Jillian Michaels is a B*tch!



  • karreec
    karreec Posts: 15
    OMG u werent kidding!! I felt great when I was done but by later in the day it hurt to walk up my stairs!! LOL
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I'm working on the 30DS right now. Have a couple of other JM dvds. Checked out a couple of Bob's Biggest Loser dvds from the library to try before I buy, but his are too high impact for me -- my knees hurt so bad the next day I could hardly walk.

    30DS is better, she includes jumping jacks, which I can't do -- yet -- maybe after I lose some weight and strengthen my legs a little more.

    Can any of you who have her other dvds suggest some that don't have high impact exercises??

  • TheCloverFreak
    TheCloverFreak Posts: 49 Member
    I'm working on the 30DS right now. Have a couple of other JM dvds. Checked out a couple of Bob's Biggest Loser dvds from the library to try before I buy, but his are too high impact for me -- my knees hurt so bad the next day I could hardly walk.

    30DS is better, she includes jumping jacks, which I can't do -- yet -- maybe after I lose some weight and strengthen my legs a little more.

    Can any of you who have her other dvds suggest some that don't have high impact exercises??


    Jillian's videos are good for the low impact part. There is some but she usually has some kind of modification to make it a little easier until you work up to it. And even if you can't do the high impact stuff (like I couldn't for a bit) I would just substitute some kind of cardio instead of that part like the shadow boxing or jumping jacks. '

    Just keep trying and it will get easier!
  • niki23poet
    niki23poet Posts: 36 Member
    Is there any ONE DVD of hers that you think is a little bit of everything? I would rather not buy 10 DVDs if I don't have to.
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Is there any ONE DVD of hers that you think is a little bit of everything? I would rather not buy 10 DVDs if I don't have to.
    The 30-Day Shred has strength, cardio, and ab work. I think most of her "Shred" dvds do -- it's kind of her system: 3 mins of strength, 2 mins of cardio, 1 min of abs (except your heart rate will stay up during the whole workout if you're really putting yourself into it, so the whole thing can be counted as cardio). Her cooldown includes stretches too -- as a former fitness trainer, I feel that it pretty well covers everything. The Level 1 workout is only 20 mins, and I want more cardio time than that, so when I finish I go for a walk or hop on the treadmill. The other levels may be longer (guess I'll find out next week, huh! :wink:
  • chicatita
    chicatita Posts: 193 Member
    Where is the LIKE button? lmbo! I cuss at her all the time while doing 30 DS! smh, but it's worth it! 7lbs down and several inches (only 16 days in).
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Is there any ONE DVD of hers that you think is a little bit of everything? I would rather not buy 10 DVDs if I don't have to.

    30day shred gives you a little bit of everything in a convenient timespan of less than 30 minutes. Each level is 27 minutes if you include the stretching. It's also a good one for a beginner, the moves are mostly fairly basic and not too hard to follow, plus there are modifications for beginners, yet it still gets awesome results if you stick with the program and push yourself.

    If you are more advanced, Extreme Shed and Shred has everything, but the moves are more challenging and complicated. A lot of them are an evolution of the moves in the 30 day shred though, harder to do and harder to follow if you're not familiar wi the basics already. It has 2 45 minute levels, and also the option to play them back-to -back for a total 1 hour 20 minute workout. It is a BEAST though if you're not in shape already. I can do all 3 levels of the 30 day Shred back to back and not lose steam, but doing those 2 levels of Extreme Shed and Shred is very challenging for me. So I don't recommend starting with ESAS as a beginner, however it's a great option if the 30 day shred seems way too easy or boring.
  • I've only ever tried her work-out once and honestly, its hard. There's no two ways about it. If it is hard, it is probably also very effective.