Frustrated and losing interest



  • peggf
    peggf Posts: 1
    Hang in there. I'm in the same situation. Sometimes, depending on where a woman is in her cycle, she may just be retaining water. Could have been the salt that you had in your diet over the past few days that you were not aware of. Also, when we start to lose weight, our body can go into a "starvation mode" and try to conserve calories even though we are eating less. Your body will adjust to this and if you keep of the same diet/exercise pattern that you have established since 1/1, you should lose the weight. The temptation is to throw in the towel, but hang onto your goal and keep up the good work. The weight will come off if your are persistant.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Add a sodium column to your diary. Hang in there and keep drinking all that water! : )

    This was a big deal with my weight going up and down. Drink plenty of water and really keep an eye on sodium. Be patient, it will work.
  • nathaliasmommy
    nathaliasmommy Posts: 40 Member
    Yeah dont weigh yourself so often, weight fluctuates daily, like for instance i just started this on Friday evening, so my meals and exercise for that day were way over on food and no exercise, then saturday i ate healthier and was under my calorie goal and i did exercise. so today (sunday) is the date i have set to weigh myself every week and from Friday to Sunday i lost 4 pounds, but i dont expect to see that every other day!! it probably as do with water weight etc..
  • SusanneWhittington
    SusanneWhittington Posts: 339 Member
    to loose weight your patience has to have a little bigger patience span than 8 days. After looking into your diary you eat a lot out which makes your sodium intake extremely high. Easy to gain water weight with that. It is not only to stay under the calories, it is also what you eat. Being over with Protein is a good thing, never worry about that, the worries have to be, being over with fat, sugar and sodium.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I hide my scale. My trainer forced me to get on his the other night. My weight was actually higher then the last time he forced me on it but all my measurements (except for my waist) were down. So the scale went up but the tape measurements went down. I'm not complaining......that scale is just a tool. Anyone get my joke???
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I agree, it's not fat. When you weigh yourself every day, you need to look at the overall trends rather than the day-to-day fluctuations. You could be retaining water due to eating too much sodium, or maybe you need to poop. Did you weigh yourself at the same time, in the same clothes? If you didn't eat or drink before your weigh-in yesterday, and then today you weighed in after breakfast and 2 cups of coffee, that can add a pound or two right there.
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    I have this huge issue with weighing my self daily!!!! which is horrible it is def not the rigt thing to do!!!! I have stopped doing this after about 3 days ago when I weighed and had gained 3lbs!!! i was Horrified but I refused to give up and have set specifice days every other week to weigh. My new new weigh day is on sunday I weighed this am and "magically" those "extra" lbs I had "gained" were gone!! Just dont give up!!!! it takes time to put the weight on its going to take time to take it off!!!
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Don't worry, the weight will come off. However, I woud cut down on the fats (cheese etc|) as you are often over your daily max allowance
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    Thanks for the support. I do drink my water that is one thing that has never been an issue for me. I know you can't gain 4lbs in a day and I am guessing my scale is also a little off it just frustrating because I don't know whether to go with the goal i actually hit yesterday and plan on two lbs from that for 1/15/12 or go by what was actually on the scale today which is my weigh in day but 2lbs heavier than where I started. I am going to go with what I was yesterday as this is probably a fluke, besides when I spoke to the doctor the other day he said that you can't count the week before/or after your cycle due to bloating, probably can't count the week of either so that means only one week a month is accurate. Guess I should weigh only weekly and try other methods to determine my weight loss like measurements and fittness of clothes. Thanks again guys.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Over time, you'll figure out your own personal norms........but it takes time :) Don't get frustrated off the bat - it takes 6 weeks to really show progress one way or another and by then you'll start picking out trends behaviours and responses......
  • jz9fp8
    jz9fp8 Posts: 2
    As the other members commented, be patient and watch your salt intake. (I only weigh myself on Monday am's.) You have set a very aggresive goal of 2 lbs. per week. I would suggest 1 lb. per week. Good luck!
  • hope25
    hope25 Posts: 188 Member
    Hang in there. My weight did the same thing I had a good week then gained it back then started loosing again. Just keep going along and see if you start to see results.
  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    I am having the same problem. I weighed on friday and today the scale said I gained 9 pounds. I know
    I didn't eat 40000 extra calories. My sodium was a bit over, but not a whole lot For me it is that TOM, soon I will continue to eat right and exercise daily.

    I will just ride this out and see what happens next week.
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    Life will not change in one week. Losing weight and changing the composition of your body takes TIME. It's no fun waiting, but in the long run, what else are you going to do? Just throw in the towel and be unhappy with your body for the rest of your life? I agree with the above poster. I stopped getting on the scale and got out my tape measure. It made the biggest difference in my life! I can promise you one thing, if you take one day, one meal, one workout at a time, you will never regret it!

    Best of luck! :)
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    I think our expectations are always a little unrealistic. It didn't take you a month to put the weight on, it's not going to come off in a month.

    A lifestyle change is just that. You have to change how you live. Not temporarily to fulfil a diet, because all that will do is if you stick with it you will just go right back to where you are now when you resume your old bad habits.

    It takes patience. It's not as much fun to take the weight off as it was to put it on, and dieting sucks, but also dieting alone won't get us to our goal... it requires more action in our life. Get out. Sweat. Daily. Not just once in a while. Watch what you eat. Daily. Not just once in a while.

    Don't pay attention to the scale.

    I started last July at 242 lbs. I'm supposed to weigh around 200 - 205 lbs. I'm down to 220. I wore shorts today that I wore last summer and today they fell off me.

    But had I been staring at a scale the whole time I'd probably have said "eff it" long ago.

    It's a long journey. You have to keep putting your foot in front of the other.
  • msjones2831
    msjones2831 Posts: 126 Member
    Don't let that discourage you. Just keep sticking to you calorie limit and try to eat as much quality foods as possible. Your weight will do that at times, but it's temporary. Yesterday I was a half pound from my short term goal then today when I got on the scale I was up 2 pounds. I'm not sweating it because I know I am on the right track. So are you!
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    So you are frustrated and losing interest after one week... This speaks a lot to your commitment to achieving and then maintaining your goal. Don't worry so much about the scale numbers, nobody but the DMV wants to know what that is.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I find myself in the same situation. I am following the caloried intake to the letter, I am exercising and even trying not to eat after 7:00pm. I have steadily gained 4lbs in the last 3 days. I am so ready to give up. If I could just get some good results sometimes instead of always bad maybe I could do this. I just can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.

    There is no reason not to eat after 7 pm unless it causes you to binge. I eat all the way up until bedtime, so if you want a later snack just allot some calories for that.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    weight fluctuates! dont get discouraged! you CAN do it!!
  • itsjustpaper28686
    My weight goes up and down every other day. Believe me, it's so frustrating! Friend me so we can motivate each other. It's tough but you've only just begun.