducing food intake is NOT enough to lose weight even staying within a strict low-cal range - I have to exercise as well. The reality of this is that I have to change a lot more than just the things I eat. However, even though I have only lost about 4Kg since I started I am much healthier, and far more toned, my garden is looking great too - it's surprising how much work you can do out there, and instead of treating myself with coffee and cake or going to cafes, I now go to garden shops and buy plants.
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Hi Christine

    Well done to you for giving yourself a goal and making an effort. I have been trying to lose some excess weight for ages, about 10Kg which like yours has snuck on over the years. I don't know if this will help you, but I have found that just reducing food intake is NOT enough to lose weight even staying within a strict low-cal range - I have to exercise as well. The reality of this is that I have to change a lot more than just the things I eat. However, even though I have only lost about 4Kg since I started I am much healthier, and far more toned, my garden is looking great too - it's surprising how much work you can do out there, and instead of treating myself with coffee and cake or going to cafes, I now go to garden shops and buy plants.

    A fellow gardener s well as a fellow Aussie! I live in WA - love my garden, one of my ideas to get exercise to to walk around the back lawn - 60 paces x 60cm step = 36Meters x 10 = .36 of a kilometer - and I take the hose so I can squirt the garden / my feet / the bird bath - quite enjoyable :-)

    I fully agree - it is eat less and exercise more to get the weight moving, I think as I am older the metabolism has slowed right down!
    Christine :smile:
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
  • JJ_Mamma
    JJ_Mamma Posts: 42 Member
    Absolutely! There is a group called Aussie Aussie Aussie - join in!
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    yep!! I'm from brissi!! sent you a friend request!! anyone else feel free to add me, you can never have too many friends!
  • There's loads on here.:bigsmile: I'm in Dawesville WA. Welcome :flowerforyou:
  • Roblyssa
    Roblyssa Posts: 125
    Brisbanite here! Feel free to add me if you want.

  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Brissy here
  • ayshamc
    ayshamc Posts: 226 Member
    Sydney :smile: ... but currently living in London!

    Feel free to add me, I love keeping up with all the Aussie stuff!
  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    is another brissie gal.... well more old chook :)
  • Here's one from Townsville. Anyone else close?
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    Brisbane here ay
  • bobsysue
    bobsysue Posts: 9 Member
    We're in Central West Queensland!
    Yee haa - nice to see some Aussies. I've not long started but have HEAPS to if anyone wishes to friend me I'd be really happy....delighted even!
    STEEPGOIN Posts: 1 Member
    Hi from Brisbane...
    good to see some Aussies. Been doin MFP for ten days now cant seem to get under calorie gaol and heaps to lose yet... happy for some friends and support.....
  • noisyhearts
    noisyhearts Posts: 7 Member
    Not Australian but moving to Sydney for a year as of February!
  • I'm in Melbourne :happy: Feel free too add me to your lists
  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    Adelaide here! :) I know there are quite a few people here! lol
  • thisisabbie
    thisisabbie Posts: 521 Member
    Yep, Aussie over here!