Find my diet twin - 5ft8" - 216lbs

Hi. Anyone in the same boat as me? Thought it might be an idea to compare food diaries and weight loss, exercise etc. x


  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    I'm 5'8 about 204 right now. My diet sucks so I joined MFP last week. What are you looking to do? I definitely need some motivation on this site. I currently work out 6 classes 5 days a week. Like I stated I have diet issues, I love to work out currently a Zumba fanatic & I just got a personal trainer to get me off this plateau. My highest weight was 239 in '07 I started working out then doing walking everyday & bootcamp kickboxing 2 days a week & got my weight down to about 220, started Zumba in '09 & now I'm in the low 200's & looking to stay in the one'der club. I did a 30 detox cleanse Mar '11 just fresh fruit & veggie juices & got down to 188 but now I'm back in the 200's.
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    Wow, that's a lot of exercise you do. I never imagined that someone could do so much exercise and have a weight problem! I have always put my weight down to the fact that I don't do enough exercise and also eat a lot of rubbish! I joined here about 4 days ago and I'm trying to be good and I guess just be aware of what i am actually eating, rather than just shoving food in my mouth but not even thinking about it. This is a great site to be able to see exactly what i eat and how many calories that is.

    I do need to do more exercise. I usually do an hour of Zumba on a Saturday and an hour of Bokwa on a Sunday but unfortunately i haven't been able to do this for about 6 weeks, (Christmas, new year, friends and family over etc). I do want to make sure that i at the very minimum do this. My diary is open for people to look at. It's all there. Feel free to comment if you want. x
  • wildflower408
    wildflower408 Posts: 16 Member
    We're triplets! I'm 5'8 and started on MFP at 215lbs. So far I've lost 5lbs (yippie!) and my initial goal is to get to 188lbs. I've found that its easier for me to go out and exercise than it is for me to conciously try to limit my calories. So I have a goal of trying to workout for an hour each day. My food diary is also open for viewing. :)
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    I am 5'8" and started at ~213. I have lost some weight since I started (13 months ago) but am at a plateau. I have 10 work outs scheduled a week, but I usually hit about 6. They include swimming, spin, running, circuit (for weights), a step/spin/weights class, yoga and pilates.

    My diet isn't great as I am addicted to candy, but I don't think it is too bad.

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • uniquewrapz
    uniquewrapz Posts: 160 Member
    I'm 5'7.5" and started out at 208...down 12 pounds now....wanna make it quads? :)

    I started running in the fall, on the treadmill. I try to run 30 minutes (half of that running, half fast walking), I lift light weights on the machines, this I do Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays I do 30 min on the elliptical or Zumba gold (which is slower than the normal) Fridays I do 60 min high intensity Zumba. I also am a yoga teacher and I teach Mondays and Wednesdays 60 min.

    Part of my problem is that I have horribly huge boobs that weigh a ton. I'd like to have a reduction but need to get my weight down first.

    I am in the NYC suburbs and have two kids (13 and 4) after 4 miscarriages. And I took fertility drugs so that screwed me up

  • new2locs
    new2locs Posts: 271 Member
    Christine I am a snacker & I don't really pay attention to how much I eat when I sit down, which I'm sure I end up overeating, not to mention that my husband is overweight & addicted to sweets so he's always baking something. I have a hard time ignoring it although sometimes I am successful but most times not. LOL