Help! Late night party binge :(

I ate all my calories for the day and then exercised. I go to a party...and......what happens? I start bingeing. Cookies, brownies, pizza, kebabs, sausage, you name it. Once I had one bite I just couldnt stop. Knowing from past experience, I'm just gonna move on with my diet instead of trying to make those extra calories up through not eating, over exercise, etc. But my question do you all handle these kinds of lapses? And how far do they set you back in terms of weight loss? I haven't even weighed myself this morning because I'm too nervous to even look at the scale.


  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Stuff happens. Best thing to do is learn from it and do better the next day. A day like the one you described will likely not do damage...unless, of course, it happens on a fairly regular basis.
  • andri010
    Thanks for your encouragement!
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    You just keep going. Start again right now! It is the long term that pays off. One meal does not ruin the year :)!

    Start now! You can do it !!!
  • Ladyloraella
    Ladyloraella Posts: 46 Member
    You enjoyed yourself so don't beat yourself up. Just draw a line under it and start again! One day isn't going to ruin your hard work!
  • andri010
    thank you! I am starting fresh again today. I've lost about 7 pounds since i've started and they haven't been easy pounds to lose. I was just really upset with myself this morning because i felt like all that hard work of the past few weeks was blown off in one night. but i'll keep trucking, thanks for your support! and 85 pounds is a big deal, congratulations!
  • ruthiepiercey
    Realistically, it shouldn't set you back too far. It sounds like you are on the right path to losing weight (with keeping up on calories and excercising and such) so you shouldn't find it too hard to get back on track. I know for me, if I have a night like that, I usually don't weigh myself for about 3 days. I stay on track with my calories, drink lots of water to flush out all of the extra sodium and sugar that I consumed, and keep up with my excercise (at least 30 minutes of something everyday). Usually within 3 days or so I feel way better and my clothes aren't so snug. One thing I try to do is give myself one treat day a week. I picked Saturdays. On that day I will have a portion of chocolate or some ice cream or something along those lines. I have found that I stay away from the appies at a party if I don't deprive myself of that sweet treat every once and a while. Also, when going to a get together where I know there's going to be food I will carry a bottle of water around with me. When I get a craving I just have another sip of water. Another trick is making a small plate for yourself, adding up the calories as you place your food on the plate, and when the plate is done turn your will-power switch on and stay away from the counters/tables for the rest of the night. Hopefully some of this helped for you and great work so far :smile:
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Do you leave room for cheat meals or cheat days in your diet plan?
  • mklatsky
    mklatsky Posts: 3 Member
    I've done that- and all you can do is accept that you will not always do things perfectly, and just keep doing the good things you have been doing. And 1 month, 3 months, 6 months down the line, even if it happens again, you WILL see progress.
  • andri010
    thank you all so much for the wonderful suggestions! i like the idea of keeping water next to me, and allowing myself a small controlled plate of food at parties. appetizers and small bites are like my kryptonite.

    I also need to remember, as some of you have pointed out, that it's a long term process, and I shouldnt get hung up in the details.

    I havent really thought about cheat meals. I started my diet a little before the holiday season. despite events like christmas and new years, I still lost a little bit of weight. Because I have the tendency to binge, I'm afraid that a cheat meal will turn into an entire cheat day, which is why I allow myself a few treats a little every day (factored into my calorie count, of course). Maybe I binged because I just missed being able to eat without holding myself accountable? Regardless, all I can do is get back on the bandwagon today...
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Just done the same thing at my Godson's 1st Bday party (rock n roll!) - I have been ill for weeks and today was the first time I got my appetite back in full force. I know there's no WAY I am going to eat like that tomorrow, so just move on, that's life- it's not gonna ruin all the hard work you have done so far unless u let it.
  • Echo17121
    Echo17121 Posts: 111 Member
    I did the same thing on Halloween and it kinda set me in a downward spiral. I am now working on losing the ten pounds I have gained since then. If you really do have a tendency to binge, try reading "Brain over Binge". I am not a severe binge eater at all but even still it had some good points in it and has really put a stop to the random binge eating I was starting to do.

    I get the whole "it was one bad moment, move on" bit but after awhile that starts to become an excuse that I was using to eat really crappy because I had been good for so long.

    When I ate horribly on Halloween it was also because I over exercised that day and went starving. Once I had a bit, I just kept going back for more. I think if I had eaten a bit more before I had gone, I would have been ok but it really does take a battle with your brain to stop sometimes.

    I hope you do well getting back on track! Just stick with whats working for you and don't overdo the exercise or under eat to make up for it cause then it will probably happen again! Good luck!!
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    To be honest, if I have one cheat day after consistently doing well and being under my calorie goal and it isn't a regular thing, I actually LOSE weight. This may not happen for everyone, but I find it happens for me! You may find you lost more weight than you normally would after the binge as long as it isn't a regular occurrence. :)