When you have a "cheat" day...



  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    I have a cheat day once a week and love every minute of it! I track (estimate) what I eat on my cheat days. It gives me something to look forward to and I have more time to get ready that morning because I do not pack any meals for work. There is nothing wrong with treating yourself if you are otherwise giving it your all on all the other days in regards to eating healthy and exercise.
  • jjteddy1982
    As some one said it before its all about MODERATION, a "CHEAT DAY" it's ok and allowed it once at week, i do a "cheat meal" once or twice at week and still works very well for me, just make sure the "CHEAT DAY DOESN"T BECOME A CHEAT WEEK" everything with moderation it's "OK"..........PS and I log it in MFP for sure!!!!!!
  • BuildABetterMe
    I don't like the term "cheat." It's negative, and we are all trying to avoid negative things, right?

    I prefer "free day" instead. It's a day where I'm free to eat what I want, and free from having to log it. I don't log them because it would only tempt me to beat myself up later, which again, I want to avoid.

    The amazing thing is that I've had planned "free days" where I've thought about a food all week, and when the day comes, I don't want the greasy meal, and I eat healthy.

    Another interesting thing are the foods/meals that sound SO good before I eat them, and how terrible I feel (physically) after having them.

    So I have a "free day" option if I wish to take it. If not, I don't. It keeps me from thinking I can NEVER have something again, the rest of my life.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I track everything every day, it helps me to see what caused me to go up when and what is helping me. It also helps pushing me. I don't normally "Cheat" I have a day when I splurge once in awhile, but right now I'm in a contest to lose at least 20lbs by March 30th, 3.5 lbs down so these next few months are going to be focusing and not veering off.

    What also helps me is to write about my day in my blog every day. It helps me to examine my day.
  • thefifthvalue
    thefifthvalue Posts: 93 Member
    You could also potentially just quick add calories at the beginning of the day and estimate 1800-2000 cals. That way you've logged for the day, but you don't need to sit down and log every single item. Maybe that way you can relax about the cals adding up throughout the day.
  • bcampbell54
    bcampbell54 Posts: 932 Member
    Bump for later
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    I personally dont use the word "cheat" because then I feel as if I am doing something wrong, which then would lead me to feel guilty and then beat myself up over it. I refuse to do that, so I treat myself to something I may want, log it and keep myself accountable, but satiated because I did not deny myself.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    I also log my cheat meals/cheat days.... It's okay to do that, its life and it's being realistic....most important thing is since its logged in,i can see my downfall and pick myself up the next day and not let that happen all the time! good luck
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Cheat days are very beneficial sometimes. There's no reason not to log your food really. You may panic a little bit, at the amount you ate, but it gives you a reference point to look back to. Like in case you decide to have another cheat day, you can compare the days & whatnot. If you have some unsupportive friends on here or something that may make snarky remarks about the amount you ate or something, just remove those people. No need for them. :)
  • Maria_t02
    I try not to have cheat days, because I tend to go overboard, so I’ve limited it to a cheat meal in moderation! Like 2 slices of pizza with a coke. But I really don't like to do cheat days or meals, because it just sets me back personally!
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 130 Member
    I totally don't like the word cheat with eating. Who am I cheating on? myself? I love this site because it helps me to make great decisions for myself by tracking what I'm doing with my body. It just keeps me accountable and in turn I can make good choices now and in the future. Before this site, I was basically just guessing about what choices I was making and now there is no more denial. :smile:
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I log everything even if it's a bad day :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I think a good rule of thumb is: if you eat it, log it. Some days, it's painful to log everything, but it does keep you accountable.
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    I just logged my 960 calorie snack...fml
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    I log everything, the good, the bad and sometimes the ugly! It keeps me accountable..
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    Not a cheat day but a cheat meal , only once every two weeks.
    Are you drinking water?
    Are you watching your sodium intake
    Sometimes people feel that calories are calories,but that is a myth. There are good calories and bad calories.increase your cardio and please make sure you are in the zone.
    I hope this help
  • wonderwoman1974
    wonderwoman1974 Posts: 66 Member
    Good question! I think that that one day a week should be called your "reward day" not cheat day. I think that if you are on target all week and putting in the work, you should look at is as rewarding yourself. I know in the past I have struggled with dieting and have found that having that day to look forward to can be motivating! It also helps to switch things up with your body so that you don't plateau.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    From FB Page -- Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD:
    "CHEAT DAYS... you need one a week. If you don't, you are going to struggle in weight loss goals eventually.
    Cheat days (and I'm talking full on with pizza and hamburgers - whatever you want) help boost lepton levels that drop down when you eat a healthier lifestyle. They also create confusion for your body so it doesn't "adjust" to a set caloric intake. Try it - you will thank me."

    Have cheat days. Log them. Don't feel guilty. It's all about moderation.

    I so agree, I used to notice a drop in my weight after a cheat day...but I will say this and it's something I don't do enough of keep drinking lots of water. It helps on those cheat days especially if your meals are high in salt.
  • spoiledbmeg
    ok. my take is this is a life style change. you can eat in moderation. straving your body will not work. eating right normal portion, veggies and fruit, also water ( try to advoid soda even diet) also try 30mins cardio excercise. during my working every hour i am sitting i try to get up for 10 mins take a few laps around my floor or take the stair to a meeting or walk to meeting if there near my office also my gym is down the block from my job. so lunch time or after work i hit the gym i walk there and back to my car. also i try to walk to thing near my house, post office, bank, dry cleaners, nail salon, hair salon, even the food store and ask if a housemate can pick me up if there alot. we also dont keep junk in the house so if we want something sweet we walk to the converted store and bank. so to me there not really a cheating day but i not on a diet. I am making a life style change. also if u want a candy bar try: fiber one bars.
  • Opheliac_Xx
    Opheliac_Xx Posts: 32 Member
    If you have a cheat day to boost metabolism / confuse your body, how many calories is it over your normal deficit amount?

    I am thinking of making a fasting day a regular thing which works on the same principle of making your calories drastically different to confuse your body and won't slow your metabolism if it's just one or two days a week (Brad Pilon - Eat Stop Eat). But I've also thought of adding in a high calorie day to do the same thing. If I did I'd probably eat my maintenance amount which is 1600 - would that work? Or would it have to be a LOT of calories, like 2500? At the moment I am eating about 1200 a day and not eating back all of my exercise calories.
