Who can I reach out to when I am tempted to eat unnecessaril

Hi, I just signed up to MFP yesterday. I am already having temptations to go over my cal limit. Is there a place somewhere in this application that I can go to for encouraging words from someone at my moment of need? Thank you.


  • gingersd
    I am not one to really message people on here but i do look at a lot of success stories and pictures and that keeps me busy for a while and gives me the strength to say no to the food.
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Hi! You can get thru this urge. Everyone has them from time to time. And it is ok. Try getting thru it by drinking some water or reach for a healthy snack such as a piece of fruit or some veggies. You CAN get thru it!! Also try taking a walk around the block, jumping jacks, read, take a nice bubble bath. Just do something that is not food related! Take it one minute at a time if you have to. I am cheering for you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    This is a good place :-) If you're new to watching what you eat, it can be hard at first. If you stick with it, though, you'll get used to eating the right amount for you, and you'll be more energetic, healthier, and probably all-around happier with yourself. You can drink some water, go for a nice walk, do some gentle stretching, post on the boards, lots of options :-) (Also, I can't see your diary, but many people choose the 2lbs per week setting when they first join -- this can be too drastic, especially at first. Try switching your goals to 1lb per week if they're not already there - it will make things a lot easier.)
  • mhanks4
    I'm new and have the same problem, I have no one to motivate me so what I have done is I have put pictures of what body I want in a few months, I've put up encouraging quotes which I read every morning when I wake up and I have my goals written nice and big on my wall. Just a few ideas but I'm sure you'll get through it just like me! :)
  • Tanyawhite30
    It does not mean you cant eat...Try eating a healthy snack..a piece of fruit, vegetables, and try to drink all your water in your day it helps alot! Its not always easy, trust me I know.. but if you put your mind into it and stay focused you can do it! And after a little while those feelings will pass and you will be proud of youself for resisting all the temptations because you will have great results!
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    Yes, one minute at a time is sometimes how it is - I'll just have to remind myself to pray cause I know I can't do this on my own. I am very glad I joined. I have read remarkable inspiring stories here - very motivating indeed. Does anyone know if there is a live chat room when temptation does strike (lol)?
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    I totally understand...I am 2 days old here...hehe so if you want to friend me please do as I will be here LOTS through the day for the same reason as you...
    Judway: flowerforyou:
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    It does get easier...I promise. It is a little rough until you get the hang of it but it is doable. Just remember not to beat yourself up too badly if you cave in. Acknowledge it, make peace with it and move on. Each day is a life lesson and every obstacle you face will be very rewarding in the end. I have faith that you can do this. Feel free to add me. ^_^
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    Thank you gingersd, Kougra, thatnumberwa, mhanks4, and Tanyawhite30. God Bless you all for your thoughtfulness. :)
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    and thank you too Judway. All your reply posts are inspiring - I am going to print them up on paper and put them on my walls. The temptation has passed - Thank you all ... someone must be praying for me :)
    HEATHERB500 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm just getting back on here and I have always a problem with bing eating. I'm not saying this is the case for you just letting you know a little about where I'm coming from. For me it tends to be worse when I am under stress. I pray to my higher power every day to help me with my binging. I also use some techniques I learned from Overeaters anonymous and I take one day at a time. If I screw up one day it doesn't mean that I can't start again or that I've ruined everything I've done. As soon as I realize that I have lost the control I pray again, do something active and look at a journal I made my first day I decided I wanted to get healthier which included my inspirations. It is hard in the beginning but it gets better. I found for me as long as I stay active and focus on fruits and veggies when I do eat I don't tend to have the drive to bing like I used to. I also notice a lot of people have success staying motivated when they see that the work has payed off. I would suggest weighing or measuring yourself once a week if this works for you at the same time each day. I usually do in the morning before I eat and after I have used the bathroom. Make your goal small and short term in the beginning. EXs I will lose one pound this week. Or I will eat one more serving of vegetables each day this week. This way you can see the results. I like some of the ideas in the other replies, but AI would suggest staying away from a food and doing something active or journaling, but everybody is different on what works best for them. Hang in there and do some meditating and try to get real with yourself. You'll figure it out. I'm not always on here everyday but you're welcome to add me as a friend if you want and maybe we can work together:-)
  • sauci
    sauci Posts: 94 Member
    I''l help if you ever want encouragement chat , and that goes for anyone .. i love chatting , chat chat chat!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • KarensBigAdventure
    Guess I need a plan for this too, chocolate is my weakness. I'm such a sneak about it that I doubt I'd reach out to anyone. I hide my guilty pleasures, stash them in my room or eat them on my way home from the store. Hard to hide the weight I've gained in these past 5 years. Right now I'm keeping myself accountable by entering all my food eaten on the myfitnesspal iPad app.
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    Sauci - Thank you and I look forward to chit chatting with you :) God Bless you.

    HeatherB500 - Right On!!! Are you sure you're not related to me??? lol For sure my downfall is binge-eating while under stress. For me it is a "one day at a time, one hour at a time" type of thing. I quit smoking (it will be 12 years this coming March). You mentioned about a journal you made the first day you decided you wanted to get healthier. The night I stopped smoking, I sat down with pen and paper in hand and wrote down all the positive things that would happen if I quit smoking and all the negative things that would happen if I continued to smoke. In no time at all (probably minutes) the page was filled up completely. After that, I re-read the page I don't know for how long (maybe a half hour who knows). I became convinced of the reasons. Then my final act was to say to my Higher Power that I could not do it on my own. That was almost 12 yrs ago and I am still smoke-free. Thank you for mentioning about your journal. I am still breathing in but not harmful cigarettes. I am going to write a page up about positive things that will happen if I only eat good food (in the right portions) and all the negative things that will happen if I eat bad food (and oversized portions). I look forward to hearing from you :) God Bless you.
  • 276NoMore
    276NoMore Posts: 115 Member
    To Karendharwood - the reason why I originally posted the above topic (Who can I reach out to when I am tempted to eat unnecessarily) was because I have a package of Reese peanut butter cups. I tell you I am so thankful for everyone's comments here. I no longer have the craving. I am so thankful to all you people. God Bless you all :)
  • KirstenClerkin
    Impulse eating or consuming food due to your emotions is difficult to overcome. I think cleaning your cabinets and refrigerator out except of only acceptable healthy foods is the best approach for me. I also tell myself, anything in moderation is OK. Complete deprivation of cravings only leads to trouble later. I have started drinking Shakeology which has defiantly helped my eating habits and unhealthy cravings. I try to give helpful information such as meal ideas, health facts, articles, and motivational quotes at www.facebook.com/kirstenclerkin if this helps.
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    when I am wanting to eat I hope on here and look at friends diaries, or I search the forums for interesting topics some times it helps sometimes it don't help.
  • SarahLynn2727
    I just started today and thought, what? That's all I get to eat? But I realized, i don't know what i really honestly eat in a day calorie wise. I'm talking a couple weeks to eat how my body tells me (and sometimes mind/emotion) and log it. THEN figure out what I can cut, why I'm eating what and when. But in times past, I've found a glass of water (as many suggested) or a peice of gum help me. HUGE gum chewer here.

    Here's to a happy, healthy 2012!
  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
    Trust yourself. Maybe stand naked in front of the mirror with the food tempting you and ask ' do i really want to put this into my body' ?? I ask the same question you do... maybe i should take my own advice. hehe...goodluck !!
  • jessicabass1
    whenever i am tempted i always drink a bottle of water and than chew some gum. by the time im done that, i either have forgotten what i wanted or realized that it was just my tastebuds taunting me!