vegetarian friend request!

I'm looking for people who dont eat meat or fish to befriend so we can swap meal ideas and get inspiration! :O)


  • kookykel
    P.s forgot to say a bit about myself....i live in york in england, im a mature nursing student, love cats (have two little critters) and like crafting, nattering, TV (dexter, come dine with me, frasier), playing cards, red wine, italian food, jazz and 80's music!
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member

    Request sent :)
  • SeaSiren1
    SeaSiren1 Posts: 242 Member
    request sent
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm a pescetarian.. but as you will see.. I don't eat fish too often. I love it.. but I only eat it frequently when I'm back home with the family... so feel free to add me!
  • kookykel
    Thanks, cant believe how many adds i got within 5 mins!!! hopefully this will improve my use of MFP, ive been lurking for a year and lost zero weight! :O)
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, and my diary is open, but I will warn you that I do occasionally make some deliberate, horrifying choices (my son and I treat ourselves to Doughnut Thursdays). I do generally focus on eating less processed food and more clean, whole choices. FR sent...
  • kookykel
    Ha! I used to have a doughnut wednesday but ive changed jobs and dont go near the beautiful-doughnut shop now, phew!
  • angevee
    angevee Posts: 55 Member
    Hello, I'm a vege in the West Midlands with about 4 stone to lose :( Looking for some inspiration and motivation.
  • modine43
    modine43 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi as a mature student myself, please feel free to add me. let's hear it for the veggies. I'm hoping to lose 5lbs this month, taking the weight loss in small steps.
  • jennadelane
    jennadelane Posts: 127 Member
    Just sent you a request. I've been a veg for 13 years and I will be very glad to have another vegetarian MFP friend! I'm 27 and from the US (Florida).
  • JessK78
    JessK78 Posts: 26
    hey i'm looking for new friends too, also a veggie...also eat quite badly on occasion so looking to see other's diaries for inspiration! if anyone wants to add me please do! x
  • Hbc266
    Hbc266 Posts: 12
    I am not a vegetarian, i am a pescatarian but i make a lot of dishes that are vegetarian or vegan! :smile:
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    I am "mostly" vegan (newbie).
    I make the occassional acception for sushi, and apparently last night I had a serious craving for Taco Bell!
    Now I've been up all night, sick.
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    P.s forgot to say a bit about myself....i live in york in england, im a mature nursing student, love cats (have two little critters) and like crafting, nattering, TV (dexter, come dine with me, frasier), playing cards, red wine, italian food, jazz and 80's music!

    Vegas, poker nights, wine! & Queen! :D
  • JessK78
    JessK78 Posts: 26
    i think it'd be good if we all had viewable food diaries to get ideas...just sayin... :)