Fatty liver

Anyone have a 'fatty liver.' I know the reversal of this is to lose weight, but are there foods that I should steer clear of and have?

It's one of the reasons why I am losing weight :(


  • bump
  • My cousin has a fatty liver, I'll ask her if she knows any foods to avoid or stick to and get back to you. PS she's very good at researching dietry issues when they affect her.:smile:
  • oh thank you, I'd appreciate that :D
  • I also have been diagnosed with a fatty liver which is one reason why I am losing weight. I haven't yet researched foods that I shouldn't eat (or should eat). Good luck with your weight loss and please let me know if you find out any information about this issue, and I'll so the same.
  • My hubby has a fatty liver and he is thin... always has been... he takes Milk Thistle to help it. Seems to work!
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    Been there, had that. What to avoid? Saturated fat.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    I have fatty liver progressed to NASH, for me when I eat a lot of actual fat such as in fried foods or a really greasy burger I can feel the inflammation, so it's very uncomfortable. I feel best when eating veggies and fruit. I take vitamin e and resveratrol and it helps a lot. If you aren't diabetic yet that is good, the fatty liver causes insulin resistance which turns into diabetes so hit it hard and early, it's worth it!
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Got that too. Seems that wheat and wheat products contribute to it. You can have it even if you are skinny if you don't eat properly and get internal body fat around your organs.
  • nettleboo
    nettleboo Posts: 177 Member
    i think avoiding red meats high fat foods and alcohol are the main ones. i had fatty liver not sure i do now as recent blood test said all was normal. ive read milk thistle is good for detoxifying the liver but i would advise talking to doc before taking supps. i think mainly its best to follow a low fat diet avoid greasy food and drink plenty of water best of luck
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    Dec 26th 2009 I was diagnosed with severe fatty liver. I actually went to the hospital because I had such unbearable pain from it. I had pain from it for a few months, but had NO idea what it was. Then on Christmas day It was so awful I went to the emergency room and the next day they gave me my ultrasound results saying it was very severe fatty liver.

    I was 19 and didnt care. I didnt drink at all for about a month, then went back into drinking a few times a week and eating like a pig. Slowly over time I did improve these habits slightly. but not alot. I maintained the same weight. Then on August 2011 an ultrasound told me that my liver was fine and there's absolutely no damage to it. It seemed to good to be true and I got another ultrasound in november with a differet doctor and they said the same thing.

    How do I explain this... at initial diagnosis in 2009 I was one weight... (not comfortable sharing so i'll give obviously fake numbers) 154lbs. Then over the next two years I went up to 195lbs... then back down to 154lbs in August 2011 so pretty much the same... but apparantley my liver is perfect now. it really confuses me! I did drink a little less I guess. I'm so confused. But happy that I dont need to be as concered about my liver i guess.
  • I've had elevated liver enzymes and steatohepatitis (fatty liver) for at least the 10 years that I've been being checked. For the first time this past month, my enzymes are finally normal, after 30lbs+ lost. If you lose the weight, and exercise, it will get better. Actually, I lost mostly organ fat at first and only then the other fat that was showing. Good luck! You CAN do it!
  • derposaurus
    derposaurus Posts: 53 Member
    My hubby has a fatty liver and he is thin... always has been... he takes Milk Thistle to help it. Seems to work!

    oh yeah i forgot, i did take alot of milk thistle. i'd take it regularly for a few months, stop for a few. but maybe that is what helped me a bit.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    refined foods should be avoided - so try to cut down on / cut out fine white flour, white sugar etc.

    Add in lean and vegetable protein (beans are good)

    And yes, as someone pointed out above, avoid saturated fats. You'd be well advised to reduce / remove alcohol too.
  • BooLives82
    BooLives82 Posts: 26 Member
    I suffer from Non-alcoholic Fattie Liver Disease, and when I am feeling the effects of it, lack of energy, migraines, yellowish skin, I eat citrus fruits. Lemons and Limes, as well as all different kinds of Oranges. It has been shown that citrus and Vitamin C helps clean the liver. I lost weight and the Fattie tissues went away, they have since been coming back; However because I know about the Citrus, it is not as bad this time as the last time.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • mbrockelbank
    mbrockelbank Posts: 1 Member
    I have been diagnosed with fatty liver as well. In all my research I have not been able to determine what, if anything I should avoid. I did learn that keeping your choloesterol low and especially your triglycerides low is important in presventing it from getting worse and ultimately will improve the condition over time. I also read where smoking has berk linked. I quit 5 years ago. As weird as it sounds, controlling your diet, getting a lot of exercise, and quitting smoking is pretty much the treatment. Where have I heard that before? :-)
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Been there too. Avoid refined carbs, concentrated sugar, saturated fats and trans fat. Also avoid alcohol even if the fatty liver is not a result of alcohol.
  • Hi Everyone, thanks for the replies, and the hints, tips. I have cut out a lot of saturated fat from the diet, and pasta, white bread.
    I was contemplating getting milk thistle, so it really works?
    I have elevated liver enzymes and on ultrasound there was a 'fatty' liver. I had a blood test only done a few days ago, and everything else looks good, the cholestoral etc. I didn't know that about vitamin C, so I will increase my intake for sure.
    I don't drink alcohol, so that's good! I really am scared of T2DM. I'm 31, so I really need to start thinking ahead.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    no, but foie gras is delicious.
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    Focus on foods high in complex carbohydrates such as brown rice and whole grains, but try to avoid wheat because it contains phytic acid which can keep some minerals from being absorbed and because it contains gluten which can damage the small intestine.

    Reduce your consumption of refined and simple carbohydrates like those found in sugar, white bread, egg noodles, cakes, and many desserts.

    Eat plenty of servings of fruits and vegetables every single day. These can be taken as raw vegetable juices which can be extremely healthy for the liver. Not all fruits and vegetables are created equal and things like oranges and grapefruits are better for fatty liver patients than fruits containing high levels of fructose such as dates, raisins, and figs.

    Keep away from deep fried, fatty, and processed foods. Processed meats such as sausage and hot dogs are some of the worst if you suffer from fatty liver disease.

    Dairy products should be consumed sparingly. Try organic yogurts and ricotta and/or cottage cheese. Soy and rice milks are better than whole or 2% milks.

    Avoid saturated fats like those found in margarine and fatty condiments like salad dressing.

    Sugary fruit juices, energy drinks, coffee, and alcohol should all be avoided or used sparingly. If you suffer from alcoholic fatty liver disease, then all alcohol should be avoided.

    Focus on lean white meats such as chicken or turkey instead of beef or pork. Free range meats are best as they don’t contain harmful steroids, growth hormones, and other antibiotics.

    Consume eggs sparingly as they often contain hormones that can negatively impact the liver.

    Consume plenty of fiber as part of a fatty liver disease diet to maintain a healthy digestive and endocrine system.

    Drink plenty of water.
  • rhamit
    rhamit Posts: 4 Member