College Student -- Food options?

Hi everyone! I am new to the site as I am trying to shed a few pounds to get back to my goal weight. This is the first time i've ever really monitored the exercise and calories I am consuming so this is a new experience for me!

I am writing because I am a college student who is currently living in the residence halls. We have access to a dining hall but I try to stay away from going there a lot due to the high amounts of greasy food they have in there (Plus after 3 years of living in the halls, the food gets old, ha!)

In my dorm room, I have access to a microwave. Anyone know of healthier snacks or microwaveable foods that I could eat that isn't to expensive to buy?

Thank you in advance to anyone who responds!


  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    Yikes, I don't envy you with that choice - microwave or college food!

    Is it possible to choose good options from the catered menu - e.g. fruit and vegetables? Do they offer healthy options?

    I think if I were in your shoes I would try to get my breakfast (they should at least have a healthy cereal and/or fruit & yoghurt options?) down in the hall, and whatever other meals you can that are reasonably good. I would have a stock of things like rice cakes/ryvita in your room in an airtight container, with nice things to spread on them, and keep a well stocked fruit bowl.

    As for the microwave, you can get steamfresh individual portions of microwavable veggies, or rice here, not too sure about your side of the pond? If you have freezer space there are all sorts of things you can cook in the microwave. You could buy already cooked frozen chicken breasts and have that heated up with some vegetables for example.

    Hope that helps - college food is a nightmare! Make sure you get plenty of omega 3 6 and 9 oils (I use a help oil supplement, but they are found in fish or cod liver oil tablets) for your brain!
  • sara156
    sara156 Posts: 19
    Heyy. I'm a college student too, so I definitely understand this situation. Basically what I have been doing is hitting my school's salad bar, as well as grabbing a piece of fruit with every meal. Another good option would be a simple turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread as long as you skip the cheese and mayo. I have also made oatmeal and topped that off with some crushed walnuts from the icecream bar. As for snacks in your room, I would suggest the 100 calorie popcorn bags and the 100 calorie blue almond walnut packs. The fiber in the popcorn keeps you full, and it is portion-controlled. Same thing with the almonds, and you are also getting healthy fats. Finally, I would suggest buying some Quaker weight control oatmeal. I love eating that with some Greek yogurt on top (Dannon or Chobani PLAIN yogurt). The flavored Greek yogurt can be a bit more calorie dense so i would suggest the plain kind, but either way, Greek yogurt has way more protein than the standard kinds. Good luck :)