Hi All....

....just a quick introduction. Name is Keith and my journey to a healthier lifestyle, started 1 week ago today. I ballooned up to a dangerous 321 lbs (5'10") and my career as a paramedic for 20 years, has been put on hold. I've decided to take a few months off and put all my focus on developing a healthier lifestyle, which includes eating the right foods and exercise.

I've lost 12 lbs the first week. We all know how easy it is to lose weight those first couple of weeks, but I'm still very happy with the result so far. I'm on the right track.

Anyone who can be an inspiration for me, is more than welcome to view my profile (gives more background) and I'd love for you feel free to befriend me. I in turn will be more than happy to reciprocate. It's so much easier with people in your corner helping to motivate you!

I look forward to meeting and chatting with you all, and hopefully making some friends along the way!



  • Hi Keith! First, congratulations on taking that first critical step of deciding to change your life. While we don't share identical backgrounds, we are similar in the sense that we allowed ourselves to be defined by our body types. For as long as I can remember I was the high energy, spastic computer geek who never really looked fat...but I was overweight and definitely NOT athletic.

    My geekiness manifested into workaholic mode to prove something to the world. I adopted extremely bad eating & drinking habits with little to no physical activity. Like you, I made some tough career choices to make my lifestyle changes last summer and it is paying off.

    The only tip I have for anyone is "get moving and don't stop"! Find an activity that motivates you and keep after it. Know that at some point this change in lifestyle is going to suck. It's gonna hurt some and you will have to give up old habits. Some of your friends will be wildly supportive, and you may lose some friends in the process. I did, but as a trade off I have made some really great friends at my exercise classes.

    The key is never give up! MFP is a great place to come when you are feeling low...especially this group!