
Hi All

About 9 months ago I discovered the awesomeness that is Parkrun, its a free timed 5k run every Saturday morning in parks around the UK with a few elsewhere in the world. I have managed to get my 5k time down from 42.50mins to a new pb this morning of 33.59, and along the way met some wonderful people.

I have found a love for running I never knew I had and the chance to run with other runners of all abilities and be accepted has improved my running tremendously.

So who on MFP is also a Parkrun lover, who wants to do it but never has? Tell me your stories.

K x


  • chicklidell
    Can you fill me in on how this is managed? I would love to start something like this here in Toronto.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    oh ive been wanting to go to one, the timings dont suit me as i have to take my daughter to ballet! will def do it one of these days!
  • Lazytoad2001
    Lazytoad2001 Posts: 45 Member

    They are volunteer lead and driven, they are supported and marshalled totally by volunteers who give up there time so others can run. If you did want one in your area the website is here you can contact them to discuss how to set one up etc.

    The weblink is here, this is also where you would find out your nearest event and register if you have a local one
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    check out the website

    they will explain it - there are runs outside the uk - even in Camp Bastion - Afganistan!

    It is a free timed 5K run every Saturday at 9am - you register on the website in advance and you need to print out
    a bar code which is unique to you, take this with you whenever you decide to take part.

    You line up at the start - do the 5k, as you cross the finishing line - they have a machine which logs the time you finished the finishing line. they give you a little barcoded tab, you take that and your personal barcode to the recorder they scan the tag and your
    code, they keep the little one and you get yours back for another week. This logs your time.

    Its all run by volenteers - they do ask folks to help out three times a year.

    I started last august - I power walk and I was worried they would be a bit miffed as I would be slower than a runner, but I have always had a wonderful reception and got a round of applause on my first trip out.
    I have set a pb on each run. my time is currently 41:55 - took 20 seconds off my time and I didn't finish last.

    you also get a free t-shirt once you have completed 50 parkruns - and they can be at any parkrun.

    They send you an email later that day of your results or you can set up a text message alert

    I go along to greenwich in greater london. hoping to get there more often as I should be doing less weekends than last year

    Hope this helps
  • Amandasmfp2011
    I have only done the one Parkrun up to now but plan to do more of them this year. My partner has done nearly 50 now and gets out there in all weathers. He enjoys the social side of it as well, as he has made some lovely friends since starting there and they meet up for coffee and a natter afterwards.
    I 'ran' it with my 5 year old and we didn't come last at just over 42 minutes! I have ran a few 5k's which usually take me around 30 minutes, but I don't really enjoy running, I struggle with the breathing!!
    I would highly recommend Parkrun though to anyone thinking of joining in with one!
  • gail2207
    gail2207 Posts: 133
    I have just signed up! At the moment I do between 4 and 5k a few times a week but it's on a treadmill. I'm v nervous and worried about coming last as it takes me about 40 min to do 5k...But it seems like a great, friendly community! Please feel free to add me for support etc!
  • nickyh1976
    nickyh1976 Posts: 9 Member
    I plan to sign up once I am a bit fitter. My nearest one is Richmond. I will be terrified the first time though as it will be a totally new experience
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    I'm really lucky that my local parkrun is on the beach where I live, and where I'm currently doing my c25k sessions. I've signed up and plan to start them in a few weeks :)
  • timbowatts79
    I did one about 2 years ago in North London, however other commitments mean I can't attend - they are very well organised, and offer a bit of fellowship for those who want it.

    I would like to go back and try and beat my time again!
  • Lazytoad2001
    Lazytoad2001 Posts: 45 Member

    For everyone worrying if your fit enough etc etc, give it a go the atmosphere is so supportive and no one is made to feel bad for coming last. If your really concerned speak to the director of that event before the off and they will keep a special eye out for you or get somene to buddy up with you.

    K x
  • GMC_81
    GMC_81 Posts: 193 Member
    Once football season is finished for the kids I'd love to take part in one of these.
    Seems like a well organised event.
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I've been marshalling at the Birmingham Cannon Hill Park parkrun for the past few weeks whilst my husband is training for a 10k next month. If you're even slightly interested in doing it you totally should. There are all ages and all abilities there. Some people finish in 15 minutes, some people it takes them three times that, but everyone seems to enjoy themselves. And it's lovely watching people improve, get personal bests etc.
  • SwindonJogger
    SwindonJogger Posts: 325 Member
    they are great fun. it's great seeing athletes who can do the 5k in <15 minutes and runners with prams and dogs in the same race.