Hi, everyone-looking for breastfeeding moms

This is sooo hard for me. I want to lose weight, but this is hard. Being on this site is making me question a lot of my eating habits. I'm already stressed ,now it seems I'm not getting enough calories. My supply is already very low. I don't know, maybe I'll just wean then get serious about losing weight. I need encouragement on both ends. This site certainly lets you see what you are doing wrong. Oh, yeah LO is 11 months, I wanted to try extended bf but not sure.


  • MizzKeisha
    MizzKeisha Posts: 17 Member
    Hello I'm also a breastfeeding mom and I really don't think you should quit because its just so good for your baby. My baby is just over 9 months :). Are you taking vitamines at all ? Mite help a lot. Well I hope you can handle your stress more and feel free to add me.
  • AbimpyMoschino
    AbimpyMoschino Posts: 30 Member
    Pls add me and lets chat, i av a 9 month old son.
  • I'm a breastfeeding mom as well. My baby is 10 months. Don't stop breastfeeding because you want to lose weight!!! It is the best thing for your baby!! You're a mom now and you have to do what is best for your baby. You will have plenty of time to lose weight when your baby is done breastfeeding. Your baby is only a baby for a short time and they need you most now. At least breastfeed for one more month, they your baby can have cows milk. Don't bother switching to formula now and then cows milk in a month, not worth it! Good luck!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Hi Mama,
    Ummm... eat a bit more and drink plenty of water. I am currently breastfeeding my two and a half year old, and breastfed my oldest for over two years. Breastfeeding is awesome. I have lost over 40 lbs breastfeeding, and have benefited from both breastfeeding and exercising and eating right. And my children have benefited from extended breastfeeding, especially where illnesses ad protection from food allergies are concerned.
    Look up breastfeeding and exercing on LLL and kellymom. I don't remember the specifics, but both sites say to eat minimum of 1800-ish calories a day to lose weight, and a slower weightloss plan is recommended. I also know that LLL has cited studies where breastfeeding mom have lost more weight and more inches in their waists and hips than non-breastfeeding moms who are trying to lose weight. Please don't stop breastfeeding solely to lose weight. If you eat healthy and sensibly, and exercise a bit, the weight will come off. And you will feel great that you continued to parent your little one the best way you know how.
    If you aren't eating enough calories, try adding a larabar or nuts or an avocado to your day... all are a great source of healthy calories, and protein or fats, depending upon your needs.
    You can do this, feel free to friend me if you want.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    What makes you think your supply is low? Have you spent a few days tracking what you typically eat to get an idea of where you want to make changes? If so, how many calories are you eating on an average day? What does MFP give you as a calorie goal if you wanted to maintain your weight? How much water are you drinking? How many times a day is your little one nursing?

    Don't get overwhelmed. Just take a deep breath. If you think you're having supply issues, please think about seeing a lactation consultant. In the meantime, feel free to PM me and I will help. You don't have to choose between nursing and weight loss. You can do both, you just need the right information, and we need more answers in order to help you.
  • Hi hon!! I just quit breast feeding my daughter in December at a little over 11 months. I was one of those people that didn't lose ANY weight while breast feeding, in fact I gained weight. I watched what I ate and drank a lot of water. My supply was also low, and I was frustrated all the time. My daughter actually weaned herself. I have basically been on and off a period every couple days for the last month :(. But, I can definitely tell my hormones have changed!! I have already lost 11 pounds since I quit breast feeding. Honestly I'm sure it depends on your weight too, I am 5' 7" and delivered at 214, and quit breast feeding at 223. I applaud you for how long you have already breast fed!! I originally set a goal of one year to breast feed and felt disappointed that I didn't make it, however I found some peace in knowing my daughter chose to wean. You've made it this far...keep it up!! Hopefully when you do finish you will start to drop the pounds. I'm a single mom and wanted to get back on the market lol... so I can't even tell you how bad I wanted my body back!! Add me if you'd like :)
  • amaion17
    amaion17 Posts: 27 Member
    message then add my sister ....she is breastfeeding .
  • Breastfeeding mom to my 10 week old son. I so want to lose weight but its not going anywhere so I decided to join here..
  • oh and add me if you want I would love some support from other people who are breastfeeding :) hlfroines is my screen name
  • Hi. I am also a breastfeeding Mom to a 9 1/2 month old. From the eay he os going he has no plans of weaning himself. I di manage to loose about a good 15 lbs after birth by counting my calories. I do take additional vitamin D. When he is going through a growth spurt I feel drained physically, no matter how much I eat. I am new to my fitness pal but did keep a food journal with me before this. It does seem a bit hard at first but once you get the hang of it you will do fine and notice the lbs fall off, if you are honest. I sometimes feel I have a low milk supply but I know he is obviously getting something everythime he nurses because he comes back multiple times for me and seems satisified. I do supplement a 4oz bottle of formula once a day. Of course he is eating solid foods but prefers his "Mommy's milk" from the tap. :)

    I will admit I don't exercise as I should but cleaning after a family seems to be burning calories.

    Feel free to add me, I do need some weight loss aquaintances. Thanks.
  • Helo. and good for you for breastfeeding your baby! I'm currently breastfeeding my just turned 2 year old twin boys and I've found that for me to lose weight I really need to up my fruit, veggies and water! I've also found that drinking mothers milk tea (by Traditional Medicinals) helps with milk supply as well as helps me lose weight! I googled it once and it has something to do with the herbs lowering blood sugar so use caution if you're a diabetic.... :) anyways add me if you like and don't get discouraged you are doing what's best for your baby and you will lose weight! just gotta find what works for you!
  • Hi, I am also a breastfeeding mama, new to the site. My 5th baby is 9 months old and I have struggled this time around with losing weight. I will echo all the other ladies. Keep on Breastfeeding as it is so good for you and your baby.
  • Hi there, I also don't think you should have to give up breastfeeding just to lose weight. Keep counting calories and trying to get exercise done and it will happen. However, if you did choose to change to formula, please don't feel bad about it. It is a totally valid choice and there's absolutely nothing wrong with feeding your baby formula. I know lots of people who were formula fed and they are wonderfully healthy, intelligent and happy. I think it's awful to put pressure on women to breastfeed, making them feel like a failure if they have issues with it, straight out can't or don't want to. Obviously it is very good for babies to be breast fed, but it can be hard and a mother has to do what's right for her and her family.
    By the way, I am exclusively breastfeeding my 3 month old currently. Good luck with everything. You have all these people's support and mine too!
  • Hi there! I'm a mum of 3 and started MFP last Jan when my little one was 6 m - I had to make sure I drank loads
    of water and ate plenty snacks through the day but with MFP I lost 36 lbs and was lighter than pre kiddies:) she still has a nightfeed every now and again at 18 months. I'd say go
    for it, see how you get on - Bf is hard work but very rewarding so take it easy to start with :)
  • Hi there, I am a mother to a 12wk old baby who is the light of my life! I would like to start thinking more about what I am eating again and wondered if anyone knows about how many calories a BF'ing mum should have a day?
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    hi i breastfeed my son for 9 months. he ended up weaning himself. i had a low suppy and we struggled with one thing or another the whole time. so it was kind of a relief for me when he started refusing to nurse and then after we week i stopped offering to nurse him and he has move on to a bottle. i stopped pumping after that week as my supply was so low. and i miss nursing, i wish my son hadn't stopped. so i woldn't stop now just so you can lose weight. if you plan on weaning him at 12 months i would stick it out for another month.

    i would say the best advice for you is to talk to your doc and see what they say about how many cals min u need and go from there.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    This is sooo hard for me. I want to lose weight, but this is hard. Being on this site is making me question a lot of my eating habits. I'm already stressed ,now it seems I'm not getting enough calories. My supply is already very low. I don't know, maybe I'll just wean then get serious about losing weight. I need encouragement on both ends. This site certainly lets you see what you are doing wrong. Oh, yeah LO is 11 months, I wanted to try extended bf but not sure.

    My son is 5 months old and I'm exclusively BF him. I've already lost 22 lbs of the baby weight! Drink a ton of water, eat high protein foods to help keep up that supply and also take Fenugreek. It is a supplement that my sons doctor recommend. I now make 40 oz a day!!! I make so much I have a month of frozen on hand for back up. Hang in there girl and don't give up. Breast milk is the best for your baby.
  • FitKate
    FitKate Posts: 169 Member
    Hi there, I am a mother to a 12wk old baby who is the light of my life! I would like to start thinking more about what I am eating again and wondered if anyone knows about how many calories a BF'ing mum should have a day?

    You should take in about 500 to 700 extra calories depending on how much your little one eats. My little one is 5 months and up to 36 oz in a day now! So i eat 500 extra and the weight is just falling off. I probably should be eating closer to 700.
  • I am also breastfeeding my 11 week old son, I have always had a hard tune losing weight especially when breast feeding! Add me if you want and we can share in eachothers journey!
  • Hoefer515
    Hoefer515 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am breasfeeding my 14 week old daughter. I already lost the 40 lbs I gained during pregnancy from Breasfeeding alone but I want to lose another 20lbs. My family is doing a biggest loser challenge and I have to prove it to myself and my husband that I can do this! I'm not quite sure how many calories/day I should have. MFP told me 1200 when i first but my info in, but I know that is not enough. I changed the goals myself and added -500 calories/day for breasfeeding. Is 1800 calories enough? I'm 5'7 and 164 lbs.