Planes, Trains & Automobiles....

That's my Monday to Friday life, and it's taken a toll on my health and weight. I put in 80 hours a week and travel over 3000 miles. I barely have time to recharge on the weekends when I am home. All the weekend time is spent with my wife, 3 kids, 2 dogs and 2 horses, as it should be. I struggle to find the time let alone the energy to get fit, but I know I must!

I just turned 39, and I have 50 pounds and a lot of blood pressure to loose.

Any other people out there that travel a lot for work that have any tips or tricks to by-passing the crappy airplane meals, making healthy choices while working away and finding ways to keep active?

My wife is joining today too, so that will help me a lot on the weekends!

I joined here months ago and it helped me drop a quick 5 pounds, but I strayed away and it all came back.

Any help and success stories from fellow travelers or crazy commuters will be appreciated. The past few months have shown me I need the support!


  • meggy_182
    meggy_182 Posts: 60 Member
    If you don't get to move much than the key would be to watch what you're eating, because you're not going to be burning as much off because of your life style.
    Sounds like really simply advice but 3500 calarioes go into one pound, so to drop a pound a week you need to be losing 3500 calarioes during the week.

    I know it sucks not having time to exercise, i'm a student and i'm constantly studying, with very little time to spare!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Break it up into little bits. I'm sure that you can find 5 minutes to do sit-ups and pushups, even in your crazy schedule. Another 5 minutes for jumping jacks (or running in place). And another 5 for some more. You get the idea, right? (Yeah, you may look goofy, but hey, who cares). Every little bit will help in getting your heart pumping and your muscles out of cold storage.

    Then, on the weekends, incorporate activity into your family time. Go to the park together. Go on a walk or hike as a family. Go swimming (when the weather is warmer). Ride bikes together. Not only will you reap the benefits of it, your kids will get into a habit of "exercise" for fun and will have the time to bond with dad (your wife will enjoy the benefits, too; you said she's also joining). And, they'll get to have you around for many more years to come.

    Then, I second what the other poster said about eating. My husband was an OTR driver, and it was easy to fall into the trap of eating from McD's or whatever for every meal. But it costs a lot less, and is really not that much harder, to plan in advance, buy healthy meal options, and avoid the fast-food trap (or even the sit-down restaurants, serving size is usually way to big, method of cooking adds a lot of sodium and fat, and it hits the pocketbook hard). The same for airplane meals - plan in advance, see what healthier options they have, and don't feel the need to eat it all; bring your own food if you can, at least part of the time, and ask them about options for special dietary needs (maybe a "diabetic" option would be better, but it could also just replace carbs with fat...)
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Welcome - and good luck - you can do it!!

    Have a look at this gal's blogs (sister_bear) - she has some great tips for people like you
  • jcheesman18
    jcheesman18 Posts: 7 Member
    Great tips folks....kind of what I'm doing now, just having a hard time sticking with it on a regular basis.