How Much Sugar

Hi Everyone,

I've been pretty consistently going over my daily goal for sugar, but it seems like it's difficult not to! I eat a banana and have a greek yogurt for breakfast and I'm 80% through my daily sugar.

I do try to watch my daily intake of everything, but I'm not sure if this is alright to consistently go over my sugar goal. I do usually reach or exceed my protein goal too, but that seems somehow more acceptable.

Thanks for the advice!


  • Izzycool
    Izzycool Posts: 10 Member
    I have the same issue. I would to love to know that too.
  • shanaekart
    shanaekart Posts: 4 Member
    I have been going over everyday and I usually only eat an orange and maybe 2 apples a day. I'm not entirely sure what exactly is putting me over, but it is everyday. I asked my dr. about it and she said as long as I'm getting my sugars from natural sources then it is okay. If I'm eating refined sugar then I need to besure to watch my intake, but I never do so I don't worry about it anymore.
  • SafariLara
    If I even eat mostly fruit and veggies, I STILL go over sugar intake. As long as you're avoiding processed foods and alot of added sugar I think you'll be just fine.
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    I am in the same boat as well so dont feel bad. I go over my sugar AND my sodium...but I try to offset the sodium by drinking TONS of water. It also helps that I sweat ALOT when I workout. All that you can do is continue to track your sugar and make sure the foods that you select are 10grams or less in sugar. I know its hard but just do what you can do. Hope that helps.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    It might be wrong, but 2 pieves of fruit puts me over in sugar....never mind Iced Dunkin Donuts coffee (with Equal and skim!LOL)....I just have to ignore it....drives me crazy. :)
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    Fruits generally are high in sugar, but like someone mentioned, I wouldn't worry too much about it if you're getting it from natural sources (like fruits) rather than refind sources (like brownies, cookies, etc). I use to stress over the sugar intake as well because I always went over, but if it's just from one Greek yogurt a day and a piece of fruit here and there, I'm not stressing. As a rule of thumb though, I don't eat fruit or anything high in sugar after dinner - close to bedtime.
  • TeresaC79
    TeresaC79 Posts: 316 Member
    You should only worry about ADDED sugar, not naturally occuring sugars, like in should still track your fruit for the calories, but I wouldn't worry about the sugar.

    Read this:

    I stopped following sugar because all of my sugar, with the rare exception of my milk, was coming from fruit.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    You can never get too much sugar from someone...especially in the morning.....errrrr wait just inserted foot in mouth. REalized wrong use of the word sugar.... whoops
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    You can never get too much sugar from someone...especially in the morning.....errrrr wait just inserted foot in mouth. REalized wrong use of the word sugar.... whoops

    Lmao!! you dirty