Starting again.............

tansyf Posts: 66 Member
I am starting the new with a new fitness regime and healthier eating plan, please add me as a friend so we can support each other :) looking forward to hearing from you xxxx


  • rb_sautennis
    Good for you for staring again! I am too...I lost 50 pounds two years ago, but they are starting to creep back on and I am not going to let them! We can definetly do this!
  • tonibell
    tonibell Posts: 4 Member
    Haha, me too. It's hard to believe how much food and drink I've consumed over the Christmas period, so I've started the New Year by getting back to the old MFP healthy eating plan. I started as soon as I got back to work and am extremely motivated to drop at least stone by the summer.

    I hope you are doing well.
  • anywhoodle
    anywhoodle Posts: 9 Member
    I joined here a few months ago with great intentions then stopped logging on thinking "well I know how much calories are in my meals now"... well now I've put back on 4 of the 5 pounds I lost so I'm starting over again too! Am fully committed this time, will need support too though to keep me on track! Good luck everyone!