The scale is not moving ><

I have been stuck around the same weight for a good month or so and have been staying close to my calorie goal, working out 4 times a week for a good 30 min at the gym (Running on the tread mill or elliptical) and am 11 days in to 30DS (which I know many do not loose weight from that)...I believe my goal is set at loosing 0.9lb a week which I am thinking about changing seems how I am like 3 lbs from my goal.. My problem is I am afraid that if I change my weekly goal I will be able to eat more calories which I feel is going to be worse for me not better...Ugh I need some advice =/


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    being able to eat more is not a bad thing!!

    as you are near your goal, i would change your cals to losing half a pound and see how you get on. you could also add more strength training into your routine. i found when i first added strength training my weight stayed the same, but i lost inches like crazy!

    good luck!
  • gillad
    gillad Posts: 15
    could it be that with your working out you are putting on muscle ... as it weighs more than fat. The 30 DS tones up a lot of muscle.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Because you're so close to your goal weight, change your goal to lose 0.5lbs. per week and follow that for at least one month. Are you logging your exercise in MFP and eating back all (or most) of your extra earned calories? If not, do so.

    What you're currently doing isn't working, right?
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    I am logging my exercise and I eat back about half of my exercise calories back...I am feeling more toned which is a good thing!