Hunger pains?

Just wondering if it's normal to feel hungry when I've eaten all my daily calories and work out regularly. Check my food's mostly healthy foods too.


  • emstgm
    emstgm Posts: 117 Member
    I would say yes, it's normal. If we weren't hungry after eating an appropriate amount of calories, I bet not as many of us would be overweight!

    For me, I indulged a bit more over the holidays, and the first 2-3 days getting back to 'cutting down' were awful! I was hungry all day. After day 3, things stabilized and I'm not so hungry.
  • I'm never hungry at all and I eat way below my BMR. I struggle to get enough calories in some days. But then again I don't eat carbs (which can make you hungrier) and eat lots of fat (1:1 ratio of fat to protein by weight).

    I know diets with a lot of carbs can keep you hungry all the time. So it's probably normal for what you're eating.
  • BoopsyBoop
    BoopsyBoop Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you for the replies. I'm glad to hear it's not just me. I'm actually not dieting, just eating healthier. I absolutely loathe the word diet. :P But thank you for the info!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    I peeked in your diary and I think you are feeling hungry because (IMHO) your protein is too low. Sure, you're making that number red, but I think MFP's default setting is too low.

    Aim to eat 1 gm protein per pound of lean body mass. Also, fiber, fiber, fiber! Try to get 35 grams of fiber a day.

    Your body has to work much harder to digest both fiber and protein which gives you a feeling of satiety for longer. So up that fiber and protein and you will NOT be hungry.... even on the minimum net 1200 calories! :)

    Good luck!

    Eat lots of veggies, lean meats and even consider supplementing with a fiber supplement or whey protein powder to get those numbers up!