The Last 10 Pounds Challenge

Hi All

I seem to keep missing the deadlines on challenges so I thought I would make my own!

Some of you may have seen The Last 10 Pounds on TV - well - I thought this would make a good challenge for those of us who are trying to get rid of those stubbon final pounds.

It will last for 4 weeks and the only criteria you need to meet are:

You have between 10 and 20 pounds that you need to lose
You can exercise at least 3 times a week
You are willing to keep to the challenge for 4 weeks

The reason for the last one is I want to keep it to quite a small group so please dont say you will join then not contibute. I think having a small group will a)help build stronger relations b)enable me to easily track progress. I want to keep it to 15 members

If you want to take part, post your weight below and you will be entered into the challenge. I will pop you onto the spreadsheet

The challenge will start on Monday 9th Jan and weigh ins will be on the following dates:

Monday 9th Jan (start weight)
Monday 16th Jan - Week 1 weigh in
Monday 23rd Jan - Week 2 weigh in
Monday 30th Jan - Week 3 weigh in
Monday 6th Feb (Final weight)

Thanks :)
Mrs C

ETA: Once we have the group - I'll close the topic and create a group for everyone


  • blondedanie
    blondedanie Posts: 21 Member
    I would love to join....I am getting married in 3.5 months so this would be perfect to get a little more off before the big day!
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Course! Glad to have you on board
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    I have 11 (5.1Kg) to go. Would love the support.
  • I would like to join too :happy:
  • mac___x
    mac___x Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in! :)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I would love to join! I want to lose 15 more pounds ASAP. November and December have slowed progress for the last three years, but I always get back on track in January. I really want to be between 135 and 140. Right now I'm at 153 (gained 5 pounds over the holidays, just lost 2 of those haha) and I am ready to go! I've lost 30 pounds from my highest weight at 181.
  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    Count me in! =]
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Great! 8 of us so far

    Really hoping that this group can keep us all motivated to lose those last pounds!

  • kcash219
    kcash219 Posts: 4 Member
    I would love to join this challenge! I've lost 48 lbs so far and have around 15-20 to go. So how 'bout it?
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Sure you can!!
  • Hello, I´m from Argentina and I want to lose my last 8kg / 18lbs... I´d like to be part of this group!
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    This is the group so far....


    Pleased to have you all on board

    There are 5 more spots if anyone's interested :)
  • Me, Me!!

  • Juicysmo
    Juicysmo Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to join! I've lost around 55 pounds since January 2011 and need to lose about 17 more. I'm currently at 157.
  • I'd like to join please! :) I have 13 more pounds to go
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Of course!

    OK - we have 13 members so far - space for 2 more!
  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    Hi All

    I have set up the group for you all and sent you an invite

    If you dont get one, let me know and I will re-send

    The challenge starts today so pop your weight on the group board and we can get this started!

  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
    I don't think I got n invite!
  • bex1408
    bex1408 Posts: 39 Member
    I'd love to join too please. I'm currently 11st 2 and have at least another 1.5 stone to go so this suits me :) x

    Edit: ignore my edits, i'm being dense lol
  • jovz10
    jovz10 Posts: 531 Member
    i would love to join... i have 11# to go....