Only fat fills me up?

I read here and everywhere that eating fruits/veggies or meals high in protein will help fill you up and keep you full for a longer time. That just doesn't work for me for some reason. If I eat a meal high in protein I am starving in an hour. I could eat 10lbs in veggies/fruits and feel like I haven't eaten. If I eat a meal that is high in fat and/or carbs I will be full for a long time. Is this normal? Anyone else like that?


  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    What are you eating? In between meals?
  • AnnettLynn
    I find that if I have a big plate of vegetables and fruit for dinner, I'll still feel hungry an hour or so later.

    Now if I eat eggs or something, I'm full for hours. But fruits and veggies just don't seem to fill me up like I would like. It doesn't stop me from eating them, though. I love my veggies. Especially brussel sprouts. :)
  • SarahMorganP
    SarahMorganP Posts: 921 Member
    Well I will eat a 8oz chicken breast with raw carrots or cauliflower and I will be starving in an hour. If I eat 4oz hamburger on a bun with rice I will be full until my next meal.

    If I have an apple or grapefruit and yogurt for breakfast I feel like I haven't eaten. If I have a piece of toast with peanut butter or some eggs I will be full for a long time.

    I don't often eat snacks between meals. I really do like eating 3 bigger meals a day.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Fat is probably more 'satiating' than any of the other macro nutrients, at least in my experience... but that doesn't mean you should go hog-wild with it. You still need to watch your calorie intake. If you maintain a calorie deficit, there's nothing wrong with the judicious use of fat.

    I do recommend monitoring your source of fat. Look for mono and poly unsaturated. Look for omega 3s. These are good for you. I'm not saying stay away from saturated fats- I don't believe in nutritional boogie monsters- just add fats from olive oil, fish, almonds, etc...
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    It's the protein. Fruit and vegetables are great, necessary, full of vitamins and minerals, complete a meal, etcetera, and they have varying levels of fiber which will help you stay fuller longer, but they don't have much protein, and that's what will keep you fuller longer. Complex carbs will keep you fuller longer (I mean, white bread won't keep you full even as long as some fruits and vegetables). Eggs have a lot of protein, and that's why they keep you full. So you can go for lean proteins and keep yourself full without much carbohydrates and fats. :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    The most satisfying meal is a combination of carbs/protein/fat. That's why (almost) everyone loves a good sandwich.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I need some fats with my meals too. If I just have an apple I end up feeling more hungry than before I ate it! If I have that same apple with peanut butter or cheese I'm satisfied for a long time. If I just have a handful of almonds, hungry pretty quickly! If I have almonds and a piece of fruit I am satisfied for awhile. I need a balance or I just end up hungry. :)
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    Fat's good. In fact, essential. Eat good fat, and within your daily allotment.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    It sounds like it could be the combinations of food too. When you eat the chicken breast, I dont' know how much carrots or cauliflower you are talking about, but how much carbs and fiber are you really getting. With the burger and rice, you are getting protien, carbs and fiber from the rice. The same with breakfast you are getting protien and fiber with the eggs and toast, with
    fruit you are not getting the protien.

    Your body takes one hour to digest carbs, two hours for protien and 3 for fat. If you eat foods without protien and no fat you will be hungry in and hour. If you eat all three you should be satisfied for at least 3 hours, if not more.

    Don't forget, that not all fats are bad either. Almonds, advocados. peanut butter etc they are all good sourses of fats.