Calorie intake-under goal...ideas?

I'm having a really hard time reaching my calorie goal each day. I started January 5, 2012. I'm hoping to lose a total of 71 pounds.
When you cut out candy bars, chips and bottles of's really hard to get to the Calorie goal eating real food. And I feel like I'm eating all day long now. Any suggestions?


  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    its really hard for us to help. if u make ur diary public it would be easier. what about adding nuts to your diet, high calorie yet all the good fats?
  • JazzBar9363
    Just pick healthy snacks. Popcorn without butter. Nuts. Look at your food and see where you might be able to have a 1/2 of an extra helping. You shouldn't be a lot under, but within 100 or so, I tend to be okay with that. I need to do better also. I have tried to eat more, but I get so full so fast even with eating less. As long as I feel full and not hungry, I'm not going to worry about it. Keep an eye on the other stuff too, not just calories. You can do this!
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    I wasn't aware anything was private...I've changed it to public.
  • Trilaina
    I replaced all my junkfood with fruit, and had the same issue you're having, so now I keep avacados, granola, and protein bars around for when I'm way under.
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    I know that previously...for years really...I filled up on mostly empty calories. This is a real lifestyle change. I appreciate your comments. I'll look into adding nuts. I really only like Cashews and sunflower seeds. (oh and the peanuts that come inside a snickers bar).
  • sewedo1
    sewedo1 Posts: 200 Member
    I've never had a lot of junk food in my diet, but I do love a good variety of whole foods. Figure out the meats, vegetables, fruits, dairy (I love Greek yougurt) and whole grains you like best---with the spices that enhance them----then add more servings. It only takes a small amount of nuts to add a lot of calories and they're nutritious.
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    I wish there were a like button on this. A way to acknowledge a response so everyone knows I've read it. I have always over eaten. From the time I was out from under my parents watchful eyes until recently I ate with abandon. I've dieted a couple times with varied success. This time I wanted to make a lifetime change. And the answer is Nuts. lol. Who knew. I also need to start planning my meals in advance. I've been winging it meal to meal and that could be what's causing my issues.
  • Stevebone42
    Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're looking to lose weight you should come in a little under.
    Within reason, of course. Don't try to starve yourself but being a couple hundred under is o.k. I think. That's why it shows up as green. But like I said, correct me if I'm wrong on this people as I am new here myself. I do think you need to have a deficit to lose weight.
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    @steve. The deficit is already calculated for you in your goals section. It's listed on the right. At this time with the calories I'm supposed to eat every day I have a 750 calorie deficit already. My daily calorie use is like almost 2100 because I work vigorously for 8 hours in a calorie intake I'm supposed to eat daily is 1340.

    Calories Burned
    From Normal Daily Activity 2,090 calories/day
    Net Calories Consumed*
    Your Daily Goal 1,340 calories/ day
    Daily Calorie Deficit 750 calories
    Projected Weight Loss 1.5 lbs/ week

    This is from my goal page.

    Also eating anything under 1200 calories a day is considered a starvation diet and puts your metabolism in store fat mode rather than burn.

    So far this is a great site. I think it's going to be a great help towards my personal goals.
  • jsid12
    jsid12 Posts: 4 Member
    so im new at all this but isnt steve correct? The app determines what your daily calorie intake should be and if you are under it(numbers in green) then thats good right? Mine says my intake should be 1660 a day but i always finish around 100-200 in the green.
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    you can add in healthy snacks threw the day. a banana is a good snack and 100 cals. maybe add a little something to your breakfast a glass of oj or a piece of toast.
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    If I need to reach my goal, I either eat a Banana, some peanut butter, and nuts...
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    so im new at all this but isnt steve correct? The app determines what your daily calorie intake should be and if you are under it(numbers in green) then thats good right? Mine says my intake should be 1660 a day but i always finish around 100-200 in the green.

    No. Under eating is sometimes worse than over eating.

    On days I've had trouble reaching my 3,400 cal goal, I'll sip a protein shake that evening.
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    I think really its better to be as close to the as goal as possible. I had a look at your diary and it look pretty good. Only thing id say is that it appears you dont consume that many vegetables. If your wanting to up calories sweet potato is great, low GI and heathy :)
  • jsid12
    jsid12 Posts: 4 Member
    Like i said im new at this. But if im just under or just about to hit my target that cant be that bad can it? I feel full and im not starving myself. Glad i found this thread i can use the help.
  • lorihalsted
    lorihalsted Posts: 326 Member
    Peanut butter, almonds, all these yummy foods are coming to mind. A little bit of frozen yogurt....
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    so im new at all this but isnt steve correct? The app determines what your daily calorie intake should be and if you are under it(numbers in green) then thats good right? Mine says my intake should be 1660 a day but i always finish around 100-200 in the green.

    When you input your data, MFP works out a deficit for you to lose the amount of weight you selected. So your target will be 1600, you should eat pretty much 1600 to lose the amount that you have entered. When you add exercise, it ups your target, so you need to eat those calories to. I usually leave myself about 100 calories for cushioning because I know that exercise calories can be overestimated, but try not to go anything less than that
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    its really hard for us to help. if u make ur diary public it would be easier. what about adding nuts to your diet, high calorie yet all the good fats?
    Nuts, avocados, a turkey sandwich, peanut butter sandwich.....
    Is eating enough really this much of an issue?

    Most of us are well versed in how to eat.:glasses:
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    I just ate 10 organic dark chocolate covered almonds for 210 cals. Dark chocolate has antioxidants, almonds have heart-healthy unsaturated fats and a little protein. YUM.
  • NorseMaiden
    NorseMaiden Posts: 95 Member
    I'd like to thank everyone who has posted so far and a preemptive thank you to all who might post after this reply. I'm really working on veggies. The problem is I simply dislike most of them. Fruits I can handle but too many of those might not be a good thing.

    Eating healthy is a new thing for me. I've never really tried it before. I've done fad diets that were very unbalanced with mixed results. Sounds horrible I know but it's the truth. My average daily food intake prior to starting MFP on Jan 5th was punctuated with Sugar and Fats. Say French toast 4 pieces or more covered in butter with LOTS of Mrs. Buttersworth syrup for breakfast. Not much of anything for an actual lunch per se. A family size bag of funyuns and half a bag of reeses peanut butter cup minatures for snacks. And Half a large pizza or more for supper. That pretty well sums up a normal weekend day for me. During the work week I didn't eat much better because everything that comes out of a vending machine is SO tasty. Soooo, this is a huge change for me.

    I'm going to make it work. I'm going to do my best. I'm going to see it through. But I'm flying blind. Thanks again everyone for all your kind words, encouragement and advice.