Other Young Moms :)

Hey I'm 18 with a 9 and a half month old baby & his name is mathias...he is also walking I'm such a proud mama :). Just here to meet some other moms and make some new friends & Share out weight journeys lol.


  • vramirez50
    vramirez50 Posts: 7 Member

    I'm also a young mom my son Julian is 4 years old. I had him when I was 19 years old. I have lost 40 lbs since then but I gained some back and am now looking to lose at least 20 lbs. Feel free to add me! GL on your fitness goals

  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    Awe that's great nice to meet you and I recently losed 10 pounds I'm currently 159 but I wanna go down to 140 I've always been a lil chunky I wanna b fit and healthy for summer ! & I will forsure add you :)