Slow Metabolism-Help!

I am 38 years old and I just had my 2nd and final child. I have be eating healthy and working out for almost 2 weeks now. I have not lost anything at all! I am not giving up, but I am wondering if even though I am making better choices and cooking well, if I need to change the types of foods that I eat. I know with age a persons metabolism will slow down. Does anyone have anyone advice on foods or working out that will help?


  • EddieG77
    EddieG77 Posts: 185 Member
    You should open up your diary so that others can see what you are eating.....losing weight is a lifetime commitment!!! Will send you a friend request if you would like support and I could possibly assist you!!

  • lksammons27
    lksammons27 Posts: 10 Member
    I have opened it up. I only have this week, since just started MFP this week. However, last week was basically the same for breakfast and lunch. Dinner changed each night, however, nothing fried or anything.
  • I have the same issue. I have had three children and it seems since the last my body will not lose. Although if I do unhealthy diets I can lose, but I really want something I can stick with for life. I don't understand!
  • lksammons27
    lksammons27 Posts: 10 Member
    I understand completely. I have been researching on the internet today and found an article that may help with determining which foods to eat.

    Here is the link:
  • hegster01
    hegster01 Posts: 65 Member
    Are you getting enough sleep? My youngest is 5 and has just started sleeping thru the night ths past September when he started going to school full time. Prior to that I couldn't lose the weight for anything and my doctor thought it was the lack of sleep.
  • I can't see you food diary so not sure if my suggestions are applicable but I am a 35 yo female with one daughter. I have found over time that fat and sugar slow my metabolism down dramatically. (I know this is a big surprise...) However, fat, cholesterol, and sugar are found in a lot of places you wouldn't necessarily suspect. I try to keep my diet high on lean protein, and get most of my carbs from high fiber sources. My snacks are usually frosted mini-wheats or popcorn. I am not completely faithful, but when I am I really see results. Especially in my waistline!
  • Double-check your thyroid levels as well; if you have an underactive thyroid like I do, it can definitely undermine your efforts.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Log absolutely everything you eat. If you're not, you could simply be eating in a calorie surplus. Open up your diary and get some objective looks at it from some members here. If you're able to afford some testing, seek out a Resting Metabolic Rate test which actually measures oxygen intake and C02 exhaust. It will give you a snapshot of your metabolism as well as a more accurate RMR to base your calorie intake off of.
  • eat every three hours and exercise
  • I have heard that celery takes more calories to burn than you consume when eating it....havent looked it up lately tho.

    HOWEVER, what I would do is write down your inches from around your body. You have probably not lost lbs but have lost inches instead. Start writing down your inches and check them every couple weeks.

    Good luck dear!!
  • Exercising builds up muscles which actually weigh more than flab so it might be a but longer before the weight loss kicks in!
  • Exercising builds up muscles which actually weigh more than flab so it might be a but longer before the weight loss kicks in!

    it does not weight more than fat but does take less room which is why measuring your inches lost is so important
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Exercising builds up muscles which actually weigh more than flab so it might be a but longer before the weight loss kicks in!

    You need to be at a calorie surplus to gain muscle. If she's eating at a deficit then she's not building muscle. She probably, isn't gaining muscle, she's probably just deprived herself for so long her metabolism has slowed.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    B12 and exercise. B12 helps give you energy. I don't know what I'd do without my b12.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    Exercising builds up muscles which actually weigh more than flab so it might be a but longer before the weight loss kicks in!

    Muscle does not weigh more then Fat.
  • laceyxlockdown
    laceyxlockdown Posts: 70 Member
    i have a list of foods the speeds up your metabolism. message me if you want it.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    Take this seriously, for your your kids. Google and read "Hydrogenated oil The Silent Killer" about food additives. These few additives can cause you to crave bad foods and actually cause you to "not" lose or gain weight. Take a fish oil supplement daily (3,000mg) and incrace your protein/decrease complex carbs (breads/chips/cookies/cakes) (keep good carbs like fresh fruit) if you do this for one week you will see a HUGE difference in your cravings.