
Here I am again... What is my problem? Two summers ago I looked fabulous- 128 pounds, awesome in a bikkini. Now, I look fat. Yes, I am a trainer. Yes, I can kick butt in the gym. However, I do not have much self control when it comes to food. I eat well during the day, but when I get around my boyfriend.. I eat whatever he eats.

I guess it all came down to last night. I went to put on a dress that used to be little big.. now it wont zip up.

It seems so simple.. Eat less.. eat veggies.. watch the carbs.. watch the sugar... but it is so damn hard.

I want to be thin.


  • AbimpyMoschino
    AbimpyMoschino Posts: 30 Member
    You are not alone and that is what MFP is for, welcome back!
  • CashierCantin
    CashierCantin Posts: 206 Member
    Dump the boyfriend. Simple solution!

    Haha..just kidding.

    You have the tools.....just put them to good use!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Here I am again... What is my problem? Two summers ago I looked fabulous- 128 pounds, awesome in a bikkini. Now, I look fat. Yes, I am a trainer....
    Wow, when the trainers struggle, what hope do we normal blokes have?
    Seriously, knowing what to do was never enough for me. I know more than anybody, yet I was the fattest.

    The sin with me was that I knew what was happening every pound of the way.
    I cringe thinking about it.
  • laceyxlockdown
    laceyxlockdown Posts: 70 Member
    hahah <3
  • appleseeds
    appleseeds Posts: 212 Member
    Boyfriends are the worst! Mine hate an ENTIRE apple pie tonight.
    The smells were amazing.
    To be honest I guess I'm glad he ate the whole thing before I gave in to temptation.

    My bf needs to eat like that to stay alive :( his whole family have the fastest metabolisms know to man!
  • laceyxlockdown
    laceyxlockdown Posts: 70 Member
    crap ignore last comment i wasnt laughing at you omg no!!!! it was an accident!!!!
  • Here I am again... What is my problem? Two summers ago I looked fabulous- 128 pounds, awesome in a bikkini. Now, I look fat. Yes, I am a trainer....
    Wow, when the trainers struggle, what hope do we normal blokes have?
    Seriously, knowing what to do was never enough for me. I know more than anybody, yet I was the fattest.

    The sin with me was that I knew what was happening every pound of the way.
    I cringe thinking about it.

  • You sound just like me...two summers ago I was a lean 135 pounds 21% body fat...now here I am 143 and 28% body fat....I need some motivation for my reckless eating.
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    Oh it is hard! BUt worth every single damn moment of it... I suppose you get used to eating no sugar and junk... Now I feel crook in the guts if I eat junk.. You will get there again :D
  • NatalieBrooke88
    NatalieBrooke88 Posts: 240 Member
    I was 18 percent body fat. Now I am 22 or 23. So, maybe the dress I was wearing last night was a size small from forever 21.. made for damn pre teens.. but still.

    It doesnt help that I have to look in mirrors all day at my job.

    I am STRONG. but I want to be thin. I want to be hot.

    Lets all do it together?
  • jennie5801
    jennie5801 Posts: 2 Member
    I hear you!!! My husband is the worst when comes to temptation. He eats what he wants and nothing happens! I too was 125 for years, recently I blew up to 140. I'm so mad at myself for letting it come to this! :sad:
  • MarkC1963
    MarkC1963 Posts: 51 Member
    I have found the key to losing my 46 pounds since June has been sticking to a program that is relatively easy for me to do. I started out not knowing my caloric burn and just drank a protein drink "Boost" at 280 calories for lunch and then a regular meal at night (no food limitations). I then started out by doing just 10 minutes on my treadmill a day at 3.5 mph at the lowest incline setting. After about an initial 5 weeks of weight vacillation, I started seeing a constant weight loss of 1.4 lbs. per week.

    I very slowly started increasing my time on the treadmill to 20 minutes a day (my maximum tolerance to not make it so unpleasant to think about) and then I slowly increased the mph and incline levels to my current 4.3 mph at highest level 10 incline on my Nordictrac Treadmill. The machine says I burn 350 calories over 20 minutes now. I suspect that is high but it keeps me motivated. lol

    I started using a Bodybugg calorie measuring device and average about 2,500 calories burned a day. I target 1,200 net calories consumed per day and find that I can consistently lose 2 lbs. a week with this program. It is so relatively easy, it just takes a little discipline. To each his own, though.

    I'm going to send you an invite to be friends and I'll try to keep encouraging you. :)

  • ddiestler
    ddiestler Posts: 353 Member
    I am the one eating healthy while my partner does not. Throw in 4 kids in the mix and its darn right frustrating. I am the one who grocery shops and cooks and it is an impossible feat to meal plan, grocery shop, and cook each week. I sometimes think, boy it would be so much easier if I were single.LOL However, there will always be temptation..food is my downfall as well always has been. Someday, I have great control, others not so much,

    Start small, make some food changes little by little.. good news is you don't have that much to lose. You can do it!