It gets lonely with no friends



  • feel free to add me :-)
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    Sent a request!
  • ashleygeex26
    ashleygeex26 Posts: 68 Member
    feel free to add me!! I'm 22 years old out of Philly! I'm trying to lose anywhere from 40-50 pounds. I'm down 11 so far, and I am looking for MANY friends to join in this journey with me. I need all the encouragement I can get.
  • I started using this meal replacement shake and lost 18.5 lbs and 10.5"'s since 9/7/11. I only drink 1 a day, either breakfast or lunch. Go to gym 3 times a week for 1 1/2 - 2 hrs. The shake is really good. Mix it with 2pct milk, add all kinds of fruit. If you want to know more about it message me.
  • Hello feel free to add me too ... Just officially started today :0)
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I've been here for about 3 months, have lost 14 pounds, and still going...(It's taking forever to lose the last 9...)
    I'm 22, am in a couple of groups, addme!
  • Pedalpush
    Pedalpush Posts: 246 Member
    I just started last week with 30lbs to lose. That's goal #1. Fifteen more to reach goal #2. The girls at work turned me on to the site to keep track of our own progress. I had no idea it was such a big community - not unlike mommy boards or pregnancy boards. I have a four-year-old boy and another who turns one next month. I'm all about supporting my sisters who strive to keep AHEAD of them, not just keep up. I love the idea of having more people to be accountable.
  • Feel free to add me! I've been on for awhile and I agree, it's hard without MFP friends encouraging you! I'm 43 with 30 or so pounds to lose.
  • they sound like airheads and you shouldn't have to compete with them. swimming is an excellent exercise. you might want to go a later in the evening open swim and work out that way. i doubt they would bother to get their hair or nails wet (i have had those nails and love them, but not the attitude that goes with them).

    i refuse to care what other "skinny witches with a capitol B" think about me. i'm also in a small rural town and my grandson goes to school with some of those types. but mostly out here everybody is my size or just smaller. altho there are a few that are small like my daughter. anyway, feel free to add me as i would gladly support you and your weight loss. yes i'm a grandmother, but very young thinking and very big on cracking a joke, making others feel better or just being sarcastic and silly. we all need each other!!!
  • joyfulnoise27870
    joyfulnoise27870 Posts: 32 Member
    you can add me! And congratulations on getting started- You can do this
  • firefly171717
    firefly171717 Posts: 226 Member
    Feel Free to add me!!! I didn't add friends at first and it makes so much of a differance!!!!
  • Hi there. I'm new to this journey also. I don't have any friends here either and I believe that is why I didn't keep going in October when I tried out this site. I really like the concept of this whole thing and have seen a difference already in understanding just how much calories go in when your not tracking it. I have never tracked my food before and can clearly see that it is beneficial. I think that having some friends to talk with and to encourage along the way would also be beneficial, so please add me if you would like. :)
  • I'm new since last Friday and my goal is to lose 55 pounds. You are welcome to add me, too. I'm very excited about this website and hoping that with better tools, motivation and support (from you guys!) I can meet my goal!! Let's get this party started :happy
  • flabwillbefab
    flabwillbefab Posts: 161 Member
    add me too!!!! im here to loose, and wont stop till im smokinh hot, with a healthy body!!! 100 pounds to go!!!
  • Anyone feel free to add me too! New on here too

  • I know what its like, feel free to add me, and chat it up!

    we can do this together!
  • I'm extremely silly...but if you want to add me that will be GREAT! I know you can lose the weight naturally....without surgery. I also have children and it's been a big motivation for me to set an example for them. I don't want them to struggle with food and tobacco the way I have. P.S. I'll keep my eye out for a thirty something male who is funny and enjoys candlelight dinners.
  • Hello everyone. I am looking for a support system, and would love to help encourage others. Feel free to add me. :)
  • Hi…I began my Life Change in March 2010; I’m down 75lbs, but I just joined MFP about a week ago to help me get my last 15-25lbs off. I need some more MFP friends! I will try to add some of you from here, please feel free to add me as well! Thx!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I too just joined about 5 minutes ago...hahahaha