Hello, I have a long way to go!

Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
My name is Amy.
I'm from Arkansas.

I have always been a big girl. I think I got too comfortable as the big girl and just never realized just how big I let myself get. I'm almost 400. Right around 398... *sigh*
I have a LONG way to go. but, I guess I didn't put it on overnight, so it isn't coming off over night!

My goal, as of right now, is 225, so, I'll be trying to take off almost half my body weight... Looking at it like that seems so overwhelming!!!

I'm an emotional eater and I have a skin condition that keeps me depressed and sometimes the pain makes normal activity difficult. But, I think losing some wiehg tis more important than a little pain.

I could really use some support on here. I'm glad someone pointed this place out! <3


  • welshmaiden
    Nice to meet you ! I'm finding this place great - lots of suppor out here. Pleaqse feel free to add me! Good luck!!!
  • aliciawakka
    aliciawakka Posts: 46 Member
    I singed up a couple of days go and i am finding it brilliant! Good luck :D an feel free to add!
  • cassiejo84
    cassiejo84 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Amy! I just joined a few days ago, also 28 years old, and have also been overweight my whole life. Lost 80lbs twice but regained it with extra. Feel free to add me if you'd like! I also have a long way to go.
  • mos1971
    mos1971 Posts: 57 Member
    There is lots of people will to help including mme ive been doning this a week and find lots of people are will to take about any problems they have not just weight management i love this site
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Hey Amy. If it makes you feel a little better, I reached the lowest weight of my life in Arkansas; you can do it!
  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    hello and welcome to mfp
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal! Make a lot of friends on this site as it really does help with motivation. Log in everything, everyday, good days or not and do what exercise you can. One day at a time. :smile:
  • devondelight
    Hello Amy

    I joined on Monday..............new year and new me and all thqat sort of thing!! How many times have I done it?? I've lost count. I too carry far too much weight and I really need friends to support and motivate me. I weigh in tonight exactly 1 week after I had the courage to get on the scales and see for myself what I already knew.... I discovered I was the heaviest I have ever been!
    I read in the paper yesterday that it has been proved that people who write down their thoughts and feelings "get it all out" so to speak rather than bottle stuff up, are more successful at losing weight...maybe we need to try that too?!?! Good luck xx
  • neenie12
    Hi Amy!
    Welcome!! I have only been on MFP for about a month but am addicted to it lol!! the people on here are great and very supportive. Just start adding people as friends - it has really helped me. If the goal of 225 seems overwhelming, then don't think about it. just try thinking about the next 5 lbs you are going to lose. I also found it easier to eat as I normally would for the first few days but track everything. that way, I could see what were the better foods to eat. Try to incorporate some exercise - even if it's walking to the end of the street and back - but build it up everyday. It's amazing how quickly your stamina will improve!!!

    feel free to add me if you want :smile:

  • angelswank
    angelswank Posts: 55 Member
    It does seem a little overwhelming at first when you have a lot of weight to lose, but you can do it. I started out by just walking at first and watching what I ate. I couldn't walk more than a few blocks at first but I just kept adding more and more. I focused on how much better I was feeling and the weight kept coming off and now I only have about 53 more lbs to lose and I have lost 102 lbs. the exercise does get easier and now I feel guilty it I don't do any. I never deprived myself either, I would just find a healthier way to cook whatever I wanted. You CAN do it. Good luck on your journey.
  • Filletsteak
    Filletsteak Posts: 85 Member
    Great posts, good to see people getting results and being positive and supportive. :smile:
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Hi there Amy so pleased to meet you,
    Welcome this is a great place to be involved in when you feel like you need support. You can do this and there are people from all over losing weight for all sorts of reasons and it really does work.

    I wish you every success on your journey. You can do this xxx
  • Babzl1957
    Babzl1957 Posts: 37 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello Amy,

    You have taken the first right step and found this website. I am like yourself and have been big all my life. I am also Disabled and on medication that fights against weight loss, but I am doing it on here. I have done all the usual diets and this is working because of all the support and dedication of everyone on here. I joined in October and have lost 12kg so my Doctor, Hubby and family are pleased with me!! If I can do this.... anyone can. It is hard I admit because MFP set my cals at 1200 so I don't eat much but it's working so It's worth it. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you wish, coz I am gonna be around for a while! xxxxx
  • fguillory
    fguillory Posts: 291
    You can do it, <3
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    I joined on a whim, but I already feel so much support that I now believe that I can do this! You guys ROCK!!!!!
    *does happy dance*
    fguillory, thank you for sharing this place! It's amazing! You're amazing!
    Soooo Happy!!!!
  • ProjFit
    ProjFit Posts: 143
    Hello! Welcome to MFP. I too joined on a whim. I think you will find that your going to have tons of support here, and entering in your calories each day makes you accountable. I started my journey at 230lbs, and am now at 203lbs. I am looking to ultimately get down to 120lbs. I know what its like to feel overwhelmed, and "stuck" at points. Good luck on this journey, and just remember that we are all here for you!.
  • lalafromsalas
    Hi everyone! I'm Lala, 30 and have over 200lbs to lose, I've been using MFP for over a year but kinda forgot about it due to lack of accountability. I'd love to be accountable to others and help others with their accountability :) I've lost 75 lbs a few years ago and have kept it off. But now I'm ready to lose the rest :) you can do this Amy! I like to make small 20lb goals then do 5lbs at a time so it doesn't seem as daunting a task :)
  • cassiebrooks
    cassiebrooks Posts: 30 Member
    You took an awesome first step! I'm am just loving e support of this site!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Welcome! This is a great place to be. I know you can and will meet all of your health and fitness goals. :flowerforyou:
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    Hey there! I also have a long way to go (I just hit the under 300 mark), and I am always looking for more friends on here for encouragement. Feel free to add me. :)