I wake up at 4 am to train..anyone else?

I have a crazy busy life. With 7 children, a career and little time to breathe, I find that waking up at 4 to start my training for 4:30energizes me, and gives me a sense of control over the remainder of my day. Am I the only nut on here to train this early in the a.m?


  • Nicola0000
    Nicola0000 Posts: 531 Member
    Crazy!!!!! I cant work out in the morning, it makes me feel really faint so do it in the evening. But whatever works best for you :smile:
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    If that works for you, that's all that matters. Personally, I find that sleep is just as important as anything else (ESPECIALLY if you're training or an avid athlete/bodybuilder or the like), so as long as you're still getting a good 6-8 hours of sleep every night, train on! If not, I'd consider adjusting your schedule if at all possible, BUT... that's not my call, just my two cents. ;)

    But like I said, whatever works for you! :)

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    BTW, I love your pics! You're a hottie! =D

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • chicklidell
    BTW, I love your pics! You're a hottie! =D

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai

    Thanks, and i'm in bed by 9pm..i'm an old chick, need my beauty sleep! lol
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    What time do you get to bed? I'm going to have to start waking up really early when I get back to school (not by choice). I just wanted to get a good idea of what time I should set for myself to get to bed so I don't wake up and ignore my morning lift starting in a couple of weeks
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    BTW, I love your pics! You're a hottie! =D

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai

    Thanks, and i'm in bed by 9pm..i'm an old chick, need my beauty sleep! lol
    Nevermind, you answered it haha
  • Nikkiray32
    Wow, you are really dedicated ! I find the best time for me is when my daughter is doing her home work. I do a zumba video or cardio video. Sometimes, if her homework is light I make her go for a walk with me around the neighborhood. At first she protests, but after we walk a bit, she starts talking and forgets about the exercise part.:happy:
  • chicklidell
    Wow, you are really dedicated ! I find the best time for me is when my daughter is doing her home work. I do a zumba video or cardio video. Sometimes, if her homework is light I make her go for a walk with me around the neighborhood. At first she protests, but after we walk a bit, she starts talking and forgets about the exercise part.:happy:

    In complete honesty. I work out only in the afternoon/p.m if I absolutely have to. I can't sleep at night if I workout too closely to my bed time. I find the only time I can stay focused and commited and work out giving 100% is first thing in the morning. It also helps that there's only a very small handful of people in the gym at that hour, and no one in the pool..lol
  • Queentrier
    Wow! I can barely get to work for 9am never mind go to the gym in the morning. And i dont have kids!!! That's inspiring love!!!
  • dancing_cat
    dancing_cat Posts: 92 Member
    No you're not the only one! Hello fellow morning-exercisers! Now I don't feel so crazy!

    I wake up at 5:15am ... to get the first train that gets me to the gym after it opens at 6:30am. After work I find I'm more tired and its easier to skip the gym in favour of working late/meeting friends/just collasping on the sofa at home.

    At least I get to take advantage of using their hot water and electricity for my shower and hair washing before I go to work :) Sometimes saving money is the only thing that gets me to the gym!

    Its nice being able to get to the office and know I've already done a good thing for myself before 9am too. I totally recommend morning workouts even though it means going to bed around 10/11pm!
  • utayah
    utayah Posts: 43
    I also get up at 4am to work out 4-5 days a week and go to bed at 9. I only have one child, you are amazing to have the energy to do everything you do AND workout at 4am. Amazing!
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    I have sleep issues

    So I workout when I wake up, get it done and back to sleep
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have a crazy busy life. With 7 children, a career and little time to breathe, I find that waking up at 4 to start my training for 4:30energizes me, and gives me a sense of control over the remainder of my day. Am I the only nut on here to train this early in the a.m?

    I'm up @ 2AM and out and about.
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    I am in the early to bed early to rise club. It's just my cycle. But I am lamer than you. Go to bed at 9 and get up at 5. LOL!

    Good for you for working it in!
  • kellyjamespro
    kellyjamespro Posts: 88 Member
    I dont do it all the time but I am learning that it is the best time for me to get my workout in and start my day right!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    I'm up at 4.30 to get to the gym, workout and be home by 6 on workdays :D
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I have a crazy busy life. With 7 children, a career and little time to breathe, I find that waking up at 4 to start my training for 4:30energizes me, and gives me a sense of control over the remainder of my day. Am I the only nut on here to train this early in the a.m?
    I start at 5am usually - LOVE IT!
  • NinjaMonkey201
    It's 5am here, and I just finished my workout (woke up at 3:30am). I have to get it in before my 2 yr old wakes up, or I'll never be able to get it done. And it helps me feel energized the rest of the morning.
    But, I also have the luxury of taking a quick nap when he goes down for his nap. :-)

    For me, I can only workout in the morning. It helps me to mentally stay on track the rest of the day (if I want to eat something unhealthy, I don't, because I don't want to waste my workout).
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    Yep I am a 4am riser!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Best time to get stuck into it for sure!
  • janf15
    janf15 Posts: 242 Member
    I consistently (most days) get up at 4:30 to be at the gym at 5. One good reason - it is easier to get a lane in the pool - the other good reason ... I don't always know when I can get out of the office.