A Little Down... Grateful for Guy Opinions (stomach pic)

I'm trying to be more confident in myself but my boyfriend accidentally put his foot in his mouth, he has no idea cause I know he didn't mean it badly or anything so I didn't react.

He's a lifeguard and we saw a magazine of these very pretty women in bikinis and he made comment that he sees that every summer while he's working as a lifeguard. It really kinda made me sad, I have some loose skin but my dream has always been to get into a bikini but that's not going to happen now. I've always wished I could visit him at work with a bikini on and show up all the girls or something like that.

It also scares me since he's seen so many girls in bikinis that when he does finally see me naked or half-naked that he'll be disappointed. I know he finds me attractive and that he loves me but I'm just worried about disappointing him.

This is my stomach. Did anyone else hold their weight in the same way? Did it improve with further weight loss?
I'm planning on losing 10-20 more pounds depending on what the mirror tells me.


  • ogosun
    ogosun Posts: 175 Member
    Tons of sit-ups my dear.......
  • Sherrygunnabefit88
    Try lots of cardio.
  • guppygirl322
    guppygirl322 Posts: 408 Member
    Lose the weight and you will lose the belly. Also do some ab exercises. All you need is about 10 minutes a day of things like crunches and what not. But losing the weight will help.
  • knurse1987
    knurse1987 Posts: 93 Member
    My tummy is like that too,..its shrinking slowy slowly slowly but its smaller...I've wondered as well as to how to get a flat tummy...
  • erin_zuk
    erin_zuk Posts: 226 Member
    get some strength straining in and lots of cardio - you need to strengthen your core muscles and continue burning the fat off.

    you cannot spot reduce, but building muscle underneath will help.
  • DakotaKeogh
    DakotaKeogh Posts: 693 Member
    First of all, it wouldn't bother me in the least. When you love someone for real, you're grateful for whatever they bring to you.

    I carried most my weight in my gut. It's not doing too badly at this point, In fact, a six pack is just starting to show itself. Look in my photo gallery. You're young and your skin will catch up.

    I recommend taking the weight loss slowly. Switch to maintenance regularly so you skin can catch up to you. One of my friends lost a whole lot of weight. She used that method. And today you'd barely know she'd ever been anything but lean and mean like she is now.

    It's gonna be fine.
  • mjsamee
    mjsamee Posts: 215 Member
    trust me...Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, take before and after pics, you will DEFF see a difference!!! You will need 3-5 pouns hand weights and a mat...she slays me and I feel muscles that I never knew I had!!!!
  • rickbaldomero
    Sit ups and cardio & diet - All the right suggestions.
    The important thing - Whatever you do & how, try and Do it for YOU.
    It's your body and your health. You will have it and your self esteem for life. The boyfriend....who know's?
    Do it for YOU!
    Best of luck.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Nobody is perfect. We all have flaws. I think you are fine. Attitude is more sexy than a perfect body anyway. Just be the best you can be. Embrase yourself no matter what and he will too.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    There are always someone who is prettier than you or has better body than you.
    You need to work on "trusting" issues with your b/f.
  • RyanEParker
    I'm with FireDragon on the trusting issue. Gotta trust him and not let your personal feelings about how you look get in the way of your relationship. He might not like those bikini chicks because they might be a bit shallow?

    Anyway, back to your tummy. You need to diet and hit the gym a lot more. Some of that pudge might actually be water retention which is really easy to get rid off. Get a good schedule for working out going and you're more than 50% there. Just make sure you keep to the plan and stay focused.

    Ryan Parker
  • drift
    drift Posts: 143 Member
    Pilates worked for me, seven inches off my waist
  • pinkydemon
    pinkydemon Posts: 135 Member
    Maybe his remark was like " I do see it every summer" like in "Nothing new, boring and so on". Maybe see girls in bikinis is just nothing special/Interesting for him anymore anyway. Don't bother too much about that.

    Else I can just say what the others already said, do it for yourself, train your abs. (I do have to get through that as well - wonder if I get ever rid of my belly again)
  • gj4man
    gj4man Posts: 52 Member
    You look fine to me :smile:

    I think in general guys are just pretty happy when a girl wants to get naked with them :wink: We're not going to start quibbling over the details at that point!
  • hedwighigh
    I know it's more my issue than his issue and I am losing weight for myself (I had already lost 50+ pounds by the time we started dating). I actually started strength training a couple of months ago and I'm starting cardio back up since I won't be able to see the toning I've done until more of the fat is gone. I'm also hoping that regular lotion usage will help the skin on my stomach even just a little bit.

    I think he was just trying to think of something to talk about and he wasn't talking about how it was boring to see girls in bikinis everyday. lol. I don't know of any guy that would say that. He even made a joke that his cousin was jealous of him since he gets to see it every day at work.

    I also know that there is always going to be someone that looks better than me, it would be ridiculous to think otherwise. I just want to look as good as I possibly can and my boyfriend is a great motivator in that area. He loves me, I know this but I just want to look as attractive as I can for him and me. I don't think that's unrealistic.

    No matter how things end with him, I'm sticking to my weight loss and eventually maintenance but day-by-day he is my biggest motivator. I mean, he's the man that's most likely going to see me naked one day and I'm a prude so no one else but him will get to see that. That's a big deal and I want to look as great as possible when that happens.

    Also, thank you for all the advice and support :)
    I really appreciate it.