Want to be fit and healthy before I turn "50"

Happy New Year Everyone:

Every year I do the New Years Resolution of "This year I am going to take the weight off". Every year without fail, I have failed. I usually don't get past the second or third day before I have "blown" my diet and I just give up. I decided that 2012 was going to be different. I am not going on a diet. I am however going to get fit and healthy. By changing my outlook on my situation, I figured I would have a better chance not only of succeeding in losing the weight, but also of keeping it off. Today marks my first day here on myfitnesspal, but my seventh day of getting fit and healthy. By no means am I patting myself on the back because I made it to day seven. I am encouraging myself because encouragement is important in anything you do. I am grateful for this website because it gives me accountability to myself. For me that is important.


  • Hello, Me, too! I will be 50 in June of this yer. If I knew how to "friend" you on here I would, and we could help each other along the way. I have full intentions of completing my journey this year. I just found this site and signed up, it's all new to me.