5'3 people! What is your UGW?

I was wondering which is the UGW of people that are the same height as me: 5'3.

My nutriologist said that mine was supposed to be 125 lbs
but I've always wanted to be 119 lbs

What is YOUR UGW?:)


  • Galletakek
    my cut goal weight is 125 :)

    but regular would be 130-135
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    i want to be around 120 lbs, give or take a few lbs

    im gonna get to that first then see how it goes, but i feel like i might even need to be less than that to get rid of my gross love handles, they are NOT cool
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    125 lbs.
  • kleavitt1992
    kleavitt1992 Posts: 592 Member
    goal is 120
  • zahra8
    zahra8 Posts: 13 Member
    My goal is 118.6. I want to be petite!!
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    It used to be 125; im aiming for 119 now :)
  • demonNIИ
    demonNIИ Posts: 187
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,190 Member
    68-70 kgs lean muscle
  • brookelyn2030
    brookelyn2030 Posts: 84 Member
    130 pounds, but I'll be happy with 140! I'm 5'3 also!
  • weightofyourskin
    I have an ultimate goal SIZE of 6. I used to be a size six 5 years ago and the weight sneaked up on me very slowly... I'm now a 10 (or a 12 depending on the brand, but for this I'm going off my jean size at the Gap) but hoping to be down to 8 by June and to 6 by the end of 2012. I don't care how much I weigh as long as I can be that small again. I think back then I was around 130-135 but I was pretty flabby since I never did any strength training. I lift weights now on top of cardio so I might put on some muscle weight. I'm trying to focus less on the scale and more on my measurements/how clothes fit me.

    I've been overweight for so long that I'll be psyched just to get down to 160! I'm 172 now.
  • lilbabe09
    lilbabe09 Posts: 5 Member
    117, currently 125-124... but I personally haven't found my body shift much fat from 135-125... so I am not sure if 117 will do it either?
  • avg1986
    avg1986 Posts: 69 Member
    Mine is 140lbs, That is what i was when i met hubby 6 years ago and i thought i was fat :( im now 190 so 50 lb to go!!!

    When i get to 140 i am gonna re evaluate and see if i wanna drop more!

    Anna x
  • claire_90
    26" stomach
  • Kirstyvox
    Kirstyvox Posts: 13 Member
    120. I was around 130 for a while and wanted to lose more weight, but I'd be happy to be back there right now.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    whats a UGW?... I'm guessing the GW is goal weight not sure about the U?

    I'm just over at 5ft 3 and half and I'm aiming for about 9st 7first.. well just in the 9st range would be good to start with! I'd like to finally complete Wii fit and be 9st 3 (129lbs).

    I'm about medium frame I think so I doubt I'd look good under 9st.
  • MerrieF
    MerrieF Posts: 3 Member
    I'm less about a number than how I look and feel. Since I had my 2nd baby in 1998 I've usually been around 142. In 2010 I started bikng, and after my first summer, I hadn't lost any real weight, but I was looking a lot more trim, and I went down a bra size and I could tell I'd lost fat and gained muscle by the way my clothes fit. My advice is to not get hung up on a special number. Before I had kids I weighed 115, but I would rather look and be fit at 135 or 140 than go back to being skinny and not fit.
  • niknak2308
    niknak2308 Posts: 315 Member
    My first goal is 140lbs (from 183), but I'm not sure exactly what weight I'll *finish* on.... I have med-large frame and look ill at anything under 9st (126lbs). 140lbs is the top limit for my healthy BMI so I guess somewhere between 9 and 10stone.

    This time around though I want to look fit and toned. Last time I was this weight I lost it by working very hard on my feet all day and not eating much due to the job! Now I'd like to be strong and healthy rather than just slim :wink:

    Edit: I'm pretty sure the U stands for Ultimate.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    My UGW was 145, but now I'm getting closer I think more like 130-135
  • acidosaur
    acidosaur Posts: 295 Member
    It used to be 120, but I'm actually aiming for closer to 130 since I discovered strength training...
  • loopylis
    loopylis Posts: 116 Member
    Well originally I said about 150lbs, till I did a bmi checker and realised I needed to be closer to 125 to be healthy. I think I am going to aim for 130lbs and see how I feel/look when I get there