Nothing, Nada, Zip.

On Jan 2nd, I started a lifestyle change. I decided to eat WAY more fruits and veggies. I have mostly eliminated dairy. And have been eating lean proteins. I currently weight 282 pounds - the exact same as the 2nd. I have cut my daily calories down to about 1700 a day. I work out 30 minutes a day, cardio only for now. I drink 100 ounces of water a day.

OK, so it's only 5 days, but my calorie intake is HALF of what I was eating to maintain 282 pounds. And add in cardio, and I just don't get it.....

At least 40% of my calories come from fruit and veggies now, as opposed to about 5% before.


  • sherbear2678
    sherbear2678 Posts: 60 Member
    having similar issues - started on the 1st and have been eating fruit/veggies, staying around or under my calorie count, added 30 to 50 mins of exercise daily (was doing pretty much none before that) and haven't lost a pound! ugh... discouraged isn't even the word!!! keep at it :) takes 3 weeks for something to become a habit so I'm hoping by then I will see results!
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    having similar issues - started on the 1st and have been eating fruit/veggies, staying around or under my calorie count, added 30 to 50 mins of exercise daily (was doing pretty much none before that) and haven't lost a pound! ugh... discouraged isn't even the word!!! keep at it :) takes 3 weeks for something to become a habit so I'm hoping by then I will see results!

    I hope we BOTH see some results!
  • onehotgirl
    Give it some time, keep doing what you're doing and the pounds will start melting away
  • morrowsarah
    morrowsarah Posts: 240 Member
    Usually on the weeks you don't lose anything the next week you will lose double! Hang in there.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    Usually on the weeks you don't lose anything the next week you will lose double! Hang in there.

    Double zero? :)
  • 1cross
    1cross Posts: 6 Member
    Hang in there! Don't give up - it will happen!!! My sister has lost a ton of weight and warned me that sometimes you won't see any change on the scale for a couple weeks- and then it pays off. So just keep doing what you're doing and don't give up- we are at least becoming healthier on this quest; )
  • onehotgirl
    Usually on the weeks you don't lose anything the next week you will lose double! Hang in there.

    Double zero? :)


    I remember my first week and I just wanted it to hurry up and finish it so I could start losing weight, then I remember the same with the second week, third week I accepted that I was not going to lose all my weight overnight and to just take it one day at a time. We all want instant results but unfortunately it's just not going to happen in a week.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Keep at it and give yourself 4-6 weeks before you start seeing real changes. It'll happen.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    sometimes people miscalculate their calorie intake. i use a scale to be precise as possible.
  • monoxidechick
    That is only like 6 took way longer than that to put the weight on. Stick with it and you will feel better, have a healthier lifestyle, and see results!!!
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    To quote you... you have made a LIFESTYLE change... It definitely takes more than 5 days... If you're honest with yourself, eat within your limits and workout, it will happen.. give it some time.. it'll change, promise! :flowerforyou:
  • teaspoon43
    teaspoon43 Posts: 238 Member
    Hang in there! I'm only down 6 pounds, my diet is in tact and it's frustrating. BUT, I feel 1000x better than I have before I ate healthy. To me, it's worth the wait. Here's to big numbers on the scale!!!!!
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    Just gotta be patient! :) It will happen! <3
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    It took 10 days before I saw the first pound come off. And then, within 3 days, 5 pounds were gone all in a clump. Interestingly, it was the morning after I gave myself a break and went out and had a nice, decadent, non-restricted dinner. It wasn't fried chicken exactly, but I did have a glass of wine and I did not pass on dessert. Then the next morning, poof. I'm thinking it's important to mix it up some, calorie-wise, so your body will release that fat and not think you're going to starve. Good luck to you.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    After 30 months and 289 lbs. lost if there is one thing I have learned is that your results don't always show up on the scale. You need to take measurements atleast once a month and check those results against one another. I have had weeks with no weight loss but huge changes in body composition...... just food for thought.................
  • lotuslion
    Start taking your measurements - all over your body is good, but at least your hips and waist. It helps to see progress when the scale isn't moving. There was one point when I didn't lose a pound for 3 weeks straight, but lost 3" off my waist and 2" off my hips. Also try to take note of how you're doing on your cardio - is it easier than it was a week ago? Did you run/bike/walk farther? Did you dance longer? Those types of things can help when you're frustrated by the scale being a non-cooperative jerkface. ;)

    It's also possible you shocked your body by such a big calorie drop, and it's taking some time to adjust. Keep at it, and you will see results!

  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    sometimes people miscalculate their calorie intake. i use a scale to be precise as possible.

    I use a scale and measuring cups. Oh, and yes, I am measuring.... neck, stomach, thighs.....

    The big test will be at my physical, after blood work.... that wlil have to be an improvement! :)
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    It takes time. It took a long time to put it on and will take a long time to take it off. How do you feel? Healthier? More energy? Don't even bother with a scale.
  • papa3x
    papa3x Posts: 286
    It takes time. It took a long time to put it on and will take a long time to take it off. How do you feel? Healthier? More energy? Don't even bother with a scale.

    OH, I am not in a rush to get to my final goal, though of course, faster would be nice. But geez, show me some love, throw me bone, give me 1 pound loss! :bigsmile: I know, I need to quit :sad: !
  • JoslinAJ
    It takes time to gain will also take time to lose it. Just keep going. Health is the key don't go by the scale only.