got a little upset :-(

I was watching something on TV tonight about diets blah blah blah, yeah yeah it's my version of porn!
They were talking about Japanese, Italian, Indian, La and UK diets. Was all looking lovely and I was enjoying the programme.

They started talking about the UK diet and how one muffin and a coffee could be 600 cals. I'm still ok at this point because I never did this! (too expensive in SBucks!)

Then they picked up a sausage sandwich, and said some people will have this, a bag of crisps and maybe something else. This adds up to 800 odd calories.

Well I got this huge lump in my throat and felt really emotional all of a sudden. When I used to drive to work when I worked a good hour away sometimes I would get a brunch sandwich, a pepperami, bag of crisps, a buffet bar or pasty, irn bru or vimto and some sweets. The crisps would most likely be the big bag of onion rings. All bought from a garage and I used to stuff my face whilst driving down the motorway. The picture of me doing this with wrappers flying here there and everywhere after I had finished and my car resembling a skip....well it just threw me and I got really upset.

That is all.

I'm Helen and I used to eat like a pig!


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    aw my dear, if it makes you feel better, I cry watching learned from your mistakes, and being ashamed of the past doesn't help a soul...
  • kwehkweh
    kwehkweh Posts: 70 Member
    And you've changed that :) Something I had to come to terms with in the beginning was that I'm not a monster for loving food. Whether it's hormones or bad habits, there are tons of people out there who sit in the middle of a pile of wrappers wondering what the hell just happened. Don't be sad about it. Feel motivated that you've changed it. And be proud of the person who used to do that stuff because she made the decision to change it. I always say my biggest hero is the old me who decided she wanted to be different. In that thought, that makes you my hero too :)
  • emlov81
    emlov81 Posts: 128
    Aw sweetie....a virtual hug coming your way!!

    That's me too...always ate crap on the road, but you've moved on now!!!! happy times :bigsmile:
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    I am a man so I don't have any emotions. But if I did, it would make me sad to think about how awful I used to eat and how awful I probably would still be eating if I didn't come to my senses.

    ETA: Agree with what thecanface said below!
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    but you don't anymore, and thats what mattters!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    And you've changed that :) Something I had to come to terms with in the beginning was that I'm not a monster for loving food. Whether it's hormones or bad habits, there are tons of people out there who sit in the middle of a pile of wrappers wondering what the hell just happened. Don't be sad about it. Feel motivated that you've changed it. And be proud of the person who used to do that stuff because she made the decision to change it. I always say my biggest hero is the old me who decided she wanted to be different. In that thought, that makes you my hero too :)

    ok now I'm crying! You're right, we are all heros and I am proud of where I am today, it's just that picture had never popped into my head before and nothing so vivid like it was!
    thanks, you are a hero!
  • Bevbl3
    Bevbl3 Posts: 36 Member
    But you don't do it now! You have taken control remember!! x
  • there are tons of people out there who sit in the middle of a pile of wrappers wondering what the hell just happened.
    :noway: get outta my head! that is totally me :frown:

    @ helen, today is my first day, & i've been doing almost the exact same thing, as i live in between a petrol station & a late-night convenience store, so i've been living off the cr*p they they sell in there, & i have no willpower when it comes to the midnight munchies :frown:

    you look like you've come a long way already, with the emphasis on YOU, YOU did that & should be amazingly proud :happy:
  • dlrcpa
    dlrcpa Posts: 114 Member
    Honey - nobody ever taught us how to eat correctly! At least not me, not that I remember. It's a big deal to learn how to take care of your body - sort of like having to learn how to take care of your car and your finances!

    That is why some of these TV programs may actually do some good, at least I hope so. I have seen quite a few programs where they talk about healthy food alternatives and alternative exercises for people who can't run/swim/bicycle or whatever.

    Anyway good luck! Happy and healthy 2012!
  • I am only at the start of my New Life :) (1st week) See I still have a smile, will I next week ....I still am that person,kinda. I would often go into a shop and buy 3/4 bars of chocolate and sit in the car while I waited to collect the kids from school and eat them all, no problem.
    I now find it hard at this early stage not to do this out of habit more than anything.....but I am managing at the moment to stop myself, so I have the upmost respect for you that you have managed to change your habits and move on and been so sucessful in your weight loss....
    sorry rambling now .....must be the withdrawals to chocolate lol
  • the exciting thing is that you are not there anymore. You are making positive changes that will be much healthier for you. Great for you! This will be a good image to help keep you focused.

  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i can totally relate to this! i used to drive between two schools every day, and for lunch in between, i wouldn't even stop for fast food - i did gas station food! typically a large bag of funnyuns, a twix or snickers, some apple gummies and a 20 ounce dr. pepper. five days a week. for a year. not a pretty picture. but now it feels like ancient history. i have a long way to go for sure, but i've come so far already - and so have you!
  • eddie8131
    eddie8131 Posts: 600 Member
    I just think you are doing amazing after looking at your profile. That is in your past you are making positive changes, yay for you!!
  • Bridge_CG
    Bridge_CG Posts: 429 Member
    Just remember!!!! Helen of Troy was the face that launched a thousand ships and started a war!!!!! You're beautiful and so much more stronger than you were then!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you need a friend or some motivation, feel free to add me!
  • heathergale1
    heathergale1 Posts: 14 Member
    We are all human and someti:smile: mes we make mistakes because we didn't know any better. Don't beat yourself up, you are doing well. Losing weight is a journey and there will be tears and tantrums along the way. And there will also be fun and laughter, delight and happiness too as you strive towards your goal. Keep smiling - all is well. :smile:
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    I am a man so I don't have any emotions. But if I did, it would make me sad to think about how awful I used to eat and how awful I probably would still be eating if I didn't come to my senses.

    ^^This made me laugh out loud!
  • I must say that sounds a little familar to me. I drive right past a dunkin donuts! I used to get a donut or two every morning with the biggest cup of coffee loaded with sugar that I could find. Then I would get to work and perhaps a Supplier may have brought in PASTRIES from the bakery down the road. Pass them up, oh no way. Now I drive on past and walk on past the pastries. Thinking I may tell them to start bringing veggie or fruit platters, this is a new era right? Anyway, I used to overload my plate with pasta and sauce, eat 3x as much as I should have and have lots of bread with it too and well at birthday time for anyone in my family I always had about 1/2 the cake.... It's all over now for both of us. THANK GOD we finally see the light. :)
  • Dont look at the pa:smile: st, look toward the future!!! Dont look where you came from, look to where you are going!! You got this girl!!!!
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I think no matter where you're from, we're all here for the same reason. Because we all had the same bad habits. But you're changing that now. I did it. I used to eat and eat and eat. Like crap! I used food when I was bored, sad, happy, yada yada. Over the course of the 16 months it took to lose 135 pounds...I slowly and gradually changed my way of thinking and yes, changed my lifestyle as cliche as it is. All of us can do it. And don't be so hard on yourself! You're not oblivious and in are aware of what is going on and are working to change it. You rock!! :glasses: :wink:
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    (((hugs))) Hope you are feeling better now Helen, we've all been there, though I've never cried I have at times felt physically sick whe I think back to what I used to eat... :sick: