men's speedos ...............

CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
Should that be allowed in Florida beaches? Lol..............Omg


  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    well sir, i believe there should be an AGE && WEIGHT limit for said speedos. I believe the same for booty shorts, and other skimpy clothing in the woman's department....just bc you can squeeze it onto your *kitten* DOES NOT mean you should wear it in public....
  • Jessie544
    Jessie544 Posts: 127 Member
    regardless if the guy is ripped with muscles or 90 years old.... I ALWAYS giggle to myself when I see a guy at the beach in a speedo... no excuse for it, lol
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    Nowhere. Ever. Ugg! (imho, haha) :laugh:
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 424 Member
    Banned... for life!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Should that be allowed in Florida beaches? Lol..............Omg
    I don't care what kind of shape a guy is in - there comes a time in everybody's life when he must give up the speedos.

    I won't wear them even when I look good. They make me feel girlish and sissy.
    And some guys and gals look so nasty and flabby, they should wear a space suit at the beech to spare us all the agony of having to behold their loathsome form of redundant protoplasm.
  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    I don't care what kind of shape a guy is in - there comes a time in everybody's life when he must give up the speedos.

    I won't wear them even when I look good. They make me feel girlish and sissy.
    And some guys and gals look so nasty and flabby, they should wear a space suit at the beech to spare us all the agony of having to behold their loathsome form of redundant protoplasm.

  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
    I recently saw a guy, very old guy and he lots of long white hair hanging.from his butt cheeks, I almost leave the place Lmao,
  • oldale40
    oldale40 Posts: 36 Member
    just got back from a vacation in Australia and saw way too many old overweight men in speedo's or as i like to call it

    "age innapropiate beach wear"

    hey guys Board shorts look great

    p.s i am 54 and wear board shorts
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    Now I am confused, there was another thread that stated all males should be in Speedos or banana hammocks and females spaghetti bikinis.
    I should note I look like a Gorilla in a diaper if I wear one.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I recently saw a guy, very old guy and he lots of long white hair hanging.from his butt cheeks, I almost leave the place Lmao,
    Yes, they don't even try not to be gross.
    And then to put that on display?

    Boggles the mind and turns the stomach.....
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    There are very few men who look good in a Speedo, IMO. Even guys who are in amazing shape tend to look weird in a Speedo if their proportions aren't just right for it. I'm just not a fan of the Speedo.
  • CreepyOne
    CreepyOne Posts: 221 Member
    There are very few men who look good in a Speedo, IMO. Even guys who are in amazing shape tend to look weird in a Speedo if their proportions aren't just right for it. I'm just not a fan of the Speedo.
    proportions, huh! That could be a topic on its own LOL
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    There are very few men who look good in a Speedo, IMO. Even guys who are in amazing shape tend to look weird in a Speedo if their proportions aren't just right for it. I'm just not a fan of the Speedo.
    proportions, huh! That could be a topic on its own LOL

    Not THOSE proportions. :laugh:
  • HugznKiki
    HugznKiki Posts: 170 Member
    Is a No...No... especially when
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    Just say no to speedos. I don't care if the guy is super fit & hot...I have NO desire to see him in a speedo...EW.
  • AtticusFinch
    AtticusFinch Posts: 1,263 Member
    I think speedos are very elegant and in no way make a man look camp

  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    As I said in a previous Speedos post:

    This? Is perfectly acceptable. Water polo boys. They make me want to aspire to be a dirty ol' cougar when I break 40.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    My ex was a body builder and from eastern europe, he thought is was strange that anyone worse anything but speedos and I certainly didn't complain when he put his on.
  • Quoth
    Quoth Posts: 8
    Speedos should be worn by professional swimmers for streamlining purposes and nobody else.; Ever, Anywhere. :D
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    gotta marvel at the confidence men have wearing those. ha