Who else is at the 1200 calorie goal?

I just started, so I am still learning as I go. I put in the calculations and it said to keep at a 1200 calorie limit. In just the 2-3 days I've been doing this, I am shocked at how many calories and fat I have eaten in the past. Yesterday I put in some stuff I like to eat in general to see what it would show and sometimes one meal alone was over 1300 calories. I never knew I was eating that much! I realize now that dining out makes it harder to stay within limit and pick healthy choices.

So far I've kept track and I've still exceeded the 1200 limit but only about 150 calories. Much better than I am sure I used to do. It looks like today I will actually stay in range. Any of you in the 1200 calorie range, how long did it take before it got easier?


  • wiggawaggle
    wiggawaggle Posts: 50 Member
    i started off it put it there. but i found it was too difficult to keep in. adding exercise can "earn" you more calories
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    In my opinion, I find the calorie calculator on this site to be a little too low. You may be able to get by with a bit more calories and still lose. When I lost 100 pounds, I was eating over 1450 calories and still losing even though I was almost to my goal weight. There is a place here where you can manually enter a calorie goal for yourself. I find the calculator on the "freedieting" website to be much more accurate. Just google freedieting calculator. I am not sure if I can post the link. You can always experiment with an extra 100 - 200 calories for a few weeks and see if you lose or not. There is no sense in depriving yourself if you don't have to. I have always tried to eat as much as I could while still losing then when I stopped losing, I had room to drop down without going under 1200.
  • I have found it's not impossible, you just have to eat the "right" kind of foods and watch portion size. Yes definitely exercise to gain some calories back, that way you won't feel so deprived.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm on 1280 (1300, rounded up a little) calories, and have been for 15 months. I remember when I first started I was leaving myself very hungry, staying within my limits but eating the wrong foods and not making the most of my calorie 'budget'.

    Nowadays, 1300 calories is plenty. Over the last year and a bit, I've learned how to make the most out of the foods I eat - where I can save calories, and how I can fill myself up without using too many.

    Some days, I'm just on my limit by the end. Others, I have to call in to the shop and pick up a snack on the way home, otherwise I won't be eating enough.

    And that's before any exercise.
  • Hi alexismichell !

    I too, am on the 1200 calorie limit. Even though I'm new here, I've done the 1200 calorie thing before. I have found that drinking about 10 glasses of water per day works well for this calorie limit. Before i even think of eating ANYTHING - I drink 1 glass of water SLOWLY. Then I eat VERY SLOWLY. Then I drink another glass of water SLOWLY. This is the key for me.

    Sometimes I'm tempted to eat something in great quantities - like my home made nut roll. Soooo i just start drinking my water slowly until I get almost full. Then I know I will just eat a very small amount of my nut roll and not blow it ! Ultimately, you'll have to find what works best for you - let me know if I can help further ! Good luck to you !

    Janet :)
  • cheeki119
    cheeki119 Posts: 53 Member
    im sticking to under 900-1000 and never hungry. it all comes from planning! there are diet plans out there that will help you just type in 1200 cals diet. my fav breakfast is 1/2 a grapefruit, 1 slice of toast with a tablespoon of peanut butter on and a herbal tea, that comes to 150 cals! or a poached egg on dry toast and 1/2 a banana and a black tea or coffee is 188 cals! there are loads of filling ideas out there just plan plan plan.... thats what i do :) good luck
  • Im on the 1200 calorie diet too, but my fats and protiens sometime are high..
    what does it mean when some are -? and in the red writing?:flowerforyou:
  • I also thought that meeting the 1200 calorie goal was a little low when it came to my past eating habits. Heck, before lunch time I would have already met my calorie goal for the day! However, I am extremely surprised to see how much I can eat and still be under my calorie goal when you choose the right foods. I have found it helpful to cook healthy dinners that take a longer preparation because by the time I sit down and eat I have been surrounded by my food for quite some time and I am not as hunger as when I started, and I have more respect for what I am eating and want to take my time to savoir my good efforts.

    Good Luck! :bigsmile: