Renewed effort to lose weight.

kedgin Posts: 29 Member
I was a member of MFP before and with it lost 8 pounds. However, I had a hard time committing to trying to lose weight.

I just turned 30 last month and have pledged to make this year the year that I lose weight and keep the weight off. My family has a history of weight gain/loss issues and I don't want to suffer the same battle for the rest of my life.

I saw the effects that my mom's weight had on me when I was younger. Kids at school would tease me and make fun of my mom. I don't want that same situation to happen when I am ready to have kids.

I currently am a volunteer firefighter and EMT. While doing skills, drills and practices, I have realized that I am not only out of shape but cannot lift my own weight without difficulty. Let alone adding the 50 pounds of all the gear and airpaks to my current weight makes it difficult.

Currently looking to be healthy, and within a healthy weight range for my body type.

Any support, friends and motivation would be appreciated!!!!


  • gwynb041109
    gwynb041109 Posts: 85 Member
    Welcome, I've found some support in this forum. The more people I add the better it gets :) I have a very long journey to my goal weight, but i'm on a mission to get there :)
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member

    I've been an on/off member of MFP for two years now, though I can hardly believe it's been that long. With the help of MFP, I managed to lose about fifty pounds! Then I got a second job and was working seven days a week, so I didn't have much time for working out or tracking calories. I lost another ten pounds working that job, but it was due to mostly not eating (and when I did eat, it was garbage. I just didn't gain because I was working so hard!). When I quit the second job to go back to 'just' working full-time at a desk again, I started gaining weight back quickly because I'd retained my crappy eating habits from before and wasn't burning as many lifestyle calories.

    Blah, blah, blah. I'm not about the same weight I was when I left MFP to begin with (I've come back a few times for brief periods, but life stuff always got in the way and it didn't last long. 2011 was a very bad, difficult year) and am at a point where I figure life can't possibly (I hope?) get any worse and that the best way for me to start feeling better would be to start taking better care of myself.

    I turned 29 on New Year's Day, so my 'resolution' was more of a birthday present to myself: I'm going to focus on making the last year of my twenties a happy, healthy one. :)

    So happy birthday to you, and congratulations on the milestone birthday! Also, thank you for being a volunteer firefighter. I have a great respect for anyone that takes on such a heroic role. My stepfather's also a volunteer firefighter, and seeing how much of his time he sacrifices in order to keep people and their property safe was a real eye-opener for me.

    I know that you will find MFP to be a very useful tool in your weight loss journey. I wish you the best of luck!
  • I'll happily support you and would welcome some support in return :)

    I live in England, and I have a daughter who is 6. My pregnancy with her was high risk, and I had to stay in bed, so as you can imagine I gained too much weight and lost much of my fitness. I have spent the last 6 years in the bliss of motherhood, but now I plan to get back to my old self - fit and slim.

    Good luck Kedgin - from across the pond!
  • Welcome!!! I just turned 30 a couple of months ago as well. I am determined to get into better shape this year and maintain it so that way I can live the rest of my life feeling great about myself. Good luck on your journey to a healthier you!
  • Hi!!
    I read your post and it was like deja vu`. I have said and decided the same things, just a few days ago. I am about to turn 40 and dont want to weight this much when I do. I have decided also, this is it, THIS is my year to turn things around because i am tired of this weight rollar coaster. I'm tired of HATING to shop for clothes and nothing fits. I know i would be so much happier if I was 70lbs lighter.

    I always start off so GUHG-HO about working out and losing weight, but all that energy quickly dies out. I want this time to be different. I want to finally achieve my goal of losing the weight for good. And i'm hoping this website and new friends will be just the thing to keep me excited about it.

    Good luck to you! Keep with it and you'll succeed. :happy:

  • Jen2Bfit
    Jen2Bfit Posts: 125 Member
    Welcome! I have not been a memebr for too long, but from what I have seen I absolutely love this site. The friends I have met are very encouraging and I get the real support that I need as well as the motivation to keep moving forward. I hope you have the same experience! Feel free to add me as friend, I have made it a habit to check in here several times a day now. :happy:
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    Welcome, I've found some support in this forum. The more people I add the better it gets :) I have a very long journey to my goal weight, but i'm on a mission to get there :)

    I agree the more people I add the better, I find that I HAVE to login everyday
  • I'm 37 and would love another friend.....feel free to add me! :-)
  • lwoods34
    lwoods34 Posts: 302 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I just recently joined and I love the site so far. Feel free to add me for some extra motivation and support.
  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member

    I found fantastic support here at MFP. I have lost 50 pounds since join 09/15/11. I have a goal of losing 110 pounds before my twins start school. I don't want to be the super fat mom who can't keep up or their lives are limited by my obesity. I want to run with them. No not want to--I will run with them. We will have a wonderful life. I promised them that when they were born. I am almost half way there but I have lost some steam lately. If you want to add me as a friend, we can cheer each other on this journey.
  • Welcome. I find support here great and an extra little push always does wonders. I have 50lbs to lose and would like to be support for you if you need any.
