New girl in need of some motivation

Hi Everyone
It's official! enough is enough! I'm back on track (well slowly getting back on track).
When I set my mind on sth it's 100% and I give my all - the problem is...I get bored after a few days and fall back (usually on a case of lager and a massive pizza, followed by a cheesecake)
so I could do with some lovely ppl who can basically tell me : "ania you lazy git, get of your bum, put that cheesecake down and have something healthy)
i'm recovering from an injury so cannot fully exercise,, but i'll try this week to see if i'm still in pain
Feel free to add me :)
thanks guys


  • sofy993
    sofy993 Posts: 17 Member
    Heeys !
    My track is just begin ! I started on my diet 2 years ago then i gained my lost weight again !
    My real problem is when i feel sad , angry or stress >> I GO FOR EATING :'( !
    Now i am trying to have the stress alone without eating ! Whenever i want to eat something i imagine my shape and the way i would look like if i lose what i need to lose and reach my goal so i leave the food and go away :p
    And by the way , i saw in many websites and newspapers about the green tea and how it can burns alot of calories & fat so i am thinking about trying to get cup of it in coming days .. Maybe we should give it a try ^^
  • ania0307
    I've tried green tea but i makes me wanna vomit - seriously. But I tred red tea - it was ok - disgusting but you can get used to it. But definitely try green tea. I know some people who love the taste and swear t helps them lose weight.
    I usually eat when i'm bored - weekends mainly - when mu husband is at work. But during a week i should be ok. Unfortunately we often eat out and that's killing me - massive portions :p
    But as soon as I can get back on my bike - I'll swap eating out for cycling around :)
  • sofy993
    sofy993 Posts: 17 Member
    Yea i'll give it a try but not now - i have final exams and it's already makes me feel sick - in the coming holiday
    Looooool , oh yea you can add i eat when i'am bored too :p
    Get well soooooon .. That sounds good
    I have a huge problem with exercising !
    There is a gym on our bulding but i don't really have to for it ! Each holiday i go there for exercising everyday then when the university start i leave it :s
    Do you mind if i add you ? Or you can add me :)
  • heartshines
    heartshines Posts: 53 Member
    Stay the path! Dieting sucks, but the results are worth it. Don't allow yourself to become the person you used to be..think of the person you strive to be.

    I chew gum between meals to avoid snacking. I chew A LOT of gum.

    I also play Tin Light. Have you ever played that game? When I'm eating a salad, I tin light it is a big serving of French fries. ;-)

    Hang in there!!!
  • ania0307
    I've just added you !
    oh good luck with your exams - they might seem hard now but in a few years you'll look back at them and laugh (i know everyone says it but it's true)
    I am strange when it comes to exercising - a few years ago when i was really fit i used to run 10 miles 4 times a week, do bodyweight exercises every day and would cycle for mile and miles. Then when training for half a marathon i damaged my knee and i stopped - never really got back to being as fit as then. Plus now it's easy for me to hurt my knee so i have to take it easy. But i got a new competiton bike for xmas so i can't wait to cycle. I took it out once on new years day but due to pain we've only done 5-6 miles. But when the weather gets better we're doing our favourite trip - 42 miles - it's great :) going on a coast, in the felds and woods and views are stunning (you can google it - Whitby to Scarborough cinder track)
    I think we both need motivation when it comes to the gym haha I just can't be bothered to be going there - prefer to be outdoors:)
  • ania0307
    I've just had a look at your profile - This is why i am here too ! first app on the Iphone haha :)
    And I like to tin light game - i'll try it !
  • M6Tina
    M6Tina Posts: 5
    the worst thing to do is try to eat healthy around the holidays. The boyfriend said to me, "Why would anyone want to start dieting around the holidays?" I said, if I wouldn't have started when I did, I'd be 15 pounds heavier now! I'm down 19 pounds, I made it through the holidays. I need to start adding some exercise now but I feel good. I do the Taboo weighing myself everyday so I can see what is happening. I don't get depressed when it goes up, because I know I can bring it back down. I am at 200 pounds right now. I'm 5'8" tall and want to get to the 150's. I'm taking baby steps and set my goal for 195 when I was at 219. Just a little ways to go before I get that first tier goal! Sunflower Seeds are my true addiction. If I had no common sense, I'd grid them into a fine powder and snort them! BUT I haven't had them since I started so I'm doing well. I have been pulled down the road by the wagon as far as chocolate goes but I'm back on. :) Life is good. We gotta start Living it! SKINNY JEANS!
  • ania0307
    19 pounds ! well done, keep it up. I love your attitude
  • sofy993
    sofy993 Posts: 17 Member
    - they might seem hard now but in a few years you'll look back at them and laugh >> yea i know i'll laugh cz what coming is harder than those exams :s
    Yes i just google it .. Looks like it's very enjoyable thing to do that's why you call it your favourite trip !! I took an overview about it and saw some pictures .. I don't know what to say more that it's amazing .. Enjooooy it ^^
    and sorry about your knee .. Take a good care in your coming trip
  • ania0307
    Thanks :)