Im not on a diet im making life changes.

:huh: So this is my third day and i already love this web site. I have lost weight before and gained it back. Im hoping this time I can make everything stick. Im super busy I have a six year old, I have a full time job, and i got to school full time. So if i have down time i make no effort to do anything but lie around. I need some freinds on here i need all the suport i can get. At 248lbs its not about lokks anymore i dont want to die. I have high blood presure and zero energy. Im starting to feel winded just doing day to day normal stuff, this is the biggest iv ever been. I just want to reach like 160lbs. Just to have a normal life again. HELP!!!


  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    Good luck! I feel I am not ona diet either. I want to make changes in my lifestyle with more excercise and cut out soda.
  • kirstysnan
    kirstysnan Posts: 47 Member
    They are the words to use! 'Diet' makes people think you must be half starving on boring food, whereas we are re-educating ourselves to eat better for life. It's a step at a time but remember it takes about three weeks to break a habit. And life changes means so much doesn't it - walking more instead of riding, etc etc. A day at a time. And the knockers - and there are always those! - can't sneer so much at life changes as dieting!
  • aliciawakka
    aliciawakka Posts: 46 Member
    I love this post :D..

    Im not on a diet, i too am just making a few changes. Healthier lifestyle and being able to do everyday activities without being too out of breath. I have tried diets before but nothing worked as i didnt like to go 'cold turkey'. I do like my treats but that is all they are.. treats. Not a way of eating full time. I want to lose around 55lbs! :)
  • kgalza50
    kgalza50 Posts: 13 Member
    One Day at a Time.. Dont beat yourself up!!! ItsNOT DIET Its your new Journey to being healthier and be able to be there when your
    children can be able to play and be proud of you. I have been on all the diets but recently being diagnosed with Diabetes I took a look at what I want out of life at 61 yrs old. My youngest to marry someday and be able to walk down the aisle with her and her being proud of me so I dont have to be wheeled down the aisle in a wheelchair. It is a new Journey an dit will have low and high peaks just hang in there and you will be soon having more energy to run after thse beautiful children you have.I have changed my way at looking at it not DIETING. Just wanting to feel and be able to breathe and walk and stand for more than a minute or so. and maybe someday I can proudly walk my liitle girl down the aisle in a beautiful dress that doesnt have to be bought a a fat store. Have A great day. your new friend Kathleen
  • kgalza50
    kgalza50 Posts: 13 Member
    Kirsty I have to totally agrre with you. Good for you...thank you for your encouragement Kathleen
  • hannahgrace01
    Congrats on taking this step!! Yes, that is the goal and what is working for me - not to "go on a diet" but make life changes that I will always try to adhere to. Of course it's OK to have a treat now and then, otherwise life would be boring. ;-) Take it one day at a time. Being a mom, going to work AND school is very tough and you should be commended! I am happy to support you if/when you need it. :smile: