Frustrated and losing interest



  • vsmurrow
    vsmurrow Posts: 145
    You've been doin' this for a week, sweetheart.
    You realize you're going to have to eat healthfully for the rest of your life, don't you?
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Wow - your frustrated and ready to give up after just a few days???

    Agree with Engineman - perhaps you're just not ready to do this yet. When you will be, you'll stop weighing every day and looking for a miracle cure. When you do - you'll see that a weekly average is perfect and if you are actually following this 'to the letter' it'll work perfectly for you.
  • if your not using your bowels on a regular basis it could easily add 400gm don,t give up!! i lost all the weight i wanted too quite easily on this program but alas i went to bali for a wedding and decided to indulge as i did at christmas and new year!! not quite back to how heavy i was but need to try again on diet going well so far.
  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    Add a sodium column to your diary. Hang in there and keep drinking all that water! : )

    I agree -- sodium -- excess amounts will result in a weight gain. You have to increase your water consumption to flush it out. Back track to see if that might be the problem. You'd be surprise to find how much sodium is in your food -- just like the hidden sugars.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    It is too soon to give up. You might not be ready yet. The most important commitment, is the one to consistency. IF you keep your healthy habits daily, your health will improve. That's the ultimate goal.

    Try to stay away from the scale and focus on the tape measure for 2 weeks. If you are consistent, you will see progress somewhere.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I found the problem in your title of your post you said you are losing "interest". This is where so many people fail. Stop viewing it as an interest and get committed to it. It's not about doing it because you feel like it, it's about fighting for it. You don't go to work and say "Oh well I'm not interested anymore so I am not going to do my job till I find the interest again." No it's a commitment, you do it for reason.
  • hunnyspice
    hunnyspice Posts: 80 Member
    I agree with everyone else on the sodium. Past couple of days I went over on my sodium and I've gained 3lbs.

    Check your sodium and weigh weekly.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I set a goal of 2lbs per week to start on 1/1/12. On 1/7/12 I met that first goal, a day early, when I weighed this morning, the day of reckoning I had gained 4lbs. I didn't binge last night and haven't binged all week. I didn't go over my calories, I did go over in protein which I don't consider terrible and i went over in fat which is bad but again not enough to gain 4lbs in one night. Any ideas what this could be. I am hoping it's just water weight for some reason and it will go away but I cna't reach my goals if I am gaining overnight like that.

    The scale lies but the measuring tape doesnt.

    PS: 3500 calories = 1lb of fat.
    So in a day to gain 4lbs you would have to eat that over your TDEE....water weight anyone?
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I weigh myself daily but I know that the weight will fluctuate wildly over days. Yesterday I weighed in at 106.8kg and this morning I weighing in at 107.8! 1 kilo (2.2lbs). It's not a bad thing; it's just hydration levels, food in the digestive system and other stuff that I'm not qualified to know.

    When you start a weight loss programme it's best not to weigh yourself daily. Don't do it until you can emotionally handle it. Weekly is a good frequency to start with.
  • Dont give up we will all have a few bad weeks or days I aggree dont weight in until the end of the month. Go by how you feel and and if your clothes feel a little looser, good luck, Dave
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I have this huge issue with weighing my self daily!!!! which is horrible it is def not the rigt thing to do!!!! I have stopped doing this after about 3 days ago when I weighed and had gained 3lbs!!! i was Horrified but I refused to give up and have set specifice days every other week to weigh. My new new weigh day is on sunday I weighed this am and "magically" those "extra" lbs I had "gained" were gone!! Just dont give up!!!! it takes time to put the weight on its going to take time to take it off!!!

    Weighing everyday isn't necessarily a "horrible thing" to do. For some people (I'm one of them) it actually helps to keep me on track. It also has taught me how different foods affect my weight, how much water I need in a day, how my body responds to cardio workouts vs weight training, etc. There's a lot of good that can come to daily weighing - but in order for it to be a helpful tool - you MUST learn to not freak out over a few pounds up and not get overly excited over a few pounds down unless those pounds stay off for many days.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    patience is key in weight loss. it'll come eventually. if the scale upsets you, get rid of it. measure yourself, how do you feel? how does your clothes fit? I find alot of people just focus on the scale and nothing else.
  • verybusybee
    verybusybee Posts: 131 Member
    Thank you all for the support. I do prefer to way myself everyday to see how my progress is or isn't going, I am back down again beyond the 2lb that I had se for myself last week so I am back on track and plan to stay that way.
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    I empathize with highs and lows being dictated by the scale. I had to walk away, and commit to eating right and exercising for other reasons: a) because I know it's healthy b) because it feels great c) because over time my body will look healthier and stronger and fitter. The scale sucks. Settle in for the ride, sista.
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    Remember Rome was not built in a day! None of us gained weight in 1 week it was a gradual thing. Weight loss works the same way! Be patient real results are worth the wait! I tell myself this same thing daily!!!! Keep your chin up you can do this!
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    First, you must be patient. The weight does not always just fall off because we are doing everything we think is right. It does take work but you can get there! Second, your sodium consumption is way too high and it is causing you to retain water. The gain you see is *likely* water weight that will come off when you start drinking more water and consuming less sodium. Eating processed foods will put you over on your sodium every time, so try to eat whole, natural foods and prepare your own foods at home. If you are pressed for time there are many crock pot recipes you can make on Sunday, then eat it all week. I tend to do that for my lunches for the week. Best of luck to you on your journey. Oh if I can offer one more bit of advice, you don't have to lose 2lbs a week, 1 lb a week should be fine. In this, slow and steady wins the race... (figuratively speaking of course, as there is no need to rush to get to a goal weight or it probably won't stay off).
  • philOHIO
    philOHIO Posts: 520 Member
    Logging into this website does not make you lose weight. Hard work, attitude adjustments, eating habits, and dedication DOES. You may be setting yourself up for disappointment setting your goals too high, too fast. Shows like the Biggest Loser isolate the people from their own comfort zone, routine, have personal trainers, and no job, kids, chores to worry about. Take baby steps and you will reach your goal.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Remember that the scale is just another one of our tools in this weight loss journey. It is not the end all and be all. Think of how you feel eating healthier and doing a little (or a lot) more exercise. Also, keep in mind that everyone loses weight differently - some people take it off fast and then hit a plateau for a month before they start losing again and others just steadily lose 1-2 pounds a week. For the first time I took tape measurements at the beginning of Jan. and will be re-taping at the beginning of Feb. We'll see. Good luck and just don't give up:flowerforyou:
  • I can say this i get frustrated constantly and my husband who has never had a weight issue gave me a piece of advice that i now live by said this " You didn't put that weight on overnight you can't expect it to come off overnight. Patience is key. It's a Marathon not a sprint" When i get frustrated and i do because the scale won't move for me for months i think of this and calm down and get back to it. Hope this helps.
  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    Not to be too personal but is it close to that time of the month? I know this greatly affects many women on the scale.