Advice Please, I'm starved!

Hi all, I am new to the dieting thing and am hoping for some advice here. This is only day four of my new diet, I know not too far in, but gotta start somewhere, right? I have been eating about 1500 calories a day (1200 calorie diet, but burning 300 a day at the gym and allowing for the difference) and have been going to the gym every day, 30 mins on the elliptical. However I am constantly hungry. I mean to the point where I feel as though I have not eaten all day and am starved. My meals don't fill me, and I even woke up today so hungry that my stomach was in pain. Is this normal? I know I need to adjust to the change but feeling this way is driving me crazy, and I'm wondering if I'm doing too much at once. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)


  • wjg28
    wjg28 Posts: 2
    I feel the same way.. I was on that HCG very low cal diet .. It was the worst everI changed to this today my friend on here said if I drink more water I'll feel more full..We will see. If you find anything else that helps. Let me know!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    It would be more helpful if you could open your diary....

    If you are not feeling like you are eating enough... Im guaranteeing its because of the foods you are logging..

    It is a good idea to review your logs in six week increments...
  • shine_
    shine_ Posts: 150 Member
    My problem is more like the opposite, I struggle to eat enough calories without constantly feeling too full but I think your body gets used to it all - both ways. Do you eat big meals, but less often, or smaller meals but more often? If you don't do the latter I'd try that. Also eat slowly, and always at a table. Don't do it in a hurry while running around doing something else sort of thing. Also drink lots and lots of water through out the day.
  • questions that come into my mind are: What kinds of food are you eating, how much water are you drinking, and how many times a day do you eat? It's not a good thing that your stomach hurts. I try to eat at least 200 calories about every two hours, of good protein and something substantial like a big salad, or a shake and an apple, or an egg-white veggie and low fat cheese omelet for example. I also drink lots of water between meals. It's not unusual that I'll feel a bit of hunger, but that's usually about 1.5-2 hours after my last meal/snack. If you are feeling this way now, it may be more likely that you may go on a binge, especially since it sounds as if your body is craving something more than you are giving it.

    *with salad I mean something like spinach and kale based, rather than iceburg or romaine lettuce which offer very little in the way of nutrition ~ and using a small amount of a light dressing and no crutons/cheese.
  • mos1971
    mos1971 Posts: 57 Member
    i eat fruit and drink water in between meals this seems to help me im on my 6th day and the starving pains have gone i listen to my body if im hungry i eat and count it. I dont let my body get really hungry otherwise the body will go into stavation mode and store fat. but stick with it, it will get better. Good luck
  • This has happened to me in the past. I know it sounds Hokey, but the other poster was right. I used to think a calorie was a calorie was a calorie, but it realllllly matters what you're eating. I eat mostly raw foods and since I made that transition I have found that I can eat a TON of food and still stay under my calorie goal. I think opening your diary is a great idea so you can get some feedback on what foods you might be able to exchange and enjoy MORE of. MORE FOOD!!! Can't go wrong there!
  • suz_ers
    suz_ers Posts: 31 Member
    I am eating about three meals a day, with a snack in between, and drinking water constantly. I have also cut out bread which I'm thinking I may need to just cut down the intake and eat it in moderation. I think I will try the 200 calories about every two hours, that seems as though it may help. I know they also say that helps to keep up your metabolism. I am aiming for 2 pounds a week, I have about 90 to lose, but I am definitely afraid this will lead to a binge!
  • Gorger
    Gorger Posts: 100 Member
    Change from carbs to protein. Cinnamon helps, put it in your tea. Apples also help.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Why is your goal 1,200 calories?
  • suz_ers
    suz_ers Posts: 31 Member
    That is what the calorie tracker set it as on here. Is that too low?
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    I am not an expert, can only go from what I've learned. I think you need to maybe increase your protein. I can tell you from my own experience that it works for me. When I lower the carb intake, the protein fills me up and keeps me satisfied longer. Then your body will look to the stored fat to burn for energy. If you eat more carbs vs. protein, you actually inhibit your body's ability to burn fat. You want your body to burn stored fat as fuel. The few carbs that you eat on your diet should come from unprocessed whole-grain sources. You can find more info. on this by looking at the New Atkins diet plan. Also, you might try and just walk for now as a source of exercise. If you belong to a gym, just do light cardio for awhile. Baby steps are important as I have learned it does take time for your body to adjust to things. I am going to focus on more advanced cardio and strength training later. It all makes sense to me and has helped me lose nearly 100 lbs. this year. But that is just my opinion. I hope I have helped. Good luck and welcome to MFP.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    That is what the calorie tracker set it as on here. Is that too low?

    Find a few online BMR calculators for a second opinion. My guess is you would need 1,400-1,800.
    You shouldn't have to suffer.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I was really hungry for the first week or two as well. I don't know whether my body has adjusted more to the diet, or whether I have made the adjustments needed to not be as hungry, but I'm doing better now. I still have some points now when I am starving, but it isn't constant. Eat small snacks/mini meals more often. I now often break a meal into a meal now and a snack later. Include higher-protein foods throughout the day. Find low-calorie higher-volume foods that you enjoy (celery, cucumber, berries, grapefruit, oranges, etc.) and add them to your meals/snacks to bulk them up and make them more satisfying. Eat something small when you are starving and there isn't a meal coming in the next hour.

  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    A drop to 1200 in one go might be too drastic for your body - you could try 1800 for a week or 2, then down to 1700, then 1600 etc.

    Agree with the recommendation to get more protein, and also make sure you're drinking enough water.

    Nibble on low-calorie snacks like celery sticks, radishes, cucumber slices.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,995 Member
    That is what the calorie tracker set it as on here. Is that too low?

    Find a few online BMR calculators for a second opinion. My guess is you would need 1,400-1,800.
    You shouldn't have to suffer.
    If you set your goal at losing 2 pounds a week, try changing it to 1 pound. I know it's tempting to be as aggressive as possible, but you'll probably be better off losing it a little slower, and it's a lot easier to stick to if you're getting more calories. I'd be starving on 1500 calories too. :flowerforyou:
  • I doubt if you are getting the greatest benefit with your exercise routine. What you do at the gym everyday is your "core routine", your daily minimum. You should add periodic challenges that stretch your limits, like a 5-10 mile hike, summit hikes, Bikram yoga. These challenges get you to focus on goals that diffuse the misery of monotony. They also highlight the 'feel good" aspects of getting the weight down. Challenges also help make the daily routine easier by taking you beyond what you thought was your limit. Also the daily routing needs to change to work and stretch different muscle groups and to avoid monotony.

    Get a buddy to do the challenges with you. At least three weekend each month should have a challenge.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Right you've opened your diary - well done!

    1. You're not eating your exercise calories. This is a huge debate on here, but if you're hungry, I'd eat them!
    2. One day you were well under the 1200 calories. This really is a minimum, and I'm not surprised you were hungry on only 700 cals.

    But your diary looks pretty good, nicely balanced, good variety. Try for a bit more protein - cheese and nuts for snacks, say.
  • Calvinsgrl1
    Calvinsgrl1 Posts: 30 Member
    That is what the calorie tracker set it as on here. Is that too low?

    Find a few online BMR calculators for a second opinion. My guess is you would need 1,400-1,800.
    You shouldn't have to suffer.
    If you set your goal at losing 2 pounds a week, try changing it to 1 pound. I know it's tempting to be as aggressive as possible, but you'll probably be better off losing it a little slower, and it's a lot easier to stick to if you're getting more calories. I'd be starving on 1500 calories too. :flowerforyou:
  • Calvinsgrl1
    Calvinsgrl1 Posts: 30 Member
    I definitly agree!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,995 Member
    One other thing to consider in setting your goals besides how much you are trying to lose each week is your activity level. I have a desk job, so I initially set my activity level at sedentary. I was so hungry that I changed it to lightly active just to give myself more calories. I lost an average of a pound a week for seven months, so that obviously wasn't too many calories. My philosophy was that I wanted to eat as many calories as possible and still lose the weight. Why make it harder than it has to be? :smile: