
Hi there, just joined this evening and feeling extremely positive about starting Day 1 tomorrow morning and hopefully losing 40lb before my holiday in July. I've just come out of a detox phase where I have managed to identify the foods causing my IBS. I have now cut them out my diet, however I have several food intolerances which cause me to have awful cravings, and have basically blighted every attempt at losing weight in the past. Hey ho, am hoping this site will help me to track my food more accurately, something I've always done in the past for a day or 2 then given up.

Good luck to everyone else starting out too.

L x


  • This site is great for tracking foods.... Should really help. Good luck! 
  • good luck on your weight loss journey :-)

    I am here to lose 9 kilos :-)
  • jeckyb
    jeckyb Posts: 60
    good luck,you can do it,im on week two love this site :)
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Good Luck and add me as a friend if you like. I love this site and how it helps you track your food.
  • dicove
    dicove Posts: 36
    Welcome, If you need support add as a friend , so far everyone I have met here has been very supportive and has given great advice and tips !