when did your belly fat vanish?



  • perty09
    perty09 Posts: 58
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I found a DVD for post pregnancy exercises to lose tummy.. I haven't bought it... but was wondering after reading reviews of the women who got back in shape if they would also work for a big tummy but not from pregnancy?

    The trainer was trainer for Shakira and Gwyneth Paltrow who she helped get back to super thin after their kids.
  • From my studies it seems like pretty generally you have to get down to about 19% body fat before the stomach fat takes a hike. :(
  • perty09
    perty09 Posts: 58
    lookie what i found in OLDDD mfp message board searches

    for all those interested... article on how to tame your tummy

  • kittuk86
    kittuk86 Posts: 192 Member
    ah.. nice to read that m normal.. lol..

    I started my journey in Sep 2011 n its after 3 months that finally my tummy has started going in.. in Dec, i tried doing this - cardio 20-30mins +10 min abs / core exercises for a week continuously.. n my belly reduced- visible difference.. i upped my cardio since then as i put on weight during new yr.. but yes.. those 10 mins of abs exercises made a visible difference!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
  • stayxtrue
    stayxtrue Posts: 1,186 Member
    Its not as hard as people think... Its all based on diet/nutrition and Cardio and it takes time.. I have gotten down to around 10.5% body fat and it was hard work! eating lean and doing a lot of cardio as well as strength straining
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    Women need to get down to about 14% fat percentage to see any abs. So yeah, lots of cardio and a healthy diet :P

    You have to eat properly and eliminate most fats and sugars so your body burns your body fat and not what you're eating.

    Take a quick read through this: http://www.livestrong.com/article/150246-body-fat-percentage-abs/

    That site in general is also a good read.
  • I started to notice the muffin-top was going away when I was at about 18%. The last two abs at the bottom are the ones that are hardest to get at. I started seeing them at 14%. I'm at 14% now and trying to work myself into 8-9%. That is going to take a lot of work!

    Ryan Parker
    Rock-Abs.net - How I Lost my Beer Belly
  • Hayesgang
    Hayesgang Posts: 624
    For me it's first on (belly, hips) last off :grumble:

    I'm about 138 lbs and mine is almost gone but it's about low BF% not just weight.

    Keep up the hard work and it will pay off!
  • I still have some but most of the excess inches in loose skin, mine went down a foot and a half.....still a work in progress
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    I cant seem to shift mine, lost the weight ,2 1/2 stone but got the loose skin and wobbly belly fat which just wont budge. I will take note of all answers above and see if they work for me. Thanks guys your all stars.!!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    Unfortunately you have only two options belly muscle with exercise or belly fat :(
    This is bullcrap, sorry but belly fat is simply one of the more stubborn fat deposits on the body and depending on the person it can take quite a bit of fat loss to get it to go. True that exercise does help but to see real fat loss benefits from exercise it has been proven that it takes about 6 months for it to start to burn off visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is usually the first to go when shedding fat but visceral fat on the other hand can take more time. Belly fat is usually one of the first you see going away in regards to measurement changes on a subcutaneous level anyhow, the visceral fat takes more time. Unfortunately there is much crap spewed by the health and fitness industry and it is hard to distinguish which is real and which is crap these days. What you need to do is look towards info that has a hard scientific background when it comes to fat loss. There are many on here whom will hold onto their health beliefs no matter how untrue they are.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    its probly gonna be the last thing to go...... my thighs are my nemesis... up top im so small and toned i can actually see my ribs a bit but those thighs,man, they don't care they want to stay. you just have to keep going..... it CANNOT stay forever... if youre doing your part!

    Yup, I'm seconding this! I started at 235.8 and am 159 as of today ("normal" BMI - yay!!! - I'm 5'7"). I've been running since August (Couch to 5K graduate, and I still run 30 minutes at a time) and Spinning since late October 1-2x/week, though this past week I went 4x. My legs have been getting much more toned, and my top half is TINY. My waist is around 27", and you can see my ribs pretty easily. My hipbones are starting to appear without my sucking in. However, my lower belly is still there, and my thighs are, too. I've just always been bigger in the legs, and I've always had the little "belly pooch." It doesn't help that I had a baby almost a year ago, so I've got a little bit of loose skin closer to my groin (where I'd have a c-section scar if I'd had a c-section).

    As for the loose skin, I think I'm kinda stuck with it, but the thigh and lower belly fat are most likely last to go. Upper belly fat started disappearing in the 160s for me.

    However, I think it all depends on your body type. I tend to be more of a pear shape, so below the waist is the last place for fat to disappear on me. If you're more of an apple shape and tend to accumulate fat around the middle but maybe have thinner arms and legs, then your middle is probably the last place it'll come from.

    I'm sorry; I wish I had better news!

    The good news is, you're already well on the right track and will lose it eventually. Losing fat overall is the best way to get rid of belly fat, so diet is paramount (South Beach Diet talks a lot about how its principles help with fat in the middle), and then core exercises will help tone it and make it look awesome. Since there's no such thing as spot reduction, crunches aren't going to make the fat disappear.

    Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • LHSweeney
    LHSweeney Posts: 87 Member
    lookie what i found in OLDDD mfp message board searches

    for all those interested... article on how to tame your tummy


    OMG I :heart: YOU this article is awesome. thanks!!
  • 1953Judith
    1953Judith Posts: 325 Member
    I think over the years I have moved from a spare tire to a pooch. Progress?

    Anyway whatever it is, it's 15" smaller than it was 5 years ago (literally)! I can live with that. With the exercise I have been doing, my posture is better, my core is sturdier and it sure looks a lot better.

    In answer to the original poster, I haven't spot focused on the abs, but it has gone down the same number of inches as my waist, which still leaves it as the least fit appearing area of my body. I am now at my last 20 pounds to lose; I am assuming that many of them will come from the ab area. If not, I'll get some advice and decide what to do as a fitness project during maintenance.
  • In my experience belly fat is the last to go. I've lost 145 pounds in the past 22 months. I still have a little to lose on my belly.
    What helped me is a book called "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis. It will tell you how to lose that belly fat.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    For me, it was a matter of eating enough and getting the right nutrients that my body burned fat and kept muscle.

    Years ago, I was stupid and only ate about 700-1000 calories a day to lose weight. It took forever, and at 130#, I still had a muffin top, rounded tummy, and back fat rolls. I felt lousy and thought the only way to lose more weight would be to eat even less, and I knew that wasn't possible. So I quit and gained weight back.

    This time around, most of the time I was losing weight, I ate between 1700-2000 calories a day (1350-1500 plus exercise calories) and was leaner by the time I was 140# than I was years ago at 130#. Flatter stomach, smooth back, no muffin top. At 130#, I'm able to wear clothes I last wore more than 20 years ago when I weighed about 20# less.

    Especially as you get closer to your goal weight, stop thinking about the weight and focus on the body. Get adequate protein and aim for a half pound a week loss. Strength train. Take photos every few weeks so you can compare your progress. You might not see it on the scale. You might not see it in the mirror. You might not see it in the measuring tape. But you'll be able to be more objective when looking at photos side by side.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I've just ordered a DVD for post pregnancy workout. I figured if they could lose a tummy that size (after birth) on those exercises, it should shrink mine a bit more.

    On reviews 2 women who weren't pregnant said they had used it and had lost their 'muffin top'.

    I have some physical restrictions so will just do as many of them as I can, either as she does them or slightly adapted. I got some pink dumbells too to introduce me to weights now I've figured out a way for me to be able to keep hold of them. I haven't got some too heavy in case I drop them but made up the weight by getting ankle wrist weights so I will also wear them on wrist to add to weight from dumbells.

    The person was personal trainer to Shakira and Gwyneth Paltrow and they don't look like they ever been pregnant with huge tummies!... so hoping it will do something for mine!
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