My motivation is down.... :(

Not sure why really....

I was doing SO good.... I mean REALLY good. Ive lost 53 lbs
I have been loving the attention and the compliments that I get from everyone that knows how hard im working....

Except, all of sudden, its easier to skip a day at the gym, or to grab some dessert, where as only a few months ago I would go crazy if I missed one of my 5 days at the gym per week, or cringe at the idea of cake.

I dont know where my motivation went? :/

Anyone know any tricks to bring it back? lol

I should mention I have about 30 more lbs to loose.... and want to be in a bikini by August.


  • doingit4mybaby
    What about seeing pictures of what you looked like back then and asking yourself if that's who you want to become again??

    I know I still got a long way to go, but looking at myself in pictures motivates me to do it right one day at a time, just a thought.
  • Never2Bz
    Never2Bz Posts: 90 Member
    Tonite I went through the past year of recorded weights, meals and activities on MFP and deleted them all. They were sporatic... like I seem to be at keeping weight off. What matters is not last year, but January 3, 2012... my 'new beginning'. Here's to 2012! Don't let 'yesterday' get in the way of your goals for your 'tomorrow'. Good Luck!
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    The holidays can do that to us. I know you have told me you have been very busy as we haven't spoken a lot lately. Too much going on at work? Sometimes its easy for us to say well I lost X amount of weight I can miss today at the gym but then that ends up turning into more days. The best way is to just force yourself out of not going and just do it. I know it sounds like a simple solution but tht is the best way. Also do you have a gym buddy or someone that could encourage you. If you know you are going with someone its harder to skip a day especially if they are the type that wants to go all the time.

    Ive known you since I first came on MFP and you have always been encouraging and dedicated. I know you will bounce back and kick *kitten*.
  • Wellsangel
    Wellsangel Posts: 18 Member
    Well you know those magazines sporting thin gorgeous women...the ones that are supposed to turn us all anorexic? maybe browse a few of works for me and it will help you to visualise your goal and have it planted deeper in to your mind.......if you can see your self on that beach looking that amazing in that bikini!
    Also go round the shops when they start getting their spring summer stuff in, that always gives me a rocket boost - as it makes it more real.
  • mrFerris
    mrFerris Posts: 122 Member
    I have personally used a fat profile pic so that over the weeks, as I lose a pound here and a pound there, I can see what I used to look like and vow never to return. I am also constantly asking for new friends because I find seeing and hearing their successes is driving me to go on.

    This is only my second week so I am no expert but this is helping me so far. I am still needing friends if you, or anyone, wants to add me :)
  • st82
    st82 Posts: 6
    My motivation is low at the moment but at the risk of sounding like a hypocrite...

    I find buying a fitness magazine inspires me to get to the gym or planning to attend a class with a friend...