
Looking for anyone who also suffers from hypothyroidism and has found something that works to help lose weight? I was put on synthroid in July of 2006 and never really had any problems until my last pregnancy. Three months ago they increased my synthroid to 250mcg. The worse it gets the less motivation I have. I NEED change and encouragement. I am open for any and all suggestions! Right now I am trying low carb, low fat, low sugar. I just started about 3 days ago cutting these from my diet and I want to wait a week until checking the scales. Please add me as a friend so we can exchange ideas :)


  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 435 Member
    I've got an under active thyroid... We can def be friends and exchange ideas! I'm not on any medication, I once was.... But my doctors say I'm "normal"... But I'm not.
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    I too have hypothyroidism and am losing weight. I do low cal/low fat/low sugar/low sodium. I watch calories and fat the most, but also try to watch sugars and sodium content. I find it IS a little bit more difficult to lose weight with hypothyroidism, but it IS coming off. I still lose about 1.5-2.0 lbs per week when I stay on track which is REALLY good. I also exercise 3-5 times a week. I really think working out/exercise helps a lot. I will add you as a friend :)
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    I too am hypothyroid. Was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Disease 2 months after my third child. She is now almost 8. I have lost 62 pounds in the last year and have about 80 to go. My dose decreased from 175 mcg to 150 mcg with my weight loss. Hoping it will decrease even more. Stay active. I walked A LOT! I am now trying to gradually start running. Also, I used a low carb diet with lots of vegetables. Good luck. Friend me if you want for motivational support! Good luck to you!
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been suffering from Hypothyroidism since highschool (it runs in the family). I even had half of my thyroid removed in my early twenties (inaccurate cancer diagnosis) and have been on synthroid ever since (175 mcg). Weight is definitely a struggle, but I've learned that with exercise and cutting my starches, I'm able to maintain some sort of control (not completely, or I wouldn't be here!!). Keep getting your levels checked and have your doctor make any adjustments accordingly.

  • TerresaJ
    TerresaJ Posts: 187 Member
    Looking for anyone who also suffers from hypothyroidism and has found something that works to help lose weight? I was put on synthroid in July of 2006 and never really had any problems until my last pregnancy. Three months ago they increased my synthroid to 250mcg. The worse it gets the less motivation I have. I NEED change and encouragement. I am open for any and all suggestions! Right now I am trying low carb, low fat, low sugar. I just started about 3 days ago cutting these from my diet and I want to wait a week until checking the scales. Please add me as a friend so we can exchange ideas :)

    I had my thyroid removed several years ago and am on synthroid also. It sounds like maybe your med levels are not quite right still. Have you been back to the doctor and had a total physical and more bloodwork?
    I started dieting in November of 2010 and as of November 2011, I reached my goal weight with a total of 84 pounds lost.
    I'm going to add you as a friend. :)
  • Chris_bee05
    Chris_bee05 Posts: 111 Member
    A lot of you are mentioning low carb or cutting starches. Is that something that helps a lot with hypothyroidism???
  • janalayn
    janalayn Posts: 510 Member
    I am new to having hypothyroidism .. but would be happy to have you as a friend .. feel free to add me

    My story:
    I had a tumor in my thyroid last spring, they removed the tumor and 1/2 my thyroid. I am currently taking 75mcg of synthroid and my level is now at 2.19. I had lost 25 pounds in 90 days prior to the surgey, I was able to maintain that for a while but between July and October I gained back 12 of the pounds I had lost. I maintained that and have finally started to lose weight since joining Curves the first of December and getting the meds regulated.

    I don't do anything special with my diet (low fat, low carb, etc) ... I eat 3 meals and 2 to 3 snacks a day with a balanced diet that includes healthy fats and real sugar because I have a bad reaction to artificial sweetners. I have been doing Slim Fast for breakfast and sometimes for lunch because I work and it is just easier. My doctor is super supportive and has me drinking 1 gallon of ice water a day to help with my metabolism. As long as I exercise regularly I can make progress. I also Hula Hoop for 30 minutes daily.
  • Hellcat69
    Hellcat69 Posts: 3 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis (a fancy name for hypothyrodism) when I was 19, however had suffered with it since I was a young child. I battled with my weight until Jr. High School and then became anorexic. I've had to battle the bulge-eating disorders, etc. for just about my entire life. Dr.'s will tell you once they get you're TSH level regulated "you're fine" . .which as we all know is not the case. I also don't completely don't understand the medical diagnosis between hypothryrodism and metabolism. However, what has worked for me is eating as healthy as possible. I started with "Eating for Life" and have gone to a Vegan/Raw diet. I also work out at least 6 days per week. I don't know why hypothyroidism makes it more difficult to lose weight, keep it off, etc. but I do know being healthy is the only way I feel good. Hope this helps!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have hypothyroidism and have successfully lost almost 90 lbs using MFP. I started August 7, 2010 and reached maintenance in April of 2011. I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism since 2002. I went from 217 to 128 lbs and have been kicking butt ever since so it is possible!!! Don't give up!

    PS- I also have Hashimoto's

    I eat lower carb, higher protein now but strictly because I am weight training 5 to 6 days a week. When I was in weight loss mode, I ate a balanced diet and did not cut anything or eat a specific way other than following the food pyramid (i.e. lean protein, veggies, fruits, complex carbs, healthy fats). It worked for me like a charm but then again I was (and am) an avid exerciser.
  • Ambo00
    Ambo00 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm pre-hypothyroid! LOL so add me! Plus find my mom! She's ouray12 and she's hyprthyroid as well.
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    I have it, couldn't lose weight for a few years no matter what I did. Then my Doctor checked my Vitamin D levels, and it was low.

    I swear that three months later, while counting calories, but not working out...I have dropped 15 lbs.

    Next time you see your doctor ask him/her to check your Vitamin D.
  • hafkick
    I was informed by a friend that low fat, starch, carbs and sugars was working for her so I thought I would give it a try. She has lost 40lbs by following this and doing Zumba. I thought "what the hell" it can't hurt? :)
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I have had hypothyroidism my whole life and was actually diagnosed when I was 18 (2004)
    My medication there for awhile just kept goin up until they finally put me on levothyroxin 200mcg.

    I have lost weight in the past and have found that no matter what you eat it dont seem to help much.
    You need to make sure you put in plenty of time to exercise. I cant stress that enough.

    I am now on a low calorie (1250 cals a day) diet and I exercise at least 1-2 hours a day depending on what I have time for.

    I did the same thing and almost reached my goal in the past and then got pregnant and gained it all back... leaving me to start over again 3 years after my son was born (yes i was discouraged too)

    Anybody can feel free to add me if they like.
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    I don't have a thyroid... I found this website the other day pretty interesting hope it may help someone! I currently take 125mcg thyroxine.
  • lesle1
    lesle1 Posts: 354 Member
    I've had hypothyroidism since 1994. I'm on 150 mcg synthroid.
  • JinxRita
    JinxRita Posts: 191 Member
    I've been living with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis since I was nine years old, but no one ever told me that I was "sick" which is unfortunate, because I never regularly took my medication. I didn't feel ill, so why should I have? At least, that's what I thought at the time. I know better now, obviously, but still have a hard time keeping up with the medication.

    Thyroid problems run in my family. My grandmother, aunt, mother, and even our dog all have had issues with it. My niece, at nine, was gaining weight and having the same attitude problems that I had at her age. I urged my sister (the only one to dodge the thyroid bullet, although she has Diabetes) to get her tested, and lo and behold, she had inherited the family disease. I had a private talk with her about taking her medication, and I'm proud to say that she's now a fit, well-adjusted twelve year old. Oh, how they grow!

    I never thought that it was really possible for people with thyroid issues to lose weight, because my mom has been trying extremely hard (she's a beast!) but still can't seem to shed the weight. After reading and seeing some of the results in this page, I'm extremely encouraged! If y'all can do it, well, I suppose I can too! :)

    If anyone has some tips or anything, I'd love to hear them too!
  • jhalpin78
    jhalpin78 Posts: 5 Member
    It sounds like you should talk to your dr again, or see an endocrinologist. That's a pretty high dose of synthroid!
  • DeniseAS
    I too have an underactive thyroid and I'm on Synthroid too. I take 88 mg. I've had it for 12 yrs. and I'm still able to lose weight though, It just takes a little harder work than "normal".
  • sarafil
    sarafil Posts: 506 Member
    I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2006 and subsequently had my whole thyroid removed. So obviously I am now "hypothyroid" and they watch my tsh levels closely. While hypothyroidism can impact weight loss to some degree, it doesn't mean that it isn't possible. I have lost sixty pounds since 2007, and how I did it was watching my calories and exercising daily. I do not do anything differently than anyone else, because of my hypothyroidism....so don't give up!
  • wsr94
    wsr94 Posts: 14
    So, do Vitamin D levels affect weight loss? I have had my thyroid checked numerous times and they've never found anything, but my Vitamin D is low... and I struggle to lose weight. ??