How many is too few calories?

MFP gives me an allotment of 2970 calories a day. When I'm eating healthy I'm only consuming about 1700-1800 calories. Will this be bad on my metabolism and put me into starvation mode?

Also could use some tips on reducing sodium intake if anyone has suggestions.


  • The amount they are allowing is based on the amount of calories they believe you burn during your normal day with the deficit you would need to lose the 1-2 lbs a week that you put in as your goal. If you are a bigger guy it is possible to lose more weight with a bigger calorie deficit. The 1700-1800 calories a day should be sufficient, you never want to go below 1200 a day. I would also suggest if you want to eat a few more calories, make a bigger calorie deficit through exercise! Just remember it takes a calorie deficit of 3500 calories to lose one pound. One easy way to cut back on sodium, is to eat as much fresh food as possible. The less the food is processed, the less sodium. Most of our sodium intake comes from processed foods and not adding salt to homecooked meals. Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • artadvocate3
    artadvocate3 Posts: 15 Member
    I agree with snrodriguez. Homemade meals are the way to go, it will definitely help with your sodium issue. I also agree with her advice about calories! I am given 1800 a day and it is hard for me to use all those up! Good Luck!
  • launa18
    launa18 Posts: 8 Member
    you need to find out what your BMI is also find a calorie calculator based on your size also a "Frame Size Calculator" (bone frame). lets say to maintain your weight you have to eat 2300 calories a day, in order to lose weight you have to subtract about 500 calories a day about 1800 calories. that also goes for if you want to gain weight you add 500 calories a day. it is calories in and calories out... also as long as you are getting all of you nutrients such as your daily protein, carbs, fat, FIBER, you will NOT waste muscle... also just stay away from processed foods, and look up a cardiac diet , most of them are low in sodium... good luck hope this helps
  • hooligan4451
    hooligan4451 Posts: 8 Member
    I try to go over on my protein and fiber. But I'm usually 150-200 short on my daily carbs.
  • launa18
    launa18 Posts: 8 Member
    you should be fine :-) you will not waste.. remember carbs are energy you need them "complex carbs" that is (the good carbs)..
  • launa18
    launa18 Posts: 8 Member
    and when I say waste I mean starvation mode