Back at it....

So, here I am back at it. I haven't logged in in quite some time despite my wonderful success in dropping 40lbs the last time I worked at it. I started slipping the summer of 2010 when my special needs son had surgery and spent weeks upon weeks in the hospital 3 1/2hrs from home. Away from home, hold up in a children's hospital, I found myself consuming convenience foods. I broke my habit of food tracking and that has been the only thing that has ever been effective for me. After that, things continued a downward spiral with the cancer diagnosis of my husband and Celiac disease for my daughter. I lost myself. I used those stressors to quit. So, now... my excuses have run out. Everyone is stable and doing well and God has blessed our family. If my body is my temple, then I'm treating it like a sewar gutter! I'd like to feel well and the number that gets me there isn't as important as how I feel when I'm there. In my head, that number is 190 but the reality may be something different. My husband and I are joining forces for a 12wk weight loss challenge at our local YMCA. We're taking back our lives in 2012!!


  • kirstysnan
    kirstysnan Posts: 47 Member
    Hi, add me as a friend if you like. I'm older than you, 64, though in my head I'm still 34 - unfortunately my body is beginning to feel 84! Have lost my fitness through a yoga injury which has triggered arthritis and wonder now if I've left it all too late. Sorry to read about all your problems but you sound so positive you're an inspiration. This is my year too - it will have to be! Ann
  • ildi59
    ildi59 Posts: 65 Member
    So glad you made the decision to take your life back. Sometimes circumstances take us off the right path but it is our choice to get back on. Add me as a friend if you'd like, we can do this together!