Mindless Eating

Motivated Posts: 9
edited September 18 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone here experienced this? This is my downfall. I hate licorice, it is SO not worth the calories. I found myself eating one right after the other. Ok, so they taste good, but I feel like CRAP after eating them. Why do I do this to myself? Licorice has SOO many calories too. NOT WORTH IT!!:sad:


  • Has anyone here experienced this? This is my downfall. I hate licorice, it is SO not worth the calories. I found myself eating one right after the other. Ok, so they taste good, but I feel like CRAP after eating them. Why do I do this to myself? Licorice has SOO many calories too. NOT WORTH IT!!:sad:
  • Me_Im_2b
    Me_Im_2b Posts: 165
    Are you kidding! I experience that regularly! Unfortunately, I don't have an answer. I attribute my mindless eating to my need for a little rebellion in life and my need to let loose of some aspects and lose control for a second, but then I always regret those seconds! I wish I could help more :ohwell:
  • kyliepp
    kyliepp Posts: 7
    hi I can't help either .
    I have that problem too, but i wish I can help .:flowerforyou:
    once eat something that you shouldn't I get
    really upset: ::sad: .
    With me I use food for comfort , it is very hard too stop
  • i do the same things too sometimes. The best way to try to fix it is to figure out why you are eating it in the first place, and why you want to continue--is it stress, anger, confusion, being bored, ect. then when it comes around again know that you will react that way and take some control and remind youself how hard you have been working and that you don't want to ruin it, try doing someithing else instead, like going for a walk or trying to change your mind. Even if you can't jsut stop, try slowly cutting down. Instead of eating one right after the other, decide to eat only 3, then go to 2, and then try to stop. and if you really like it that much, reward youself with it. If you do extra exercise, then reward yourself with the extra calories by eating the licorice. Plus it is good to eat what you really like every once in a while, or you will end up missing the "good stuff" and giving up, so its good to reward youself.

    Hope this helps!! Good luck!! :smile:
  • kyliepp
    kyliepp Posts: 7
    hi .thankyou :flowerforyou:
    for that I will try it.
    its stress . and bored 2 and I suffer from depression / aniexty . its control by tablets
    basicaly my past waz traumic for me and it is hard to put it in the past.
    but i am trying too make a future .
    do you think its your diet or stress in your situation
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    A lot of times it's a habit born of convienence and opportunity. Remove one of these factors and you could beat it. I.E. remove the licorish and you won't eat it. We have removed many of the "problems" in our house, and it has helped.
  • Thanks, it is difficult when you have kids and a husband who thinks the kids should have these snacks, but I cannot blame him entirely. I bought that licorice at the store, mindlessly. I think I was hungry and it was immediate satisfaction. I opened it up in the car, threw some in my purse, then of course, ate the rest of the bag later. Not only is is not worth the calories, oh, my tummy paid for it later.
  • dulceluva
    dulceluva Posts: 728 Member
    I do that too. Mindless eating to me is something I do when I am bored. I have a pretty routine life. I pretty much do the same things everyday. It is just natural for me to walk into the kitchen and grab anything and just munch on it. Although now I just don't buy anything I will soon regret ... now I need to put my alcohol away because I have stopped my emotional eating (well almost stopped) and what do I do with my boredom?? lol
  • borjanap
    borjanap Posts: 232 Member
    I have actually formed a habit and started to eat really late at night but only on the weekends. I am trying to brake it but its so so so hard... I came back from vacation on sunday and monday I was back on MFP and ready to go. So far 3 days and I have done well...hopefully I can continue and get down to my goal...
  • healthychic
    healthychic Posts: 298
    I've been on this weird, oreo kick. haha. My friend sarah and I bought a package a few weeks ago, and ever since then, i've been eating at least 6 a day. And actually as I am sitting here typing this, my stomach is killing me from eating some a few hours ago! I don't know why we do it, to be honest with you!! Especially since it is estimated that you would have to walk 7 minutes in order to burn off one oreo, when I am just going to go to sleep.

    :heart: Danielle
  • Well, I guess I am learning that I am not alone here. It helps to know that. Thank you all for sharing. :smile:
  • Okay, also by the looks of the people who post here, I just want to add, you all look fantastic!! Keep doing whatever it is you are doing 'cuz you all look great.
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