Trying again

After downloading my fitness pal a few months back my start weight was 168lb. i stuck rigidly for a week or so and lost 6lb. Since then i have done absolutley nothing to help my weight loss so logged onto my app after discussing it with my friend (donnaobrien43) and advising her to try it. Today I weighed in at 194lb. i was gonna change my original starting weight to todays weight but left my original 168 as a harsh reminder!!!!
Im gonna use the community this time and be brutally honest with myself and share my ups and downs!! I cant remember the last time i excercised but intend on changing that!!
So hello to everyone and good luck and look forward to chatting to new friends on here

Sweetfem xx


  • marie111
    marie111 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi im starting back today after binging at christimas have put on 7lb so feel free to add me as a friend and we can help each other.
  • juliebradhen
    juliebradhen Posts: 6 Member
    I'm back after a few months of non tracking and not a lot of exercise due to illness etc. Put back on 20lb of 31 lb lost. We can do it and good for you for being so honest. Add me if you like
  • Ah thanks guys, :happy: i never used the community last time. but just seeing replies within seconds has give me a right lift. ima gonna add u guys later cause if i add u now ill be talking all day ha ha and i got up with good intensions of moving my furniture around and burning some cals at same time xxx I do feel positive this morning as i do every morning but today is the day where im staying positive all day and not dwindling by noon xxx thanks again guys xxx
  • allybobs2
    allybobs2 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi,Its deja vu for me too! I tried halfheartedly last year and did manage to shift a few pounds but just gave up over christmas and it seems like I was actually on a mission to pile on the pounds as I ate at least my body weight in chocs etc!
    Absolutely have to lose weight this year,I am creeping up to the big 50 and if I am not in better shape by then I will just cry! so onwards n upwards,nose to the grindstone etc etc,I WILL get healthy and slimmer this year! New year,New me!!!! Good luck to everyone ,remember life's not a rehearsal!!!! x x x
  • oh lord its bringing a tear to my eye seeing messages flash up on my phone and realising im not alone xx thanks
  • I am brand new here & starting on my weightloss/exercise journey today as well. I took off 5 months & that certainly was not a good idea!
  • we can all do it!!!
    good luck hun and be good
  • bliss78
    bliss78 Posts: 11 Member
    The fact you're being accountable & choosing to continue your journey not give up is just the right attitude! I got deterred, lazy & took a "break" around the 3rd week of November after being consistent for 90+ days...I'm up .6 which doesn't seem terrible but when it could have been down 12-16, well you get the picture :). Thats why its a journey don't focus on the missteps just keep focused on your daily goals each day & if you slip try again you'll be looking back in no time. & good idea support is paramount best wishes!
  • I did exactly the same thing! I can't believe how fast the weight creeped back up. Feel free to add me for suppport, I know I need all the help I can get.
  • thanks x