First Day Here. First day of healthier living.

Hello everyone. My name is Jeff. I am 45 years old, married, with 2 grown daughters, from Baltimore, MD. I've decided to make a change in my life and that change is to get healthy and lose weight. When I was younger I was the athletic type, always in shape, did a lot of running, and weight training. As I got older, I did less running, weight training and more

I've decided to do something about it. I took one look in the mirror a couple of days ago and said,"I have to make a change". That's why I am here and I would love to hear about your stories so they can motivate me to keep going.


  • nyckyd
    nyckyd Posts: 4
    i am here for the same reason :) im new to this as well i joined a few months back and lost 20 lbs then left then came back ! i also have 2 kids im 23 from ny and im also looking for some success stories for motivation
  • jmcghee6
    jmcghee6 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm originally from Long Island, but I moved to Baltimore over 25 years ago. I was always physically fit into my 30's, but I just stopped exercising and being active. I became a little more complacent once I got maried and started packing on the pounds. It doesn't help that my wife is a Personal Chef. She cooks so good and it's hard to lose weight. I just decided that enough was enough and I had to do something about it. Today is the first day of geting back in shape. I did the P90X Plyometrics and my legs are sore as It's all goof though. What's the saying, "no pain, no gain". So we can push each other. I'm determined.