XBox Kinect

Just got a Xbox Kinect... I am not sure which workout game to get first.. Zumba, Biggest Loser, or Your Shape???

Thoughts or Opinions???



  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Ooo! I just got one too! I'll be interested in hearing other's responses. :)
  • KathPearce
    KathPearce Posts: 146 Member
    I like EA Sports Active 2 for the kinect :)
  • I have zumba but its on the playstation and I LOVE it!. We have an xbox kinect as well but I havent bought any workout games for it yet unless you count dance central 2 which is quite a workout might I add lol :smile:
  • There are some good discussions about this on amazon
  • Hi Corlynn2,

    I just got one for Christmas, and we have Dance Central (1 & 2). Those have been working pretty well. I never knew how uncoordinated I was until I started "dancing!" ha ha. I've been thinking of getting the Zumba as well, but was reading boards about how buggy the first version was. I think they've provided a bug fix for all new copies now (people said the video was too jumpy).

    I don't know too much about the other ones, though I've heard of them. My husband and I used to do the Wii Fitness Board, but that got boring very fast.
  • Biggest Loser is awesome! I would go for that! Also, if you want to burn without having actual exercises I would go for the Dance Central... they have a setting where you can track how many calories your burning while you are learning dances!
  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 205 Member
    I want to get a kinect for our Xbox and get Dance Central 2. I played that, and the adventures at a friends house, and I love how active they made me.
  • Honestly, the Kinect is so interactive that it really doesn't have to be a workout game to work up a good sweat. We have Just Dance 3, The Michael Jackson Experience, Fruit Ninja, Kinect Sports and a few others and I always manage to get a decent workout out of all of them. I haven't tried any of the ones you mentioned but like I said, I don't think it really matters as long as you're moving. :) Not sure if that helps at all with your question. lol Have fun!
  • ms_sugar
    ms_sugar Posts: 23 Member
    Dance central 1 & 2 for sure
  • capricornican
    capricornican Posts: 10 Member
    OOOH la LA! I have to say, the BEST game so far is Kinect Sports. You WILL sweat, and it is SO fun! I can't wait to get back to my Kinect.
  • Jhulet
    Jhulet Posts: 32
    I liked the Zumba, but it wasn't my favorite. Tried the Biggest loser, that seemed like it would be good (just a trial version), so far though, my favorites are Your Shape 2012 and UFC Personal Trainer (I think that's what it's called). UFC will seriously kick your behind, and offers strength as well as cardio, and Your Shape offers a great variety of options, dancing, cardio boxing, aerobics, boot camp, jump rope, etc, it's alot of fun!
  • capricornican
    capricornican Posts: 10 Member
    Honestly, the Kinect is so interactive that it really doesn't have to be a workout game to work up a good sweat. We have Just Dance 3, The Michael Jackson Experience, Fruit Ninja, Kinect Sports and a few others and I always manage to get a decent workout out of all of them. I haven't tried any of the ones you mentioned but like I said, I don't think it really matters as long as you're moving. :) Not sure if that helps at all with your question. lol Have fun!

    Exactly! Kinect Sports will kick your BUTT!
  • FreshStart89
    FreshStart89 Posts: 297 Member
    i LOVE zumba! it is so fun. i like workouts that dont feel like work outs lol! depending on how much you weigh you can burn A LOT calories in an hour while having a blast! Oh and dance central 2 ROCKS!!! love love love it.
  • Alicja_W
    Alicja_W Posts: 169
    im using your shape its really great :) im getting zumba next and the biggest looser :) i think that zumba may be the funniest to do, and your shape and biggest looser better to loose weight :)
  • I have Street Fighters Unleashed that I use for my workout routine. It doesn't have a calorie counter but the activity in the game is very vigorous. Non-stop movement such as punching, high kicks, "sweeps" and dodging your opponents. Make sure to stretch before hand though because this game with seriously work every part of your body. I was sore for days after the first day I played it and I was just in training mode! I lost 5 lbs in just one week playing this game for about an hour a day and that was my only activity I was doing at the time.
  • saoudekerk
    saoudekerk Posts: 3 Member
    Most all of the Kinect Games have cal counters on them. I have the EA Sports Active that came with the heart rate monitor and resistance band. Its a great work out and it will track your progress.

    No mater what one(s) you choose you are getting up and moving!!
  • Melk967
    Melk967 Posts: 55 Member
    Does anyone actually have the Zumba one? Would it be better just to get the dvds?
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    I'm not a big fan of Your Shape. Its boring and doesn't give me much motivation. Honestly, I prefer the "games" instead. The latest we bought the family is Wipe Out!! The first night we played it I could barely walk the next day (and I've been exercising for a while now). You are constantly moving, jumping, squatting, etc. I LOVE it!! I play with my 5 year old (we won't talk about the fact that she beats me all the time). I definitely break a sweat and get to spend some quality time with my family to boot...WIN!
  • carlosdon
    carlosdon Posts: 125
    dance central 2! and its fun!
  • HMD7703
    HMD7703 Posts: 761 Member
    I use Zumba and love it.

    BTW I played Fruit Ninja on Kinnect and my arms were so sore! LOL