The trouble with Avocados...

Now, I love avocados, and usually eat them raw and whole. Despite its nutritional values it is also terribly high in calories (a whole avocado when put in a salad takes up nearly a quarter of my daily 1200-calorie limit), which makes it a constant should-I-should-I-not decision at the supermarket. Is there anyone here who's facing a similar dilemma, and how would you guys normally eat your avocados?


  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Have half?

    Mix it up by making guacamole or adding to a low cal dip.... make it go further. Then portion it out and keep rest for another day
  • elid
    elid Posts: 209 Member
    When I eat avocado, I usually split it up between two meals, e.g., half for breakfast on an English muffin and half for lunch over a salad. That way, I get to enjoy avocado twice! :smile:
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Maybe eat them on days you exercise, when you have a few extra calories to spend? That's what I would do! I too love avocados, but I will never have a 1200 calorie day... if I ever need to go that low, I'll be exercising every day to earn more hahahaha!

    I have also had some success saving halves of avocados. Leave the pit in the half you aren't going to eat right away, and stick it in the fridge in a ziploc. You could put some lemon or lime juice on it as well to prevent browning. But, it usually browns at least a little, so I just take the pit out, grab a knife, and run it around the top edge and scrape the brown part off. Voila, fresh 1/2 of an avocado! However, I wouldn't wait longer than a day or mayyybeeee two to eat whatever you try and save.
  • DarthBubbles
    Avacado smoothies. Sounds gross, but it's actually really good!
    I think to drink all of it, (I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 40 calories), it's around 370 calories and very filling!
  • JAllen32
    JAllen32 Posts: 991 Member
    I love them! And so does my hubby and daughter, lol. So I don't usually have to worry about eating too much because I have to share. Darn it! BUT...I just found something called a Slimcado! I researched it and I guess its just a regular old Florida avacado. I'd never seen them before tho, only HAAS avacados. But I guess the huge Florida avacados have less fat. I don't know, I just started looking into them. We ate one tonight with our turkey burgers, and between the three of us, we ate about half of it. haha They are huge! And cheaper than HAAS.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    The secret is......

    Don't eat a whole one
  • perty09
    perty09 Posts: 58
    Im strickly on 1200 a day... i rarely go over and am usually under at just about 1100 or so.

    I love avocados too and I still incorporate them into my diet. I eat half the avocado and usually have it with 3 boiled eggs and other chopped up veggies. My food for the rest of the day is like either oatmeal (since its so low in calories but yet filling) or a few of my favorite fruits. I also eat chocolate fudge popsickles that have NO sugar and are only 40calories a pop as a snack.

    It works for me
  • namenumber
    namenumber Posts: 167 Member
  • LoreleiWalks
    LoreleiWalks Posts: 143 Member
    Buy it and make this: (Especially good made w/ Greek yogurt. Yummy on taco salad, as a dip for tortilla chips or veggies.)


    Makes about 1 cup


    1/2 ripe avocado
    3/4 cup packed fresh cilantro
    1/2 cup nonfat plain yogurt
    2 scallions, chopped
    1 clove garlic, quartered
    1 tablespoon lime juice
    1/2 teaspoon sugar
    1/2 teaspoon salt


    Place avocado, cilantro, yogurt, scallions, garlic, lime juice, sugar and salt in a blender; blend until smooth.

    Make Ahead Tip: Cover and refrigerate leftover dressing for up to 3 days.

    Nutrition: Per tablespoon: 16 calories; 1 g fat ( 0 g sat , 1 g mono ); 0 mg cholesterol; 2 g carbohydrates; 0 g added sugars; 1 g protein; 1 g fiber; 80 mg sodium; 61 mg potassium.
  • sonjawi
    sonjawi Posts: 46
    If you seem to lack self control to eat only a half avocado get the 100 kcal packs of the Wholly Guacamole. They are very avocado-y (I know that's not a word, lol) and might satisfy your craving. That being said, sometimes its not all about the calories, as Avocado is really very healthy. I like it raw with a bit of pepper on it and a slightly buttered whole wheat toast on the side.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Avacado smoothies. Sounds gross, but it's actually really good!
    I think to drink all of it, (I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 40 calories), it's around 370 calories and very filling!

    I have to disagree with you. It doesn't sound gross at all, its super delicious. I love it! :tongue: